Title: ARSV-System: Auto ringmy phone if switch off, and vibration mode system
Status: Published
Date: (30, Nov.2018)
Title: a modern approach of theprotecting poultryboilers from heavy heat and automation of a layer arm n different type of climatic conditions
Status: Published
Date: (20, Mar.2019)
Title: Crop- prediction:intelligent prediction of crop with the help of PH, soil and temperature values using eep learning and IoT based technology
Status: Published
Date: (13, Dec.2019)
Title: I-Security: Intelligent home security using vibration sensor and RFIDkit
Status: Published
Date: (20, Dec. 2019)
Title: ISLIQ-OC: Improved supervised learning in quest using optimal k-means clustering mechanism to nowcast snow/no-snow
Status: Published
Date: (27, Dec. 2019)