CASE STUDY:ATM MACHINE Design a program that take the input amount of currency and returns the different no. of currency notes by denomination that can be return to the customer. inputamount=int(input("Please Enter The Amount To Be Withdraw")) orgamount=inputamount print("The required amount for withdraw is", inputamount) if inputamount>=2000: cn2000=input amount/2000 input amount=inputamount-(cn2000*2000) if inputamount>=500 cn500=inputamount/500 inputamount=inputamount-(cn500*500) if inputamount>=200 cn200=inputamount/200 inputamount=inputamount-cn200*200 if inputamount>=100 cn100=inputamount/100 inputamount=inputamount-(cn100*100) if inputamount>=50 cn50=inputamount/50 inputamount=inputamount-(cn50*50) if inputamount>=20 cn20=inputamount/20 inputamount=inputamount-(cn20*20) if inputamount>=2000 cn10=inputamount/10 inputamount=inputamount-(cn10*10) if input amount>=2000 cn5=inputamount/5 inputamount=inputamount-(cn5*5) if inputamount>=2 cn2=inputamount/2 inputamount=inputamount-(cn2*2) if inputamount>=1 cn1=inputamount print("the total no. of denamination notes to be stacked for an",orgamount, "amount ") print("the total no. of 2000 rupees denominations are", cn2000) print("the total no. of 500 rupees denominations are", cn500) print("the total no. of 200 rupees denominations are", cn200) print("the total no. of 100 rupees denominations are", cn100) print("the total no. of 50 rupees denominations are", cn50) print("the total no. of 20 rupees denominations are", cn20) print("the total no. of 10 rupees denominations are", cn10) print("the total no. of 5 rupees denominations are", cn5) print("the total no. of 2 rupees denominations are", cn2) print("the total no. of 1 rupees denominations are", cn1)