About Innovations and Entrepreneurships Development Cell :: Methodist College of Engineering and Technology | Top Engineering College in Hyderabad| Best Engineering College in Telangana

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About Innovations and Entrepreneurships Development Cell

Objectives of the Cell:

  • To create an environment for self-employment and entrepreneurship development through formal and non-formal programmes.
  • To introduce the concept of entrepreneurship in curricula at diploma and degree levels.
  • To develop management personnel at appropriate levels for the non-corporate and unorganized sectors like education, rural development, small-scale industry etc.
  • To utilize the infrastructure facilities and technically trained manpower for the development of non-corporate and unorganized sectors.
  • To promote employment opportunities.



  1. To promote the Entrepreneurship culture by organizing Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Skill Development Programmes in the institution.
  2. To initiate innovative student projects each year for new innovative product development.
  3. To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support system, information on technologies, etc. by creating a bridge between industries and the academic institution.
  4. To arrange interaction with entrepreneurs and create a mentorship scheme for student entrepreneurs to be a successful firm.
  5. To facilitate the creation of entrepreneur's club in each department to foster a culture of entrepreneurship amongst students.
  6. To encourage filing of patents among students and faculties.


Committee composition

The IEDC is composed of Head of the Parent Institution (Chairman), One Coordinator, one senior faculty member from each department of the Institution, one student coordinator from each department, and one student representative member from each department for every year.

Committee members

Roles & Responsibilities of Committee Members


Role of the Coordinator

  1. To ensure all necessary tasks related to the innovations and entrepreneurships in the institution.
  2. To coordinate among all members of the committee regarding possible innovations and IPR.
  3. To chair committee meetings ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively.
  4. To perform any other related duty assigned by Director/ Principal of the institution.
  5. To Plan and organise the event(s) with the coordination of all the committee members.
  6. To procure the appropriate approvals for the event(s) planned.
  7. To encourage committee members to find alternate techniques about using technology for better learning/teaching experience.


Role of the Faculty Member

  1. Maintain records of the Committee and ensure effective management of committee’s records.
  2. Instruct all the students’ coordinators and representatives to attend the meetings regularly and to forward the minutes among all other students of the institution.
  3. Formulate and update the yearly calendar of events under the observation of co-ordinator of the committee.
  4. To monitor at regular interval for reviewing the quality of the innovative policies and update, if necessary.
  5. Communicate with respective Head of the Department regarding the activities of the cell.
  6. Identify the students who have leadership quality and propose their name to the coordinator as student coordinator/representative for every year.
  7. Report all the related activities to the coordinator of the committee.
  8. To organize and promote different awareness programmes regarding Entrepreneurship.


Role of the Student Member

  1. To identify interested students for possible innovations and entrepreneurship.
  2. To help faculty members in organizing different events under IEDC.
  3. To coordinate with the Student Committee members in communications with the department faculty member of the IEDC.
  4. To follow up and implement the instructions given by co-ordinator and faculty members of the committee.
  5. To collect the data for each and every events under the guidance of the faculty member.
  6. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  7. Promoting the entrepreneurship awareness campaigning among other students.