Designation: Professor & Dean (R&D)

Qualification: B.Tech., - ECE, M.E. (MRE), Ph.D.

Vidwan ID: 331050

Full Name




Total Experience

35 [Teaching: 31, Industrial: 04]

Paper Publications

International: 124, National: 12



Scopus Citation




Subjects Handled

Electromagnetic Theory

Antennas and Wave Propagation

Microwave Engineering

Analog and Digital Communications

Signals & Systems

Digital Signal Processing

Radar Systems

Satellite Communication Systems

Mobile Cellular Communications 

Wireless Communications

Soft Computing

Signal & Image Processing

Research Area



Wireless Communications

Soft Computing

Signal & Image Processing

Papers Published/Books Published

Papers Published in Journals and Conerences (National / International)

(A) Papers Published in International Journals:

  1. Jaya Sankar, K., Pandharipande, V.M., and Moharir, P.S., “Triangular Permutation Scan Algorithm for Robot Tour Problem,” Smart Engineering System Design, pp 361-366, Vol. 13, ASME Press, New York, 2003.
  2. K. Usha, K. Jaya Sankar, “A Novel Scheme for Generating Balanced Gray Codes ” International Journal on Electronic & Electrical Engineering, pp-32-41,Volume 14, No. 1, December-2010 to February 2011.
  3. K. Usha, K. Jaya Sankar, “Algorithmic Approach to Gray Code Cyclic Arrangement of Codons ” International Journal on Bio Technology and Bio Engineering, pp-18-22,Volume 1, No. 1, Mar 2011 to May 2011.
  4. K. Jaya Sankar, K. Usha, “Generation of Gray Codes with Different Properties for MPSK Signals ” Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, pp-10-13,Volume  4, No. 2, Apr to June, 2011.
  5. N. Abid Ali Khan, K. Jaya Sankar,  “Challenges of wireless protocols integration with vehicle body electronics grid computing architecture design,” ISP Journal  of Electronics Engineering, pp-21 to 25, Volume -1, Issue – 1, October, 2011.
  6. K. Usha, K. Jaya Sankar, “Generation of Walsh codes in four different orderings using 3-bit Gray Codes,” International Journal of applied engineering research, pp-2475-2484, Volume-6, No. 21, November, 2011.
  7. K. Usha, K. Jaya Sankar, “Binary Orthogonal Code Generation for Multi-User Communication using N-Bit Gray and Inverse Gray Codes,” International Journal of Electronics & Communication Engineering, pp-165-174, Volume-5, No. 2, 2012.
  8. K. Usha, K. Jaya Sankar, “A Technique for the Construction of Inverse Gray Codes,” International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and development, pp-337-341, Volume-2, No. 2, 2012.
  9. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K, “Partial Generation of 2n length Walsh codes using n-BIT gray and inverse gray codes” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), pp-232 – 239 Volume-4, Issue-4, July - August, 2013.
  10. IVR Sastry, Jaya Sankar. K, “Proximity coupled Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with X-slot for WLAN Application” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), pp-232 – 239 Volume-4, Issue-4, July - August, 2013.
  11. Vibha D Kulkarni, Jaya Sankar. K, “Design of Structured Regular LDPC Codes without short cycles using Gray code representations” International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, pp-121 – 126, Volume-3, No.3, Issue-11, September, 2013.
  12. Kedar Nath Sahu, Dr. Challa Dhanunjay Naidu & Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Frequency Dependent Planar Electromagnetic Modeling of Human Body and Theoretical Study on Attenuation for Power Budget Estimation of UWB Radar”, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, pp-35-44, Volume-14, Issue-3, Version-1.0, 2014.
  13. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar & Dr. C.D. Naidu, “Highly Scalable Compression Method for Super Resolution Multi Spectral Images”, IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), pp-43-57, Volume-4, Issue-3, Version-1, 2014.
  14. Kedar Nath Sahu, Dr. Challa Dhanunjay Naidu & Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Radar Based Lie Detection Technique”, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, pp-7-13, Volume-14, Issue-5, Version-1.0, 2014.
  15. Pattem Sampath Kumar, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha, “Network Synchronization Coding for Wireless Sensor Network Device”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, pp-127-134, No.-6, June, 2014.
  16. Sahu K.N., Naidu C.D. & Jaya Sankar K, “Study of RF Propagation Losses in Homogeneous Brick and Concrete Walls using Analytical frequency Dependent Walls”, ISOR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), ISSN: 2278-2834, Volume-9, no. 5, Version 2.0, pp. 58-64, September 2014.
  17. Sahu K.N., Naidu C.D., Satyam M. & Jaya Sankar K, “Modeling of Propagation Losses for Human being behind a Brick Wall”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), ISSN: 0975-5462, vol. 6, no.9, pp.604-612, September 2014.
  18. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar & Dr. C.D. Naidu, “Design and implementation of novel SPIHT algorithm for multispectral image compression”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, pp-24071-24084, Volume-9, No. 24 (2014).
  19. Mr. I.V.S. Rama Sastry, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Proximity coupled Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with X-slot for WLAN Application” in Global Journal of Researchers in Engineering: F (IJRE) Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol 14, , page Nos 15-18,Issue 1, (ver1.0), Global Journals Inc, USA.
  20. Sahu K.N., Naidu C.D., Satyam M. & Jaya Sankar K, “Study of RF Signal Attenuation of Human Heart”, Journal of Engineering, Hindawi publishing corporation, pp.1-8, March 2015.
  21. Pattem Sampath Kumar, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha, “High Throughput System Modeling for Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Computer Networks and Security, ISSN: 2051-6878, vol.25, Issue.2 pp-1365-1369,  July, 2015.
  22. Mr. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar & Dr. C.D. Naidu, “An Improved Speech De-noising Method based on Empirical Mode Decomposition”, International Journal of IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), pp-01-09, Volume-5, Issue-2, Ver 1, e-ISSN: 2319 – 4200, p-ISSN No.: 2319 – 4197, Mar - Apr, 2015.
  23. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K, “Performance Analysis of New Binary User Codes for DS-CDMA Communication” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): series B, pp-61 – 67 Volume-97, Issue-1, Jan - Mar, 2016.
  24. Vibha Kulkarni, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Performance Analysis of Gray code based structured regular column weight two LDPC codes” IOSR-ECE Vol. 11, Issue 4, 14-Jul-2016.
  25. KVBL Deepthi, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “An Investigation of the Substrate-Integrated Luneburg Lens Antenna with gradient Index and Meta-material Structures” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research - Research India Publications Volume 11, Number 8 (2016) ISSN: 0973-4562 Pages:5762-5766 (SCOUPUS Indexed).
  26. Dr. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu, Srinivas Bachu “Multispectral Image Compression for various band images with high Resolution Improved DWT SPIHT”. SERSC: Science & Engineering Research Support Society International Journal of signal processing, image processing and pattern recognition ISSN: 2005-4254 Volume 9, No. 2 (2016) pp. 271-286 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijsip.2016.9.2.23. Scopus Indexed Free Journal.
  27. Dr. K. N. Sahu, C. D. Naidu and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Planar Multilayered Model of Human Thorax and Estimation of UWB Pulse Propagation using CST MWS” International Journal of Emerging Tech. and Advanced Eng., 7 (12) (2017), 61-66, ISSN:2250-2459 UGC Approved.
  28. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu. “Non-Stationary Noises Suppression through an Adaptive EMD Combined with DCT for Speech Enhancement”. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume 5, Issue XII, December 2017  DOI:10.22214.
  29. Dr. K. N. Sahu, C. D. Naidu and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Modeling and Simulation of Heartbeat Detection of Human Being buried under debris using CST MWS” International Journal of Electronics Engineering 9 (2) (2017), 138-143, ISSN: 0973-7383, UGC approved.
  30. Dr. Prathiba. B, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar., Dr. Sumalatha.V, “A Novel Cluster Algorithm for Leveraging Data Quality in Wireless Sensor Network” Smart and Innovative Trends in Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT-2017), UPES, Dehradun, CCIS Series(Book Chapter), volume-827, ISSN No: 1865-0929 Scopus Indexed.
  31. Vibha Kulkarni, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Development of Gray code based Structured Regular column weight two LDPC codes” IJETAE (UGC Recommended Journal) Vol. 8, Issue I, 15-Jan-2018.
  32. N. Abid Ali Khan, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “LEACH Gateway Design using ARM Cortex M4F in EmbOS RTOS for Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering http://ijetae.com/files/volume8Issue2/IJETAE 0218 34.pdf., Vol.8, Page:236-241, 21-Feb-2018.
  33. T. Kavitha and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Ideal Huffman Code for Efficient Lossless Image Compression for Ubiquitous Access”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer, p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760, 2018.
  34. T. Kavitha and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “ A Refined Modified read Compression technique for efficient sharing of multimedia data” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol.7, issue 4, p_SSN: 2227-524X pp. no: 4792-4798, 2018.
  35. Dr. K. N. Sahu, C. D. Naidu and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “ Characteristics of UWB propagation through human being behind a wall” International Journal of Advance Res. in Electronics and Communication Engineering 7 (2) (2018), 151-157. ISSN: 2278-909X, UGC approved.
  36. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, C Dhanunjaya Naidu, “Suppression of Non-Stationary Noises Through the Generalized Signal Detector”. “International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.11, No.1, 2018”. Pages 131-141.DOI:10.22266/ijies2018.0228.14 .SCOPUS JOURNAL.
  37. Pattem Sampath Kumar, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha “Propagation Model for Synchronous High Throughput Communication in Wireless Sensor Network”, Journal of advanced Research in Dynamical and Control systems (JARDCS), Vol.10, Issue.4, MARCH 2018, pp.: 263-277, ISSN:1943-023X (Scopus Index).
  38. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, C.D. Naidu “An Improved Bi-Level Thresholding Based Uncertainty Evaluation for Speech Enhancement in Non-Stationary Noises”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.24) (2018) 436-443 Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET” SCOPUS Journal. DOI:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.24.12130.
  39. Dr. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu, “Entropy Based Multispectral Image Compression with high Resolution Improved SPIHT using Symlet Wavelet” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 pp 959-966 ISSN: 2320-2882 UGC Journal.
  40. Pattem Sampath Kumar, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha “ Controller Design for Energy Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Network Device Modeling”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) (UAE), ISSN: 2227-524X (Scopus Index).
  41. Dr. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu, “Multispectral Image Compression with discrete wavelet transformed Improved SPIHT using various Wavelets” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE) Volume 6, Issue 6 June 2018 pp 100-106, ISSN: 2347-2693 UGC Free Journal.
  42. Dr. Prathiba. B, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar., Dr. Sumalatha.V, “Framework For Assessing Data Quality Resembles Factor In Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET(UAE),Vol.7 (4) (2018) 3583-3590, Scopus Indexed(SCImago Impact Factor) H- Index 1, DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.19280.
  43. Dr. Prathiba. B, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar., Dr. Sumalatha.V, “Performance Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks based on a Novel Data Quality Framework-An approach” International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering, IJRECE Vol. 6 Issue 4 ( October- December 2018), ISSN: 2393-9028 (Print) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (Online), Global Impact Factor: 0.543, Publication Impact Factor: 4.305.
  44. Dr. Prathiba. B, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar., Dr. Sumalatha.V, “Novel Framework of Retaining Maximum Data Quality and Energy Efficiency in Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of Electrical and Engineering IJECE(Under Review) ISSN: 2088-8708, a SCOPUS indexed Journal, Scopus Indexed(SCImago Impact Factor-0.3)
  45. T. Kavitha, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “International ITU-T Standard Still Image Compression Techniques for Group 3 & Group 4 Coded Images – a Survey”, International Journal of Advanced  Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 9, Issue 6, November-December 2018, pp. 129-144, ISSN Online:0976-6499.
  46. KVBL Deepthi, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “An Optimized design for Luneburg Lens Scanning Antenna using PIN diodes for Beam-Switching” International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 5, Issue 11, December 2018, e-ISSN: 2348-4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406, Thomson Reuters Journal Research ID: H-2298-2016, DOI: 10.21090/IJAERD.
  47. KVBL Deepthi, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Particle Swarm Optimization of Luneburg Lens Antenna and Its Comparative Reformulation for Complex Medium” IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol.14, Issue 2, Series.2 Mar.-Apr. 2019.
  48. Dr. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu, Srinivas Bachu “Multispectral Image Compression with high Resolution Improved SPIHT for various testing input images”
    i-manager’s Journal on Image Processing (JIP) ISSN Print: 2349-4530 ISSN Online: 2349-6827, Free Journal.
  49. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu. “Improved Bi-Level Thresholding for Noise Suppression (IBLTNS) from Speech Signals in Non-Stationary Environments Accepted” by SSRG International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing (SSRG-IJVSP), December 2019.
  50. N. Srinivas, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar and Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy, “A Novel Hybrid Deep Learning on Audio-Video Information Analysis Engine (AVIAE) from Internet for Capturing Videos” Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.12, 01-Special Issue, 2020.
  51. Sahu, K.N., Naidu, C.D. and Jaya Sankar, K, UWB Transmission through human thorax: An index of cardiac health, Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 13, pp 70-81, 2020.
  52. I.V.S. Rama Sastry and Dr. K. Jaya SankarBandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Antenna with Psi Slot at 2.45 GHz for WLAN Application, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Management, pp 603-606, Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2020.
  53. Sahu, K.N., Naidu, C.D., Ravindharan E. and Jaya Sankar, KFrequency Response of UWB Signal in a Beating Heart, Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2021.
  54. N.Bhaskar, M.V. Ramanamurthy, K. Jaya Sankar, CRK Reddy and Satyam Pulkam, A High Secured Ecc Based Iot Audiometric System For Cloud Based Dynamic Sensor Domain Environment, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12, No.11, pp 1892-1897, May 2021.
  55. M. Sushma Sri, K. Jaya Sankar and B. RajendraNaik, “Object Detection and Tracking using Deep Learning based on TensorFlow”, GIS Science Journal, Volume 8, Issue 6, pp 2137-2147, 2021.
  56. K Jaya Sankar, M V Ramana Murthy, A Swathi and Shaik Mahaboob Sharief, Design of a Dual-band Micro-strip Rectangular Patch Antenna with E-Slot for Wi-Max Applications, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, Vol. XCII-LXVI, pp 1-7, October 2021.
  57. K Jaya Sankar, N Bhaskar, K L Vasudhara, and M V Ramana Murthy, Encryption with a Strategic Base for Defending Storage Data in a Cloud Service Provider, Dickensian Journal, Volume 22, Issue 6, pp 2152-2158, 2022.
  58. Pendli Pradeep, K. Jaya Sankar and P. Chandra Sekhar, A Compact Semicircular Slot MIMO Antenna with Enhanced Isolation for Sub6 GHz 5G WLAN Applications, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Nature, 125, pp 3683–3698, 2022.
  59. K Jaya Sankar, M V Ramana Murthy, S China Ramu, G Kumara Swamy and A Swathi, Qualitative Analysis and Modeling of Advanced Vertical MESFET in Deep Submicron Technology, Positif Journal, Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp 462-468, June 2022.
  60. Pradeep, Pendli, Jaya Sankar Kottareddygari, and Chandra SekharPaidimarry. "A Compact 4x4 Peace-Shaped Wideband MIMO Antenna for Sub-6 GHz 5G Wireless Applications", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol. 17, No. 5, September 2022.

 (B) Papers Published in National Journals:

     01. K. Usha, K. Jaya Sankar, “Generation of Walsh codes in two different orderings using 4-bit Gray and  Inverse Gray Codes,” Indian Journal of Science and Technology pp-2341-2345, Volume-5, No. 3,


 (C) Papers Published in International Conferences:

  1. E.G. Rajan, K. Jaya Sankar et at., “Object Recognition and Tracking in a Multiple Target Environment”. The Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on SMC, Volume 3 of 3, pp 2390 – 2395, held at San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
  2. E.G. Rajan, K. Jaya Sankar et al., “Fast algorithm for Skeletonizing 3  - D Digital Images”. The proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pp 151 – 153, held at Singapore.
  3. E.G. Rajan, K. Jaya Sankar et al., “A Genetic Algorithmic Fixing of attack points in a moving target”. The proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on SMC, Volume-1of 5, pp 217 – 222, held at Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  4. Dr. Jaya Sankar, K, Pandharipande, V.M., and Moharir, P.S.,  “Generalized Gray codes,” Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Seoul, Korea, pp 654-659, Nov. 18 - 19, 2004.
  5. Jaya Sankar, K, Pandharipande, V.M., and Moharir, P.S., “Gray Code Sequence Generation as a Test Problem for Solving TSPP Instance in DNA Array Design,” Proceedings of ETSA2005 IEEE International Conference, Hyderabad, India, Jan. 12-14, 2005.
  6. Pranav Kumar Cherupalli, Jaya Sankar, K. “A Wavelet based Feature Extraction for Voice-Lock systems” Proceedings of TENCON-2005 IEEE International Conference, Australia, 21st – 24th Nov, 2005.
  7. I.V.S. Rama Sastry, Jaya Sankar. K, “Design of Square patch microstrip antenna with a diagonal slotted squares in a single layer configuration” Proceedings of ICMARS-2011 International Conference, Jodhpur,  India, 7th – 10th December, 2011.
  8. S. Hanumantha Rao, Jaya Sankar. K, “Design of Optimal Microstrip antenna Elements in the array environment using genetic algorithm” Proceedings of ICMARS-2011 International Conference, Jodhpur,  India, 7th – 10th December, 2011.
  9. Vibha D Kulkarni, Jaya Sankar. K, “A Modified recursive programming approach to generate binary reflected gray code and its inverse” Proceedings of ICRIT-2012 International Conference on recent innovations in Technology, Kottayam, Kerala, India, pp-83-85, 12th – 14th January, 2012.
  10. Jaya Sankar. K, Vibha D Kulkarni, K. Usha, “A Novel Approach to Generate PN Sequences using RNS” Proceedings of ICIECE-2012 International Conference on Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering, GNIT, Hyderabad, pp-80  20th to 21st July, 2012.
  11. S. Nageswar Rao, C.D. Naidu, Jaya Sankar. K,  “Speech Coding Development for Audio Fixing using Spectrum Analysis” Proceedings of ICETT-2012 International Conference on Emerging Trends & Technology, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, 15th to 16th Dec., 2012.
  12. I.V.S. Rama Sastry, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Bandwidth Enhancement Technique for a Square Microstrip Antenna” proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (ICACSE-2013), pp-351-356, 7th & 8th  January, 2013.
  13. V. Bhagya Raju, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu “Performance Evaluation of Basic Compression Technique for Wireless Text Data” proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (ICACSE-2013), pp-261-266, 7th & 8th  January, 2013.
  14. N. Abid Ali Khan, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Power Efficient MANTIS Real Time Kernel Design for Wireless Sensor Networks” proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (ICACSE-2013) pp-357-362, 7th & 8th  January, 2013.
  15. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K, “New multi level spreading codes for DS CDMA Communication” World Conference on Advances in Communication and Control Systems, CACCS 2013, 6-8th April 2013, DIT University, Dehradun, India.
  16. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K, “Performance analysis of new binary user codes ofr DS CDMA communication over Rayleigh fading channel” IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Communication and Renewable energy, AICERA ICMiCR 2013, 4-6th June, AJCE, Kanjirapally, Kerala, India.
  17. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K, “Performance evaluation of new multi level spreading codes for synchronous DS CDMA communication” International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking, pp-159-167, VCASAN 2013, Springer Proceedings, 17th to 19th July, 2013 BNMIT, Bangalore, India.
  18. Vibha D Kulkarni, Jaya Sankar. K, “A Novel Method for construction of structured Regular LDPC codes with Girth Twelve Using Gray Code Representation” International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking, pp-169-177, VCASAN 2013, Springer Proceedings, 17th to 19th July, 2013 BNMIT, Bangalore, India.
  19. S. Aruna Deepthi, Vibha D.K, Jaya Sankar. K, Comparison of EBCOT technique using HAAR Wavelet and Hadamard Transform 3rd International Conference on RF & Signal Processing Systems, PP-92-95, 26th & 27th July 2013, K.L University, Vijayawada.
  20. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K, “Performance evaluation of new multi level spreading codes for DS CDMA Communication over Rayleigh fading channel” Second IEEE international Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2013, 22nd to 25th August, 2013 SJCE, Mysore, India.
  21. T. Kavitha, Jaya Sankar. K, V. Chandra Sekhar, “A Novel Binary Image Compression Technique for Facsimile Transmission with Modified Huffman Codes for CCITT Group 3” International Conference on Signal and Speech Processing, ICSSP 2014, pp-7 – 12, Elsevier Science and Technology Publications, 21st to 23rd August, 2014, TKM College of Engg., Kollam, Kerala.
  22. V. Bhagya Raju, Jaya Sankar. K, C.D. Naidu, “Tradeoff for the Compression of Multispectral and Hyper spectral Images – Literature Survey” International Conference on Signal and Speech Processing, ICSSP 2014, pp-13 – 21, Elsevier Science and Technology Publications, 21st to 23rd August, 2014, TKM College of Engg., Kollam, Kerala.
  23. N. Abid Ali Khan, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “User Interface Design for LPC2138 to Configure Wireless Sensor Node Parameters” proceedings of International Conference on Smart Structures & Systems (ICSSS-2014) pp-31-34, 9th October, 2014.
  24. V. Bhagya Raju, Jaya Sankar. K, C.D. Naidu, “Fuzzy Based Super Resolution Multispectral Image Compression with Improved SPIHT” International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, pp-263 – 266, 2nd to 4th April, 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-8080-2, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur.
  25. V. Bhagya Raju, Jaya Sankar. K, C.D. Naidu, “Real Time Multi Spectral Image Compression for High Resolution Imageries through Super Resolution algorithm with DWT-ISPIHT” International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO)-2015, pp-1818-1823, 24th & 25th Jan, 2015, , India.ISBN 978-1-4799-7678-2/15/$31.00 ©2015-IEEE, Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
  26. Sahu K.N., Naidu C.D., Satyam M. & Jaya Sankar K, “Modeling of human thorax and study on human heart activity with uwb radar from UHF to S-band,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Engineering Systems (SPACES-2015), ISBN 978-1-4799-6108-5/15, pp. 370-374, 2-3 January, 2015, KL University, Vijayawada, India.
  27. Sahu K.N., Naidu C.D., Satyam M. & Jaya Sankar K, “UWB propagation modeling of human being behind a concrete wall for the study of cardiac condition” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO-2015), ISBN 978-1-4799-7678-2/15, pp. 1222-1226, 24-25 January 2015, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, India.
  28. Vibha D Kulkarni, Jaya Sankar. K, “Design of Structured Irregular LDPC Codes from Structured Regular LDPC Codes,” 3rd International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology pp-1-4, IEEE Conference Publications Feb, 2015.
  29. V.Bhagya Raju, K. Jaya Sankar and D.C. Naidu “Fuzzy Based Super Resolution Multispectral Image Compression with Improved SPIHT”, IEEE ICCSP 2015, pp. 263-266, April 2015.
  30. Sahu K.N., Naidu C.D., Satyam M. & Jaya Sankar K, “ UWB technique for detection of live buried persons under debris,” in Proc. Of 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET’2015), ISBN 978-93-392-2294-9, pp. 13-18, 2-4 July 2015, SNJB’s Late Sau. K.B. Jain College of Engineering, Chandwad (Nashik) India.
  31. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu.” EMD based Clear Recursive Thresholding (EMD-CRT) for speech enhancement under non-stationary noise conditions,” International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC 2015) organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, India.( included in IEEE xplore.) on April 2015.
  32. K. Jaya Sankar, M. Satyam, P.A. Govindacharyulu, E. Sreenivasa Rao “An Engineering Curriculum to meet the challenges of the present decade” 3rd International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2016) 8th to 12th Jan, 2016 ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 pp. 38-41.
  33. S. Nageswara Rao, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. C.D. Naidu. ” An Adaptive Speech Enhancement Approach Based on DCT and Empirical Mode Decomposition, “International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 6-8, 2016 India. Organized by tamilnadu, India 978-1-5090-0395-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE.
  34. Pattem Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha, “Optimal Synchronous Node Design and Traffic Governance in WSN” International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, pp. 1365 – 1369, April, 2016.
  35. B. Prathiba, K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha, “Enhancing the Data Quality in Wireless Sensor Networks – A Review” International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization Techniques (ICACDOT 2016) pp. 448 – 454, September, 2016.
  36. T. Kavitha, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “An Efficient Compression Technique for ITU-T Group 3 Coded Images Using Variable Length Codes with Reduced Average Length”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on India International Conference on Information Processing (IICIP-2016), pp. 1-6.
  37. S. Hanumantha Rao, Jaya Sankar. K, “Design of Linear Array for WLAN Applications using Genetic Algorithm” International Conference on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India, March 2017.
  38. N. Abid Ali Khan, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “LEACH – Ipv4 Gateway Design using K66 ARM CortexM4F in EmbOS for Wireless Sensor Network” 6th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICIECE-2017) at Gurunanak institute of Technology, Hyderabad Vol. Proceedings, Page: Emb. Sys. Track, 21st to 22nd July, 2017.
  39. Pattem Sampath Kumar, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha “A Power Efficient Communication Protocol for WSN “International Conference on computing methodologies & communication (ICCMC) JULY 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4890-8 (IEEE XPLORE DIGITAL LIBRARY).
  40. KVBL Deepthi and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “A Novel Luneburg lens antenna design based on Meta-Materials with secondary concentrating Lens” Asian Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology ID-ACRASET, VIZAG-09128-1619 ISSRD: International Society for Scientific research and development.
  41. Dr. Prathiba. B, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. Sumalatha.V, “A Novel Cluster Algorithm for Leveraging Data Quality in Wireless Sensor Network” Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems, Volume 3, 7th Computer Science online Conference, ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic),ISBN 978-3-319-91191-5 ISBN 978-3-319-91192-2 (eBook), Springer, Scopus Indexed.
  42. Mr. I.V.S. Rama Sastry, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Bandwidth Enhancement of   a Square Microstrip Antenna with Psi (Ѱ) shaped slot at 2.45 GHz for WLAN application” International Conference on Advances in Electronics And Communication Engineering (ICAECE- 2019) 9th&10th July 2019, at CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  43. T. Kavitha and Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Efficient Multimedia Data TXN Model for Future Generation Wireless Network”, International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems (ICCCES 2019) organized by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India during November 15-16, 2019.
  44. M. Sushma Sri, B. Rajendra Naik, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Object Tracking using Motion Estimation based on Block Matching Algorithm” 5th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2020) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore during 26-28, February 2020.
  45. M. Sushma Sri, B. Rajendra Naik, Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, “Edge Detection Using Block Processing and Lookup Table” 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronic Systems (ICCES  2020) organized by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 10-12, June 2020.
  46. P. Pradeep, J. S. Kottareddygari and C. SekharPaidimarry, "Design of a Novel Compact L-slotted Monopole Antenna for 5G Applications in sub-6 GHz Band," 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), pp. 394-397, 2022.
  47. Pradeep, P., Jaya Sankar, K., Chandra Sekhar, P. “Bandwidth Enhancement of Two Element Closely Spaced MIMO Antenna for WLAN Applications”, Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Vol 929, 2022.

 (D) Papers Published in National Conferences:

  1. Jaya Sankar. K., “Gray codes and Their Applications to Position Sensing and Measurement,” Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing, Coimbatore, India, pp 55 - 58, Nov. 28 - 29, 2003.
  2. I.V.S. Rama Sastry, K.V. Srinivasa Rao, Jaya Sankar. K, “Fractal Based Tilted Square Microstrip Antenna for wireless Application,” Proceedings of Two day National Conference on Emerging Trends in Signal Processing & Embedded Systems, Hyderabad, India, pp 188 - 194, 25th to 26th Feb, 2011.
  3. Jaya Sankar. K., K. Usha, Vibha D Kulkarni, “Generalized Gray code based Image Compression,” Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Antenna and Signal Processing, Dr. Babasahed Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, India, December 23rd to 24th 2011.
  4. K. Usha, Jaya Sankar. K., “Performance Analysis of Balanced Gray codes for MPSK Signals,” Proceedings of National Conference on VLSI, Signal Processing, Communications, Vignan University, Guntur, AP, India, pp 16 - 20, February 10th to 11th 2012.
  5. Pattem Sampath Kumar, Jaya Sankar. K., “Configurable Multi Channel wireless sensor network on Low cost embedded processor,” Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging trends in Electronics & Communication Technologies, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur, AP, India, pp 26 - 29, March 28th, 2012.
  6. Jaya Sankar. K, Vibha Kulkarni “Performance Analysis of Gold code based spread spectrum for wireless applications,” Proceedings of 5th National Conference on Recent trends in Communication, Computation and Signal Processing, RTCSP-2014, Dept of ECE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam, Coimbatore, TN, India, pp 150 - 153, Feb - 26th & 27th 2014.
  7. Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy and Kishore Chandra Sahu, “Marketing of Commercial Horticulture Crops: A Value Added Approach”, 33rd National Conference on Commercial Crops Processing and Value Addition”, held during August 10-11 2019, organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), Tripura State Center.
  8. Dr. K. Jaya Sankar, Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy and Dr. S. Praveena, “Design of an Expert System, Based on Deep Learning and IOT Sensors to Determine the Status of Naturally Ripened Fruit” National Conference on Commercial Crops Processing and Value Addition”, held during August 10-11 2019, organized by the Institution of Engineers (India), Tripura State Center.
  9. I.V.S. Rama Sastry, and K. Jaya Sankar, “Planar Monopole Antenna for Band Width Improvement at 2.45 GHz,” Proceedings of Two day National Conference on Machine Learning and Communication Systems 2020, MLCS 2K20, Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India, July 3rd to 4th, 2020.

Workshops / Seminars Attended/organized

Workshops / Seminars Attended:

Sl. No.

Name of the Course/workshop/




Sponsoring agency


IETE National Invited Speakers Conference on “IoT for Real World Application”

G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science (for Women), Hyderabad

December 20th, 2019

IETE, New Delhi


Annual IETE Convention – AIC 2K 19 & International  Conference on Industry 4.0

Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dr Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya, U.P.

September 28th to 29th, 2019

IETE, New Delhi


IETE 49th Mid-term Symposium on “Recent Trends in Wireless Communications”

College of Engineering, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, A.P.

April 8th to 9th, 2018

IETE, New Delhi


IETE International Conference on Recent Trends in Sustainable Technologies – ICRTST 2K18

IETE Mumbai Center

July 14th, 2018

IETE, New Delhi


Advanced Pedagogy for Effective Engineering Teaching: Quality Enhancement Mechanism

IIT Bombay

July 16th to 17th & 

August 23rd to 24th,  2014

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education

IIT Bombay

June 12th to

August 2nd, 2014

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Management Development Program for Senior Representatives of TEQIP Institutions in AP

ISB, Hyderabad

2nd to 3rd, September, 2013

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Workshop on Defense Electronics Systems

Center for Excellence in Microwave Engineering, OU, Hyderabad

September 12th, 2009

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Workshop on Industry – Academia Collaboration

CII – Godrej GBC, Hyderabad

June 26th, 2009

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


IEEE TENCON 2008: Microwave Workshop

IEEE Hyderabad Section

November 18th, 2008

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Telecommunication and Information Technology

Falcon Electro-Tek Pvt. Ltd.,

December 13th, 2007

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


International Conference on Integrated Value Education

The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore

June 26th to 28th, 2006

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Management of Engineering Colleges for Quality Education

Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad

May 4th to 6th, 2005

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Side Looking Radar & Applications

Dept. of ECE, VCE, Hyderabad

January 27th to 31st, 2003

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Advanced Numerical Electromagnetic Modelling of Antennas

NERTU, OU, Hyderabad

December 27th to 28th, 2001

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Signal Processing with DSP Processors

Dept. of ECE, CoE, OU, Hyderabad

July 31st to August 4th, 2001

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31



IEEE Hyderabad Section, Hyderabad

January 24th, 2001

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31



IEEE Hyderabad Section, Hyderabad

January 06th, 2001

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes

Dept. of ECE, CoE, OU, Hyderabad

May 1st to 20th, 2000

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Intensive Course on VHDL Design & Synthesis


November 27th, 1999

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


MATLAB Refresher Course

Cranes Varsity, Bangalore

September 20th to 24th, 1999

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31



IEEE Hyderabad Section, Hyderabad

July 15th, 1999

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad-31


Introduction to Computers, Data Structures through C and Discrete Structures and Graph Theory

JNTU, Hyderabad

October 21st to 31st, 1998

ISTE, AP Section







Computer Graphics and Applications in Mechanical Engineering

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad

March 2nd to 14th, 1998

AICTE & ISTE, AP Section


Computer Applications in Engineering and Science

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad

January 2nd to 13th, 1996

ISTE, AP Section


Microwave Circuits and Devices

Dept. of ECE, CoE, OU, Hyderabad

February 20th to 25th, 1995

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad

Workshops / Seminars organized


Name of the Event



Faculty Development Program, ‘Outcome Based Education’ in association with E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal.

11th to 13th August, 2017 &

13th to 15th October, 2017


Faculty Development Program, ‘Outcome Based Education’ in association with E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal.

1st to 6th May, 2017


Two day workshop on “Wireless Communication using Embedded Systems” – VCE, Hyderabad

14th to 15th September, 2016


IETE Zonal Seminar (South Zone) & ISF Zonal Congress (South Zone)

11th to 12th June, 2016


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, ‘ICT Entrepreneurship for Social Impact’

17th May, 2016


International seminar on ‘Democratizing Communications’ in association with Global ICT Standardization Forum of India (GISFI)

13th to 16th December, 2015


Three day workshop on ‘Recent Advances in Communications and Signal Processing’.

19th to 21st November, 2015


A Two day workshop ‘Fascinating World of Coding Theory: Heart & Soul of Wireless Communication’ – IETE, Hyderabad.

7th to 8th November, 2015


A Four day course on ‘Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines’ – IETE, Hyderabad.

3rd & 4th and 10th & 11th October, 2015


A Two day course on ‘Analog Communications’ – IETE, Hyderabad.

19th to 20th September, 2015


A Two day course on ‘Control Systems’ – IETE, Hyderabad.

12th to 13th September, 2015


A Two day course on ‘Circuit Design, Programming & Simulation using PROTEUS’ – IETE, Hyderabad.

22nd to 23rd August, 2015


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, ‘Telecommunications and ICTs – Drivers of Innovation’

17th May, 2015


2nd National conference on ‘Advances in Wireless Communications’

26th to 27th March, 2015


A Two day workshop on ‘LabView – with hands on training’ – IETE, Hyderabad.

27th to 28th February, 2015


Two day course on ‘Microwave Engineering’, IETE, Hyderabad-7

25th October & 8th November, 2014


Two day course on ‘Control Systems’, IETE, Hyderabad-7

25th to 26th October, 2014


A two day workshop on “Signal Generation and Spectrum Analysis Measurements” – VCE, Hyderabad

17th to 18th October, 2014


Two day workshop on “Analog IC Design – Spec to Reality” – VCE, Hyderabad

18th to 19th September, 2014


Workshop on “Technologies related to 2G, 3G and 4G Telecom” – VCE, Hyderabad

1st February, 2014


Workshop on “Project Management Process, Goals and Practices” – VCE, Hyderabad

14th September, 2013


Two day workshop on “LabVIEW and its Applications” – VCE, Hyderabad

17th to 18th August, 2013


National conference on ‘VLSI Design’

15th to 16th March, 2013


Robotics Training Programs – CRESE(Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems Excellence) in association with M/s Technophilia, Mumbai

For one Semester during 2012-2013


1st National conference on ‘Advances in Wireless Communications’

3rd March, 2012


A Nine day Intensive course for training the faculty members in ‘Fundamentals of Electromagnetics’ – Jointly with Dept. of ECE, VCE, IEEE Hyderabad Section and IETE, Hyderabad Center.

From 3rd to 11th June, 2009


A Two day Intensive course on ‘Advances in Signal Processing’ – Jointly with Dept. of ECE, VCE & Dept. of ECE, CoE, OU, Hyderabad.

From 5th to 6th December, 2008


A Two day Course on ‘Multi-rate Signal Processing and its Applications’ – Jointly with Dept. of ECE, VCE & Dept. of ECE, CoE, OU, Hyderabad.

From 11th to 12th October, 2007


AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program, ‘ Enhancing Professional and Instructional Skills of Young Faculty’

From 4th to 16th December, 2006


A Five day Short Term Training Program on ‘MATLAB and its Applications’.

From 19th to 23rd December, 2005

Invited Lectures delivered:

  1. Delivered an invited talk on the topic ‘Professional Society Activities – Academic Growth’ on 3rd February, 2020 to IETE student members of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, Telangana.
  2. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic ‘Career Guidance / Technologies for Tomorrow’ on 1st September, 2017 to students of Stanley College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Abids, Hyderabad, Telangana.
  3. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic ‘Magnetostatics’ on 2nd March, 2015 to staff and students of JNTUH College of Engineering, Nachupally, Karimnagar, Telangana.
  4. Delivered an inaugural address as Chief Guest at VIDHURA 2013, a National Symposium organized by IETE Student Forum, SVH College of Engineering, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh during 24th to 25th February, 2013.
  5.  Delivered a talk on ‘Microwave Engineering & Antennas and Wave Propagation’ on 22.08.2012 to staff and students of ECE department at Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  6.  Delivered a talk on ‘Electromagnetics’ on 09.03.2012 to staff and students of ECE department at Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  7. Delivered a talk on ‘Genetic Algorithms’ on 16.12.2011 to staff and students of Mechanical Engineering Department of Vasavi College of Engineering, Hydrabad-31.
  8.  Delivered a talk on ‘Overview of Electromagnetics’ on 31.01.2011 to staff and students of ECE department at Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  9. Delivered a talk on ‘Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines’ on 25.10.2010 to staff and students of ECE department at Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  10. Delivered a talk on ‘Electromagnetics’ in August, 2010 at Gurunanak Engineering College, Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (dist.).
  11.  Delivered a talk on ‘MATLAB and its Applications in Communication Engineering’ on 23rd April, 2010, as part of workshop conducted by CBIT, Hyderabad.
  12. Delivered a talk on ‘Wireless and Mobile Communication’ on 23rd Jan, 2009, at G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science for women, Hyderabad.
  13.  Delivered a talk on ‘Multistage Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion’ on 22nd Feb, 2008, as part of workshop conducted by VNR VJIET, Hyderabad.
  14. Delivered a talk on ‘Interpolation and Decimation’ in DSP on 20th Feb, 2008, as part of 3 day refresher course conducted by Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science, Secunderabad.
  15. Delivered a talk on ‘Waveguides’ on 10th Feb. 2008, as part of 3 day workshop on Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines at IETE Hyderabad Centre.
  16. Delivered a talk on ‘Electromagnetics’ in January, 2005, at Progressive Engineering College, Nalgonda (dist.).
  17. Delivered a talk on ‘Combinatorial Optimization in Engineering’ on 12th December, 2004, as part of 3 day workshop conducted by Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women, Hyderabad.


Senior Member - IEEE

Fellow Member - IETE

Fellow Member - IE(I)

Life Member - ISTE

Life Member - BSI

Life Member - SESI

Life Member - SEMCE(I)


2003 - Best Teacher Award, Vasavi College of Engineering, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad.

2011 - Recipient of Certificate of Appreciation as Secretary, MTT/AP/EMC Joint Chapter, IEEE Hyderabad Section.

2011 - Recipient of best Research paper Award – National Conference at Dr BATU, Lonere, Maharashtra during 2011.

2013 - Recipient of best Research paper Award - International Conference ICETTR-2013 at Nagpur, Maharashtra during 2013.

2014 - Elected as Chairman (for the period 2014-2016), IETE Hyderabad Center.

2015 - Elected as Senior Member, IEEE, USA.

2016 - As the Principal, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad -31, received best Engineering College Award from ISTE Telangana section.

2017 - Elected as Member, Governing Council (for the period 2017-2020), IETE, New Delhi.

2017 - Recipient of best Research paper Award - Sir Thomas Ward Memorial Award (Best paper),Springer series-B,  Institution of Engineers(I), Kolkata, India.

2019 - As the Principal, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad -75, received best Engineering College Award from ISTE Telangana section.

2021 - Elected as Member, Governing Council (for the period 2021-2024), IETE, New Delhi.

2022 - Lifetime Achievement Award (Education & Research), Brain 'O' Vision, Andhra Pradesh.