Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Tech

Vidwan ID: 446889

Full Name



Total Experience

7 [Teaching: 7, Industrial: ]

Paper Publications

International: 9, National: 10



Scopus Citation




Subjects Handled

  1. Electronic device and circuits
  2. Linear IC applications.
  3. Digital image processing
  4. Embedded systems
  5. ERTOS
  6. Advanced Operating System
  7. System -on -chip
  8. VLSI
  9. Wireless Communications & Networks
  10. Electronic Measurement’s & Instrumentation
  11. Electronic Circuits
  12. ARM Architecture
  13. CPLD & FPGA Architecture & its applications

Laboratory handled

  1. Electronic devices and circuits
  2. E-CAD & VLSI
  3. Microwave engineering and digital communications
  4. Digital signal processing
  5. Embedded C

Research Area

Digital Image Processing: Digital image processing deals with the manipulation of digital images through a digital computer. It is a subfield of signals and systems but focuses particularly on images. DIP focuses on developing a computer system that is able to perform processing on an image. The input of that system is a digital image and the system process that image using efficient algorithms, and gives an image as an output.

Papers Published/Books Published

  1. IJESRT with title as “Memory Debug Techniques Using MARCH 17N BIST”
  2. IJESRT with title as “Communication Of Multi Robots Based On ZigBee Network”
  3. IJRCAR with title as “Real Time Multimedia Video Streaming For Wireless Sensor Network”
  4. IJOEET with title as “Intelligent Public Transport Management System Using ARM7”
  5. IJSETR with title as “Energy Exchange Between E-V load & Renewable Energy Sources”
  6. IJEEE with title as “Angle Diversity Receivers For Mobile Users Through Indoor Mimo Visible Light Systems”
  7. IJR with title as “A Review Paper On Various Image Segmentation Techniques”
  8. IJSRD  with title as “Smart Security Solutions For Women Based On Internet Of Things”
  9. IJR with title as “IOT Based Plant Monitoring Using Image Processing & Raspberry Pi”
  10. JASC with title as “Design Of Radio Frequency Energy Harvester Using 180nm CMOS Technology”

Workshops / Seminars Attended/organized

1. Organized FDP program on AI using deep & machine learning" at NSAKCET in 2018.

2. Organized guest lecture on "DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING" by Dr.S.Satya Savathri at NSAKCET in 2018.

3. Organized &Participated in National Conference on "EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY" at NSAKCET in 2016.

4. Attended 2nd International conference on "RECENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING & TECH" in 2017.

5. Participated in one-week faculty development program on "COMPUTER VISION & IMAGE PROCESSING" by NIIT, Warangal in 2017.

6. Participated in the national level workshop on “Image Processing & its Applications” in 2013.

7. Participated in the three-day workshop on “Embedded Processors” conducted at JNTUH in 2012.