Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Tech

Vidwan ID: 446003

Full Name




Total Experience

5 years [Teaching: 3 years, Industrial: 2 Years]

Paper Publications

International: 1, National: 1

Subjects Handled

  • Computer Organization and Microprocessor.
  • Switching Theory and Logic Design.
  • Data Communication and Computer Networks.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Cryptography and Network Security.


Papers Published/Books Published

Published on “"Performance Evaluation Of Intrusion Detection System Using ML Techniques"” has been published in open access International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) Volume 9 - Issue 3, March 2020 Edition.

Book Chapter

A Novel Twitter Sentimental Analysis Approach Using Naive Bayes Classification

Intelligent System Design: Proceedings of INDIA 2022 401-407

Springer Nature Singapore


Workshops / Seminars Attended/organized

  1. Successfully completed One Week Faculty Development program on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS) from 21-08-2023 TO 25-0802023 at STANELY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.
  2. Successfully completed One Week Faculty Development program on AWS USING Devops on 26-06-2023  to 30-06-2023 at CMR
  3. Successfully completed Six day on Machine Learning Deep Learning and Computer Vision 26-09-2022 to 30-09-2022 at NITW.
  4. Attended Capacity Building Faculty Development Programme 9th March 2023 to 10th March 2023 at MCET.
  5. Successfully completed Six day Online Hands-on Faculty Development program on “Advanced Problem-Solving using Machine Learning and Deep Learning” on  25 to 30 April 2022.
  6. Attended 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering (AMSE 2021)
  7. Successfully completed One Week Faculty Development program on “Cyber Security on Current Trends” from 26-05-2021 to 31-05-2021.
  8. Successfully completed One Week Faculty Development program on “ICT TOOLS” in association with STP - IIT Bombay, during 11th - 16th May, 2020
  9. Successfully completed one week Faculty Development Program on Advances in " Python( Django and Flask), Python for Data Science and Cyber Security” in association with IIT, Bombay during 21st to 27th May 2020.
  10. Successfully completed one week Faculty Development Program on SCILAB on open source Substitute for MATLAB during 25 th may to 30th may.
  11. Successfully completed three day faculty development program on Internet of Things (IoT)
  12. Successfully completed two day faculty development program on Machine Learning with MATLAB.
  13. I have participated in one day workshop on “NEURAL NETWORKS JOURNEY FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP LEARNING”
  14. Attended live webinar on Revolution of Cloud and Fog Computing            in Recent IT Applications.
  15. Participated in the webinar on “INDUSTRY 5.0: Next-Gen Technologies”.
  16. Attended a webinar on Virtual & Augmented Reality in Industry 4.0.
  17. I have participated in “Webinar on Advanced IoT Applications - A Practical Approach”, an online training program.
  18. Participated in the webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Beginners.