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Research and Publications

Academic Year: 2023-24


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ISBN/ISSN number


1Shazia Anwar, Dr A Rajasekhar, Mohd Raheemuddin, Abrar ali khan, Mohd ZubairFabrication of 3d printer and composing 3d printed carInternational journal of multidisciplinary research in science, engineering technology & management2395-7639Non Scopus, Vol-11 Issue 6/ June 2024/ 9352to9355
2Dr A Rajasekhar, Ch Uday kumar, Dr M Prasad, Y M M ReddyComparative analysis of honey comb structure panels with different cell shapes and material for bus flooringIndian journal of technical education0971-3034UGC Carelist 1, Vol-48 Issue 2 June 2024
3Dr P Ravi Chander, Dr M Prasad, Y M M ReddyComprehensive analysis of brake drum performance in trucks through integration of thin liners with diverse material composition - static , dynamic and thermal evaluationTechnical security journal - Q414349728Scopus, Vol-24 Issue 3/ 23-24/ 261to274
4Dr M Prasad Dr A Rajsekhar, Y M M Reddy, D Navin KumarOptimizing fiber laser welding parameters for mechanical property enhancement...A comparative study by homogenous and dissimilar material weldmentsTechnical security journal - Q414349728Vol-24 Issue 3/ 23-24/ 586to598
5Dr. Md Fakhruddin, Hasan Nizami, Safa khaderDesign, modelling and static analysis of leaf springs using Composite materials.International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis0886-9367VolXV/IssueXI/Nov 2023
6Dr. Md Fakhruddin, Hasan Nizami, T.Rahul Shanker Goud.Wire EDM investigation on AL 7475 Alloy: Parameter variation, MRR, SR and microstructure compassion.Journal of electronics information technology science and management.0258-7982Vol13/Issue11/May 2023
7Dr A Rajasekhar, Dr P Prabhu Raj, Mohammed ZuhaibDesign and analysis of steering bracket using ansys work benchIndo- American journal of Mechanical Engineering.2321-9416Vol11/Issue2/May2023
8Dr. M Prasad, Dr. P Ravi Chander, .SunithaEnhancing mechanical properties of Monel 400 alloy and 316L dissimilar metal butt welded joints through optimized friction stir welding and post-weld heat treatment.Indian journal of technical education0971-3034Vol46/Issue4/UGC Carelist-1/23-24
9G. Bhaskar, Dr.M. Udaya KumarNumerical analysis and comparison of various cross section of heat pipes in heat exchangerJournal of Polymer and Composites2321-2819Vol-11/23-24

Academic Year: 2022-23


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1D Elil Raj, S PanneernSelvan, P Prabhu Raj, Tushar Sonar.Optimization of drilling Parameters in sisal-human hair hybrid composite using grey relational analysis.Advance Material Science & Engineering, SCIE 2.4 IF1687-8442Vol:23, 2023
2S.Prathap Singh, D.Ananthapadmanaban, Tushar Sonar, Mikhail Ivanov, P.Prabhu Raj.Investigating the microstructure, tensile, strength & acidic corrosion behaviour of liquid metal stir casted aluminium-silicon carbide composite.Advanced material science & engineering, SCIE 2.4 IF1687-8442Vol:23, 2023
3P.Prabhu Raj, S.Rajakumar, Tushar Sonar,Mocrostructure, tensile properties & fracture toughness of friction stir welded AA7075-T651 aluminium alloy joints.Material Testing, SCI with 2.52 IF2195-8572Vol:64, Issue-6 2022
4P.Prabhu Raj, S.Rajakumar, Tushar Sonar,Effect of retrogression & reaging (RRA) on pitting & stress corrosion cracking (SSC) resistance of stir zone of high strength AA7075-T651 alloy joined by friction stir welding.The International journal of Light weight materials & manufacture indexed in Scopus with science direct Cite score 8.4.2588-8404Vol:6, Issue-2, June 2023
5Dr. Md Fakhruddin H.N, Mohammed Adeel Ahmed, Design & flow analysis of Air conditioned space.International research journal of modernization in Engineering 7 technology and science.2582-5208Vol-04, Isuue-7, July 2022.
6Dr. Md Fakhruddin H.N Mohammed Abdul Mannan, Salman khan.Computational fluid dynamics in coronary & Intra ? cardiac flow simulation.International journal for research in Applied science & Engineering technology. (IJRASET)2321-9653Vol-10, Isuue-7, July 2022.

Academic Year: 2021-22


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1M. Sri Vinayak, Dr. Fakhruddin H.NDesign& analysis of fan blade with dual natural fibres & A1 7075.International journal of Engineering research & technology.2278-0181-----
2Ch Srinath, Kamal Kumar Ojha.Finite element analysis of bullet impact on Kevlar fibre reinforced composite using autodyne.International journal of Engineering research & technology.2278-0181-----
3P. Sai.Gayathri Lahari, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, I.Sowjanya, G.Anil KumarExperimentation & study of abrasive water jet cutting on AA6061.Journal of The Maharaja Sayajirao, University of Baroda.0025- 0422UGC- Care Group - 1
4P. Sai. Gayathri Lahari, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, I.Sowjanya, G.Anil Kumar.Experimentation & study on metal spinning of pure copper by using taguchi methodology & regression analysis.The journal of oriental research. Madras.0022-3301UGC- Care Group - 1
5B.Dinakar Raj, Dr. P. Ravi Chander, Dr M.Prasad, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, Y.M.M. Reddy.Design & analysis of rotovator & cultivator blades by various materials using FEA.The journal of oriental research. Madras.0022-3301UGC- Care Group - 1
6V.Akhil, Dr M.Prasad, Dr. P. Ravi Chander, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, Y.M.M. Reddy.Design & modelling analysis of knee implant using differential biomaterials.The journal of oriental research. Madras.0022-3301UGC- Care Group - 1
7Dr. Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Mohammed Adeel Ahmed, Salman KhanDESIGN AND FLOW ANALYSIS OF AIR-CONDITIONED SPACEInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science2582-5208
8Mohammed Abdul Mannan, Dr. Md Fakhruddin H.N.Computational Fluid Dynamics in Coronary and Intra-Cardiac Flow SimulationInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)2321-9653
9Medichalam Srivinayak, Dr. Md. Fakhruddin H.NDesign and Analysis of Fan Blade with Dual Natural Fibers and Al 7075International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)2278-0181
10I.Sowjanya, Sai gayatrilahari.P, Dr.M.Udaya kumarExperimentation and study of abrasive water jet cuttingon AAA 6061The Journal Of maharaja sayajirao university of barodaISSN : 0025-0422
11Dr.P.Ravi chander, Dr.M.Prasad, Dr.M.Udaya kumar, Y.Madhu maheswara ReddyDesign And Analysis Of Rotovator And Cultivator Blades By Various Materials Using FEAThe Journal Of Oriental Research MadrasISSN : 0022-3301,-Madras
12Dr.M.Prasad, Dr.P.Ravi chander, Dr.M.Udaya kumar, Y.Madhu maheswara ReddyDesign Modelling And Analysis Of Knee Implant Using Different BiomaterialsThe Journal Of Oriental Research MadrasISSN : 0022-3301,-Madras

Academic Year: 2020-21


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Dr. M Udaya KumarIncreasing performance of thermal process in health care units under HVAC system: A critical review.IJARSCMTISSN(online)2582-9327 PP 12-15 IF-5.731
2Prasad Matam, Dr. A RajasekharModelling & analysis of differential gear box in vehicles.International journal of future generation communication & networking(Web of science)2233-7857
3Prasad MatamDesign & development of servo stabilization system for airborne radar applications.Academia journal of scientific research,USA2315-7712
4Prasad Matam, Dr. A RajasekharDifferential gear box to reduce vibration using different materials for vehicle- A review.Turcomat(Scopus)1309-4653
5Dr. P. Prabhu RajStir zone stress corrosion cracking behaviour of friction stir welded AA7075-T651 aluminium alloy joints.Corrosion review journal ? De Gruyter.2191-0316
6Dr. P. Prabhu RajExperimental investigations on corrosion behaviour of friction stir welded AA 7075-T651aliminium alloy under 3.5% WT NACL environment.Materials today2214-7853
7Dr. M Udaya KumarThermal performance of engine cylinder with dissimilar materials.International journal of advanced research in science, commerce, management &technology.ISSN(online) 2582-9327
8Dr. M Udaya KumarIncreasing Performance of Thermal Processes in Healthcare units under HVAC system: A Critical ReviewIJARSCMTISSN (ONLINE 2582-9327 PP 12-15 IF-5.731
9Prasad Matam,Dr.A.RajasekharModelling and analysis of differential gearbox in vehiclesInternational journal of Future generation communication and networking2233-7857
10Prasad MatamDesign and development of servo stabilization system for airborne radar applicationsAcademia Journal of scientific research, USA2315-7712
11Prasad Matam, Dr.A.RajasekharDifferential Gear Box to reduce vibration using different materials for vehicles -A Review TURCOMAT1309-4653
12Dr.P.Prabhu RajStir zone stress corrosion cracking behaviour of friction stir welded AA7075-t651 aluminium alloy joints-Corrosion review journal- De Gruyter2191-0316
13Dr.P.Prabhu RajExperimental investigation on corrosion behaviour of Friction stir welded AA-T651 aluminium alloy under 3.5%WTNACL environmentMaterials today2214-7853!
14Dr. M Udaya KumarThermal Performance of Engine Cylinder with Dissimilar MaterialsInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Commerce, Management and TechnologyISSN (Online) 2582-9327

Academic Year: 2019-20


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1K. N. Kiran Kumar, A. Raja sekhar , P. Ravi Chander, Y MM. Reddy, Vivekananda KDesign Evaluation & Improvement Analysis of Vehicle Structural Crashworthiness using CAE in IIHS Frontal Crash TestInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology2249 ? 8958Scopus
2Syed Ahmed Hashmi, Kamal Kumar Ojha, ?Mohd Faisal AhmedA Comparison of Finite elemental analysis of Customized Pedicle Screw Implant using Bulk Metallic Glass compositionInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology2005-4238Scopus
3Faisal Ahmed, Kamal Kumar Ojha, Syed Ahmed HashmiFinite Elemental Analysis of Bullet Impact on Bulk Metallic Glasses at 300 m/sThe Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.0193-4120??NO
4Syed Mustafa Rahmani, Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Syed Yasear and Md. AsadullahEfficiency increase by surface modification of gas turbine bladeGlobal Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances2582-5003NO
5Mohd Abdul Rahman, P. Ravi Chander, M. PrasadModelling and Analysis of Piston using Various Piston Crown GeometriesInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)2278-3075Scopus
6K.Tejasri ,M.PrasadDesign And Analysis Of Propeller Shaft By Using Cad/Cae ToolsAlochana chakra-UGC CARE GROUP-12231-3990UGC CARE GROUP-1
7Tharun Raj, M. PrasadConceptual Design Of A Roller Obstacle DeflectorIJITEE2278-3075Scopus
8KarakkayalaRohit, P. Ravi Chander, Y. MadhuMaheswara ReddyOptimisation of Automobile Radiator by Linear and Helical TubesIJITEE2278-3075Scopus

Academic Year: 2018-2019


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Dr. P Ravi Chander, Mr. Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, R Manish and G SaiRamDesign and Thermal Analysis of Tractor BootGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295NO
2Thakur Sachin Singh, A.RajasekharFracture Analysis to determine strength of Metal ?Composite Joints Vol.4 (2017-18), Issue 6 (June), pp 427 ? 433,International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and ResearchISSN No: 2348-4845NO
3MdAsadullah, Md. Yunus, Shobab A, Swetha GThermal analysis of TBC coated super alloy for industrial gas turbine.Grenze International JournalISSN NO 2395-5287NO
4MITALI V SALUNKE, Prasad.MatamDESIGN & OPTIMIZATION OF PASSENGER CAR CENTER PILLAR REINFORCEMENTInternational journal of research, IJR? Volume 8 issue VI? page no 4989-4995 June 2019ISSN NO 2236-6124UGC Index No.63072
5K. Srinivasa Raghavan , K. Ramani and J SaikrishnaDesign of Cultivator using a Motor and the Analysis on Tiller BladeGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295NO
6S,Srinivasa reddy, Prasad. Matam Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyDesign and analysis of a Tata ace differential gear and drive shaftInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN: 2279-0039 UGC Index No.44994
7Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Syed Azam Pasha Quadri, sohaib Bin Suhail, Syed Absar Ahmed and Abdur RahmanCommercial Modular Kitchen Ventilation System DesignGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295NO
8Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Umar UZ Zama, Dr. M. Yousuf Ali & Dr. M. Manzoor HussainPerformance Evaluation of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Neem Caster Bio-dieselGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295NO
9B.Anusha, A.Rajasekhar?Buckling analysis and life estimation of attachment bracket used in aircraft structure?, Volume 5 ? No.3, PP. 1-4International Journal of Aerospace and Mech. Engineering (IJAME)ISSN (O): 2393-8609NO
10B.Priyanka, A.Rajasekhar, Manish Kumar NayakA Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Analysis of Automobile Camshaft Made of different MaterialsJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, PP 465-469,??(ISSN-2349-5162)UGC Index No.63975
11K.Sindhuja, Dr.A.Rajasekhar, Matam PrasadDesign and Analysis of Mech. Gripper for High Temperature ApplicationsInternational Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 25(1), pp. 11-15,ISSN (Print): 2279-0020 ISSN (Online): 2279-0039.UGC Index No.44994
12V. Venkata Srichandan, A.RajasekharDesign and Structural Analysis of Mast Member of Hydraulic RIGInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences, 25(1), , pp. 01-05,ISSN (Print): 2279-0047, ISSN (Online): 2279-0055, www.iasir.netNO
13Thakur Sachin Singh, A.RajasekharFracture Analysis to determine strength of Metal ?Composite Joints Vol.4 (2017-18), Issue 6 (June), pp 427 ? 433,International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and ResearchISSN No: 2348-4845
14,Prasad. Matam,Dr.A. Rajasekhar,K.SindhujaDesign And Analyis Of Mech. Gripper For High TemperatureInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN2279-0039
15Prasad. Matam,S,Srinivasa reddy,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyDesign and analysis of a tata ace differential gear and drive shaftInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN2279-0039
16Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Prasad. Matam,Md.Sameer numanuddinOptimization of Design Parameter of Constant Blank Thickness by Varying Friction Coefficient Using Explicit Fea on Deep Drawing Process of A Cylindrical PlateInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, IJETIR, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349-5162
17Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Prasad. Matam,Thakur Angraj singh,CFD Analysis of An Economizer For 25mm Design Bend Radius In A Fire Tube BoilerInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349 ? 9745
18K. Rama Chandra Manohar1*, Somagani upendar2, V. Durgesh3, B.Sandeep4,ksk mallik5, Gurram Narendra Santosh Kumar6, Sk.Hasane Ahammad7Modeling and Analysis of Kaplan Turbine Blade Using CFD , Pg.1086-1089International Journal of Engineering & Technology0975-4024
19Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Prasad. Matam,P,Bhagavan raoCFD Analysis of Solar Absorber PlateInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, IJRASET, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2321 ? 9653
20K. Srinivasa Raghavan , K. Ramani and J SaikrishnaDesign of Cultivator using a Motor and the Analysis on Tiller BladeGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
21K. Vijaya Kumar, P. Shailesh, K. Srinivasa Raghavan, J. A. Ranga Babu & P. Ravi KumarPerformance and emission analysis of diesel engine with design modifications on piston crownInternational Journal of Ambient Energy, Tayler & FrancisISSN: 0143-0750
22K Vijaya Kumar,Damera Babitha, K Srinivasa Raghavan and P Shailesh, Sunchu Abhishekaran, Sunchu AnusthithaInvestigation of diesel engine performance with design modifications in piston : Inducing turbulance by swirl page no ; 495International Journal of Mech. Engineering and Robotics ResearchISSN : 2278-0149
23Vijaya K., Shailesh Palaparty, Raghavan Srinivasa, Ravi Kumar Puli,Investigations on performance of diesel engine by varying injection timings with design modification on piston crown. Page No:562Emerald Inside World Journal of Engineering[ISSN 1708-5284]
24Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyExperimental Determination And Optimizing The Process Parameters of AISI 304 Using GTAWInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
25Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyImplementation And Testing Of Turbo Charger on A Diesel EngineInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
26Dr. P. Ravi chander, Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, R Manish, G SaiRamDesign And Thermal Analysis Of Tractor BootGrenze international journal of engineering and technology2395-5295
27Prasad. Matam,S,Srinivasa reddy,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyDesign and analysis of a tata ace differential gear and drive shaftInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN2279-0039
28Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, P Ravi ChanderDesign And Development of Fabrication Drawings For Twin Seater Wheel ChairInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4.ISSN: 2349-5162
29Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr P ShaileshDesign And Analysis of Excavator Bucket ToothInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4.ISSN: 2349-5162
30Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr. P Ravi ChanderFatigue Analysis of Chain Sprocket Using Finite Element AnalysisInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, IJAERD Volume 5, Issue 04.ISSN: 2345 - 4470
31Prasad. Matam,P,Bhagavan rao,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyCFD analysis of solar absorber plateInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, IJRASET, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2321 ? 9653
32Prasad. Matam,Thakur Angraj singh,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyCFD analysis of an economizer for 25mm design bend radius in a fire tube boilerInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349 ? 9745
33Prasad. Matam,Md.Sameer numanuddin,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyOptimization of design parameter of constant blank thickness by varying friction coefficient using explicit FEA on deep drawing process of a cylindrical plateJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, JETIR, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349-5162
34Prasad. Matam,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyImplementation and testing of turbo charger on a diesel engineInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
35Prasad. Matam,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyExperimental determination and optimizing the process parameters of AISI304 using GTAWInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
36Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Syed Azam Pasha Quadri, sohaib Bin Suhail, Syed Absar Ahmed and Abdur RahmanCommercial Modular Kitchen Ventilation System DesignGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
37Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Umar UZ Zama, Dr. M. Yousuf Ali & Dr. M. Manzoor HussainPerformance Evaluation of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Neem Caster Bio-dieselGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
38Dr. P. Ravi chander, Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, R Manish, G SaiRamDesign And Thermal Analysis Of Tractor BootGrenze international journal of engineering and technology2395-5295
39Dr.P. Ravi Chander , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy , Dr. B. Sudheer Prem KumarThe Effect Of Different Intake Air Filters On Di Diesel Engine Combustion And Its Exhaust CharacteristicsInternational Journal of Engineering Science and ComputingISSN 2321 3361
40Dr. P. Ravi chander, Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyThe Effect Of Different Intake Air Filters On Di Diesel Engine PerformanceInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Developmente-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406.
41Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr. P Ravi ChanderFatigue Analysis Of Chain Sprocket Using Finite Element AnalysisInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406.
42Dr. P. Ravi chander, Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyExperimental Research Into The Exhaust Gas Recirculation On Combustion Characteristics Of Di Diesel Engine Adopting Different Air FilterInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)ISSN: 2320-2882
43Dr. P. Ravi chander,Madhu Maheswara Reddy Kashif Mohiuddin ShahyDesign And Development Of Fabrication Drawings For Twin Seater Wheel ChairInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)ISSN (Online):2349?9745 ; ISSN (Print):2393-8161
441.Prabhakar. K ,2. Dr. A. Rajasekhar ,3. Dr. P. Shailesh ,4. Y. Madhu Maheswara Reddy 5. A kumar.Economizing of Machining Process by Heating the Work Piece in the Furnace to Increase Tool Life, Surface Finish and to Reduce the Power ConsumptionGrenze international journal of engineering and technologySPECIAL ISSUE
45B.Anusha, A.Rajasekhar?Buckling analysis and life estimation of attachment bracket used in aircraft structure?, Volume 5 ? No.3, PP. 1-4International Journal of Aerospace and Mech. Engineering (IJAME)ISSN (O): 2393-8609
46B.Priyanka, A.Rajasekhar, Manish Kumar NayakA Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Analysis of Automobile Camshaft Made of different Materials?, , Volume 5, Issue 7, PP 465-469, www.jetir.orgJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research JETIR(ISSN-2349-5162)
47K.Sindhuja, Dr.A.Rajasekhar, Matam PrasadDesign and Analysis of Mech. Gripper for High Temperature Applications?, 25(1), pp. 11-15,International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications (IJEBEA),ISSN (Print): 2279-0020 ISSN (Online): 2279-0039.
48V. Venkata Srichandan, A.RajasekharDesign and Structural Analysis of Mast Member of Hydraulic RIG?, 25(1), , pp. 01-05,International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences(IJETCAS)ISSN (Print): 2279-0047, ISSN (Online): 2279-0055,

Academic Year: 2017-2018


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Prasad. Matam,Jala HarikaTwo phase flow simulation in ?Y? joint duct used in pipeline applicationsInternational journal of professional engineering studies ,Volume 8 Issue 5-45,Page no 301-311
2Prasad. Matam,Md.Salman ahmed siddiquiFlow analysis of positive displacement pump lobe rotor using ansys workbenchInternational journal of professional engineering studies ,Volume 8 Issue 5-45,Page no 301-311
3Prasad. Matam,K.SrinivasDesign and analysis of gas turbine bladeInternational journal of research in advanced engineering technologies.Volume 6 Issue 2-4,Page no 16-252455-0876
4P Shailesh , J .babu, K. Vijay Kumar , k.SrinivasaRaghavan,Evaluation of Strain and Strain rates at different stages of Super plastic Cone Forming?, at 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization Page No: 835-841 Volume 4 Issue 2 Part A(ICMPC ) (Scopus index journals).2214-7853 (2017-18) 835?841
5Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr. M.Yousuf Ali & Dr. M. Manzoor HussainHydrogen Enrich Treble Biofuel Blended With Diesel for Performance and Emissions Characteristics on CI EngineInternational Journal of Automotive & Mech. Engineering (IJAME)ISSN: 2229-8649(print); 2180-1606(online)
6Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr. M.Yousuf Ali & Dr. M.Manzoor HussainExperimental Investigation on CI Engine for Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Dual Biodiesel Blended in DieselInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)ISSN: 2321-9653
7Vijaya K., Shailesh Palaparty, Raghavan Srinivasa, Ravi Kumar Puli,Investigations on performance of diesel engine by varying injection timings with design modification on piston crownEmerald Inside World Journal of Engineering[ISSN 1708-5284]
8Prerna Ramagiri, Rajasekhar Adula , D.V.SrikanthOptimization of Process Parameters in Abrasive Jet Drilling Of Hastelloy Using Taguchi Method? Volume 6 Issue 11 PP. 50-55International Journal of Engineering Science InventionISSN (Online): 2319 ? 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 ? 6726
9Rakesh Mididoddi, A. Raja SekharSimulation of Flow and Structural Analysis of Industrial Blower ?,Vol. 7, Issue 8, ( Part -1), pp.82-89Int. Journal of Engineering Research and ApplicationISSN : 2248-9622,

Academic Year: 2017-18


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Dr.P.Ravichander, MadhuMaheswara Reddy KashifMohiuddinShahyDesign And Development Of Fabrication Drawings For Twin Seater Wheel ChairInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)ISSN (Online):2349?9745 ; ISSN (Print):2393-8161UGC Index No.44669?
2Md.Sameernumanuddin, Prasad Matam? YMadhuMaheswara ReddyOptimization of design parameter of constant blank thickness by varying friction coefficient using explicit FEA on deep drawing process of a cylindrical plateJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, JETIR, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349-5162UGC? Index No.44382
3P,Bhagavanrao, Prasad.Matam YMadhuMaheswara ReddyCFD analysis of solar absorber plateInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, IJRASET, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2321-9653UGC? Index No.44382
4ThakurAngrajsingh, Prasad. Matam YMadhu Maheswara ReddyCFD analysis of an economizer for 25mm design bend radius in a fire tube boilerInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349-9745 UGC Index No.44669UGC Index no:44669
5JalaHarika, Prasad. Matam,Two phase flow simulation in ?Y? joint duct used in pipeline applicationsInternational journal of professional engineering studies ,Volume 8 Issue 5-45,Page no 301-311-NO
6Md.Salmanahmedsiddiqui, Prasad. MatamFlow analysis of positive displacement pump lobe rotor using ansys workbenchInternational journal of professional engineering studies ,Volume 8 Issue 5-45,Page no 301-311-NO
7K.Srinivas Prasad. MatamDesign and analysis of gas turbine bladeInternational journal of research in advanced engineering technologies.Volume 6 Issue 2-4,Page no 16-25, July 20172455-0876NO
8PrernaRamagiri, RajasekharAdula , D.V.SrikanthOptimization of Process Parameters in?Abrasive Jet Drilling Of Hastelloy ?Using Taguchi MethodInternational Journal of Engineering Science InventionISSN (Online): 2319-6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 ? 6726NO
9Rakesh Mididoddi, A. Raja SekharSimulation of Flow and Structural Analysis of Industrial Blower ?,Vol. 7, Issue 8, ( Part -1), pp.82-89International Journal of Engineering Research and ApplicationISSN : 2248-9622,NO

Academic Year: 2016-2017


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Gurustal Somnath Swamy, Srikanth Rangdal, Mohammed Ghufran Uddin, Mahantesh KatagiTensile strength of galvanized iron glass fiber sandwich panel, PP 26-30, Volume 13, Issue 4 Ver. IIOSR Journal of Mech. and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X,
2Syed Basith Ahmed, Rangdal SrikanthInvestigation of Thermal Field in Friction Surfacing Different Tool Pin Profiles Square and CircularInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
3Md Shabuddin, Rangdal SrikanthDesign and Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Head in Diesel EngineInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
4Dhondi Sindhuja, Rangdal SrikanthDesign and Thermal Analysis of Combustion Outer Case for Turbo EngineInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
5Aerukonda sandeep kumar, Rangdal SrikanthDesign and Thermal Analysis by Finite Element Methods of Cylinder Head of SI EngineInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
6Dachepally Raghu Babu, Rangdal SrikanthDesign and Analysis of Different Material to Increase the Performance of Ac CondenserInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
7Bollapally Suman Goud, Rangdal SrikanthAnalysis of Thermal Effects on Valve by Conventional and Blended Fuels, Volume 03 Issue 11International Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
8V. DURGESH,C SUDHAKARNatural Convective Heat Transfer for Inclined Narrow Plate , Pages:3005-3011International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research (IJATIR)ISSN 2348?2370
9Dr. Mohammad S. Alsoufi1, Dr. Mohammed Yunus1 and Mr. Mohammed AsadullahEconomical and technical way of ladle preheating by the use of flameless oxyfuel gas in steel industry.elixirISSN-229-712X
10Rv Prasad & P RavichanderSimulation of critical crack length propegation using Fracture MechanicsInternational Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER)ISSN2250-3005
11Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr Manzoor Hussain and Md. Samiuddin SiddiquiExperimental Investigations on Single Cylinder CI Engine for Variable Compression Ratio & Variable Injection Pressure Using Treble FuelInternational Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET)ISSN: 2319 ? 1058
12Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Manzoor Hussain, Mohammed Adnan AhmedExhaust Gas Emission Analysis for Variable Injection Pressure 1-Cylender Engine for 2 Different Feedstock Biodiesel Blended in DieselInternational Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET)e-ISSN: 2278-621X p-ISSN: 2319-3778
13Mr.DEGALA RAJENDRA , Mr. P RAVICHANDER ,Prof. R V PRASADSimulation Of Critical Crack Length Propagation Using Fracture MechanicsInternational Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER)ISSN(e): 2250-3005
14P. Ravi chander , Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyInvestigation Into The Effect Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (Egr) Adopting Different Air Filters On Performance And Emissions Of Di Diesel EngineJournal of Mech. and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)ISSN(P):2320-334X
15BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoObtaining the output parameters for different powder concentration in PMEDM?. Volume 3, Issue 6,International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Developmente-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406
16BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoDetermination of Best Concentration of Powder to Be Mixed in Di- Electric Fluid of PMEDM (Volume-5, Issue-6)International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &TechnologyISSN: 2278-9359
17Kareddula Vijaya Kumar, Puli Ravi Kumar, A SwarnaKumari and P Shailesh,?Performance and Emission Studies of a SI engine using Distilled Plastic Pyrolysis Oil-Petrol blends?, at 3rd International Conference on Mech., Electronics and Computer Engineering(CMECE 2016-17) New York,(Scopus index journals).DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/ 2016-174503002
18BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoA Review on Current Trends in PM-ECM using Commercial Kerosene as Di- Electric FluidInternational Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Vol 5, Issue 6,ISSN: 2278 - 7798
19P Shailesh , J .babu, K. Vijay Kumar , k.SrinivasaRaghavan,?Evaluation of Strain and Strain rates at different stages of Super plastic Cone Forming?, at 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization(ICMPC ) (Scopus index journals).(2017-18) 835?841
20A. Rajasekhar?Friction stir welding of stainless steels ? review?,. 4(9), 977-985International Journal of Advance d ResearchISSN: 2320-5407

Academic Year: 2016-17


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Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr Manzoor Hussain and Md. Samiuddin SiddiquiExperimental Investigations on Single Cylinder CI Engine for Variable Compression Ratio & Variable Injection Pressure Using Treble FuelInternational Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET)ISSN: 2319-1058NO
2Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Manzoor Hussain, Mohammed Adnan AhmedExhaust Gas Emission Analysis for Variable Injection Pressure 1-Cylender Engine for 2 Different Feedstock Biodiesel Blended in DieselInternational Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET)E-ISSN: 2278-621X P-ISSN: 2319-3778NO

Academic Year: 2015-2016


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Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Md. Fakhruddin H.N.,Mohammed Yousuf Ali and A.P.V. Prasad Rao4 Stroke Engine with 2 Power StrokesJournal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER)p-ISSN: 2350 ? 0077, e-ISSN: 2350 ? 0255
2Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Srinivas Ragahavan, Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Ali and Dr.Manzoor HussainModified CI Engine Performance by Varying Injection TimingInternational Journal for Trends in Engineering & Technology (IJTET)ISSN: 2349-9303
3P. Ravi chander , Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyEffect Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation On Combustion Characteristics And Emissions Of Di Diesel Engine Adopting Different Air FilterISST Journal of Mech. EngineeringISSN: 0976-7371
4BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoVarious Research Trends of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)? ,International Journal of Emerging Research in Mangement and Technology, (Vol 4, Issue 12).ISSN: 2278-9359
5A. RajasekharEffect of Welding Processes and Post Weld Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mech. Properties of AISI 431 Martensitic Stainless Steel e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 3, Issue 3, PP. 280-285Int.Journal of Technical Research and Applications (IJTRA) ?e-ISSN 2320 ? 8163 p-ISSN 2321 - 7332
6A. Rajasekhar?Heat Treatment Methods Applied To AISI 431 Martensitic Stainless Steels?, pp. 547-553, Volume 6, Issue 4,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, (IJSER)(ISSN 2229-5518).
7A. Rajasekhar?Corrosion Behavior of Martensitic Stainless Steels ? Role of Composition and Heat Treatment Procedures?, pp. 2795-2798, vol 04, issue 4,International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015-16, PP 2795-2798ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
8A. RajasekharInfluence of Microstructure on Mech. Properties of Martensitic Stainless Steel Welds (Accepted for publication) pp. 05-10, vol 12, issue 2,International Organization of Scientific Research-Journal of Mech. and civil engineering (IOSR-JMCE)ISSN 2278-1684

Academic Year: 2014-2015


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Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Dr. Mohammed Yunus1, Dr. Hamza A.Ghulman2, Dr. Shadi M. Munshi3, Sufyan Azam4,Dr. J. Fazlur Rahman5, Mohammed Irfan6, Mohammed Asadulla7Optimization and Analysis (Failure Mode Effect and Finite Element) of a Common DTH Dish Antenna Bracket AssemblyInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering & Technology (IJMET)ISSN 0976 ? 6340 (Print)
2Dr. Mohammed Yunus1 , Mohammed Asadullah2 , Dr. Hamza A. Ghulman3 , Dr. J. Fazlur Rahman4 , Mohammed Irfan5Energy Based Analysis of a Thermal Power Station for Energy Efficiency ImprovementInternational journal of modern engineering research| ISSN: 2249?6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss. 2
3K Srinivasa Raghavan, Dr. V. PandurangaduEffect of Induced Turbulence in a C.I. Engine by varying compression ratio and injection timing on the performance of the engineInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181
4Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr P Usha SriHeat Transfer Analysis Of Automotive Disc BrakesInternational Journal of Advance Research In Science And Engineering, IJARSE, Vol. No.3, Issue NoISSN-2319-8354(E)
5Rv Prasad & PrakashBabuLagrangianmodel for Simulating Turbulent Dispersion &Agglomeration of Droplets in a sprayInternational Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and ScienceISSN2324-7550
6Rv Prasad & Dr SLV PrasadModelling&Experimental Validation of Combustion Diesel Engine thru CFDIJTESISSN2320-8007
7P.Shaliesh, B. Praveen Kumar, K Vijaya Kumarc and A Nagendra?Determination of the Solidification Time of Al-7%Si Alloy during Centrifugal CastingInternational Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Inpressco international press corporationP-ISSN 2347 - 5161
8V. Madhusudhan Reddy, K. M. Abraham, Dr. A. Raja sekhar?Influence of cutting fluids on the carbide tool life in milling operation? pp. 423-426, vol 03, issue 1,International Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2373
9L.RajaMohan; G.Jagan Naik, Dr.A.Rajasekhar?Comparative analysis of Mech. properties of jute fiber reinforced with e-glass using epoxy and semi-rigid epoxy material? pp. 427-430, vol 03, issue 1,International Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2372
10R. Sai syam, Dr. A. Raja sekhar?Optimization of high speed turning parameters of super alloy inconel 718 material using taguchi technique? pp. 431-436, vol 03, issue 1,International Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2371
11Vishal admane,Dr.A.Raja sekhar?Determination of effect of die radius on deep drawing process using FEA technique? pp. 437-443, vol 03, issue 1,International Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2370

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