Research and Publications of ECE Department - Methodist College of Engineering a& Technology | Top Engineering College in Hyderabad| Best Engineering College in Telangana

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Research and Publications

Academic Year: 2022-2023


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Srikanth ImmareddyA Survey Paper on Design and Implementation of Multipliers for Digital System ApplicationsArtificial Intelligence Review
2Dr VSSN SrinivasaBabaSome Studies on Shielding Effectiveness for Oblique EM Waves Incidence on Dual ShieldsJournal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ResearchISSN(Online) : 2321-5941
3Dr VSSN SrinivasaBabaA Broardband MIMO array with gap Coupling for 5G Applications2022 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)ISBN 979-8-3503-9922-6
4Dr VSSN SrinivasaBabaCompact High Gain Hexagonal Fractal Antenna for 5G applicationsIEEE ANTSISBN: 1570579843
5Ravi M. YadahalliParametric Study of Ring Coupled and Strip Connected Ring Coupled With Different Orientations for Wireless Multiband ApplicationsDesign EngineeringISSN: 0011-9342
6Ravi M. YadahalliA novel microstrip fed triple band patch antenna with TM10, TM02 and TM12 induced modesBulletin of Electrical Engineering and InformaticsISSN: 2302-9285
7Ravi M. YadahalliCompact and Hexaband Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless ApplicationsWireless Personal Communications0929-6212 (print) 1572-834X (web)

Academic Year: 2021-22


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Srikanth ImmareddyA Survey Paper on Design and Implementation of Multipliers for Digital System ApplicationsArtificial Intelligence Review101007/s10462-021-10113-0

Academic Year: 2020-21


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1Dr. Ravi M YadahalliParametric Study of Ring Coupled and Strip Connected Ring Coupled With Different Orientations for Wireless Multiband Applications Design EngineeringISSN: 0011-9342
2Dr. Ravi M YadahalliFramework Design and Simulation of VANET Vehicle Positioning using Two Stage Sigma Point Kalman Filter (TSSPKF)International Journal of Grid and Distributed ComputingISSN: 2005-4262IJGDC
3Dr.John William Carey MEffect of Bright Light on EEG Ocular ArtifactsInternational Journal of Control and Automation2005-4297
4Dr.B.Krishna kumarEffect of Sampling Frequency on SNR in the Removal of Ocular Artifacts in EEG Signals using Waveletsi-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing(JDP)2322-0368
5Dr.John William Carey MRisk Factor Analysis of COVID-19International Journal of Current Research and ReviewISSN:2231-2196,ISSN:0975-5241
6Dr.B.Krishna kumarEstimation of Number of Levels of Scaling the principal Components in Denoising EEG SignalsBiomedical and Pharmacology JournalISSN:0974-6242 e-ISSN:2456-2610

Academic Year: 2020-2021


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1B.Krishna Kumar(Scopus Indexed)Estimation of number of levels of scaling the principle components in Deionising EEGsignalsInternational Journal Biomedical and Pharmacology0974-6242
2John William Carey M(Scopus Indexed)Risk Factor Analysis of Covid-19International Journal of Current Research and Review2231-2196

Academic Year: 2019-2020


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1B.Krishna KumarEffect of Sampling Frequency on SNR in the Removal of Ocular Artifacts in EEG Signals using Waveletsi-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing (JDP)2322-0368
2B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG signals using wavelets and SimulinkTechniquesInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering2277-3878
3B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG Signal using Matlab and SIMULINK Techniques and Estimation of Power Spectral Density of EEG Signal Using SIMULINK AR ModelsInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology2249-8958
4B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG Signals using Wavelets and Various Thresholding TechniquesInternational Journal of Electronics Engineering0973-7383
5John William Carey M(Scopus Indexed)Effect of Bright Light on EEG Ocular ArtifactsInternational Journal of Control and Automation, vol. 13, no. 02, pp. 74 - 80, Mar. 2020.2005-4297
6B.Krishna KumarEffect of Sampling Frequency on SNR in the Removal of Ocular Artifacts in EEG Signals using WaveletsI-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing (JDP)2322-0368
7B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG signals using wavelets and SimulinkTechniquesInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering2277-3878
8B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG Signal using Matlab and SIMULINK Techniques and Estimation of Power Spectral Density of EEG Signal Using simulinkAR ModelsInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology2249-8958
9B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG Signals using Wavelets and Various Thresholding TechniquesInternational Journal of Electronics Engineering0973-7383

Academic Year: 2018-2019


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1I.SrikanthImplementation of Radix-16 and Binary 64 Division VLSI Realizations for Energy Efficiency and Low Power DissipationInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology e-ISSN: 2395-0056
2Dr.B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG Signals using Wavelets and Various Thresholding TechniquesInternational Journal of Electronics Engineering (ISSN: 0973-7383)(ISSN: 0973-7383)
3M.MaheshBabuAnalytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special Issuee-ISSN: 2395 5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287
4N.Raj KumarA Simplified Compressive Sampling Approach based on Weights for efficient Spectrum usage in Wide band DSA NetworksJournal: Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) Paper ID: ECE-2018-1918,ICPET-28-20 December-2018-19..ICPET-28-29 December-2018-19
5John William Carey M?Methods for the Elimination of Ocular Artifacts in EEG? (Scopus Cited)International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and TechnologyPrint ISSN: 1752-6418 Online ISSN: 1752-6426
6T. Sravan KumarImplementationofStegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology(e-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN2395-5287)
7I.SrikanthImplementationofStegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technologye-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287)
8CH.SureshAnalytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295
9I.SrikanthImplementation of Radix-16 and Binary 64 Division VLSI Realizations for Energy Efficiency and Low Power DissipationInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technologye-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN 2395-0072)
10Dr.B.Krishna KumarDenoising of EEG Signals using Wavelets and Various Thresholding TechniquesInternational Journal of Electronics Engineering (ISSN: 0973-7383)(ISSN: 0973-7383)
11M.MAHESH BABUAnalytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special Issuee-ISSN: 2395 5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287
12N.RAJ KUMARA Simplified Compressive Sampling Approach based on Weights for efficient Spectrum usage in Wide band DSA NetworksJournal: Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) Paper ID: ECE-2018-1918,ICPET-28-20 December-2018-19..ICPET-28-29 December-2018-19
13John William Carey M?Methods for the Elimination of Ocular Artifacts in EEG? (Scopus Cited)International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and TechnologyPrint ISSN: 1752-6418 Online ISSN: 1752-6426
14T. Sravan KumarImplementationof Stegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology(e-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN2395-5287)
15I.SrikanthImplementationof Stegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technologye-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287)
16CH.SURESHAnalytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295

Academic Year: 2017-2018


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1V. Kumara Swamy, Dr PrabhuBenakopPredominance Of Blowfish Over Triple Data Encryption Standard Symmetric Key Algorithm for Secure Integrated Circuits Using Verilog HDLInternational Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.9, No.6, November 2017-18DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2017-18.9603, ISSN: 0975-8307
2John William Carey M?Study on the Impact of Light on Human Physiology and Electroencephalogram,? (Scopus Cited)Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 36-43, 2016-17.ISSN: 2296-9845
3CH.SureshImplementation of the Contrast Enhancement and Weighted Guided Image Filtering Algorithm for Edge Preservation for Better PerceptionInternational Journal of Advance in Science and Engineering2319-8354
4V. Kumara Swamy, Dr Prabhu BenakopPredominance Of Blowfish Over Triple Data Encryption Standard Symmetric Key Algorithm for Secure Integrated Circuits Using Verilog HDLInternational Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.9, No.6, November 2017-18DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2017-18.9603, ISSN: 0975-8307
5John William Carey MImpact of light through optical glasses on Electroencephalogram. Influence of light Through Optical Glasses on Electroencephalogram. (SCI Cited)Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and ResearchISSN-0019-5464
6John William Carey M?Study on the Impact of Light on Human Physiology and Electroencephalogram,? (Scopus Cited)Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 36-43, 2016-17.ISSN: 2296-9845
7CH.SURESHImplementation of the Contrast Enhancement and Weighted Guided Image Filtering Algorithm for Edge Preservation for Better PerceptionInternational Journal of Advance in Science and Engineering2319-8354

Academic Year: 2016-2017


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1T. Sravan KumarOptimization Technique of Digital FIR Filter Coefficients using Genetic AlgorithmInternational Conference on Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2016-17)ISBN:978-93-5258-110-8
2CH.SureshNew VLSI Architecture for Exploiting Carry Save Arithmetic Using Verilog HDLInternational Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies2455-0876
3CH.SureshAdaptive Contrast Enhancement and White Balancing Integration For Image Enhancement Based on Non-Linear Generalized Equalization ModelInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)2319-7064
4T. Sravan KumarOptimization Technique of Digital FIR Filter Coefficients using Genetic AlgorithmInternational Conference on Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2016-17)International ISBN:978-93-5258-110-8
5CH.SURESHNew VLSI Architecture for Exploiting Carry Save Arithmetic Using Verilog HDLInternational Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies2455-0876
6CH.SURESHAdaptive Contrast Enhancement and White Balancing Integration For Image Enhancement Based on Non-Linear Generalized Equalization ModelInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)2319-7064

Academic Year: 2015-2016


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1CH.SureshError Detection and Correction Using STI in Cache MemoryInternational Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication SystemsIJVDCSV03IS06P6079-2)
2N.H ShobhaEnhancement of speech intelligibility in the context of Hearing-impairmentInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
3N.H ShobhaEffectiveness of Time-expansion of Consonants for the benefit of Hearing-impaired listenersInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
4CH.SURESHError Detection and Correction Using STI in Cache MemoryInternational Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication SystemsIJVDCSV03IS06P6079-2)
5N.H SHOBHAEnhancement of speech intelligibility in the context of Hearing-impairmentInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
6N.H SHOBHAEffectiveness of Time-expansion of Consonants for the benefit of Hearing-impaired listenersInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847

Academic Year: 2014-2015


Name of the author/s

Title of paper

Name of journal

ISBN/ISSN number


1D.VARA PRASADA RAOPerformance of Cryptographic Instructions in RISC Based ArchitectureInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and ResearchVolume No.2, Issue No. 2, February ? March 2014-15, 868 - 871
2D.VARA PRASADA RAO.Combined logic 32-bit Carry Select Adder by using Dominos CMOS LogicInternational Journal of Engineering and Management ResearchVolume 4 Issue 6, December 2014-15, ISSN No: 2250-0758, Page Number: 120-124
3D.VARA PRASADA RAOEnergy reduction under different cache configurations by using Way Tag ArchitectureInternational Journal of Engineering and Management Research ag ArchitectureVolume 4 Issue 6, December 2014-15, ISSN No: 2250-0758, Page Number: 151-157 e
4D.VARA PRASADA RAOPerformance of Cryptographic Instructions in RISC Based ArchitectureInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and ResearchVolume No.2, Issue No. 2, February ? March 2014-15, 868 - 871

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