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Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Numerical analysis and comparison of various cross section of heat pipes in heat exchangerG. Bhaskar, Dr.M. Udaya KumarMECHJournal of Polymer and Composites2321-2819
2Enhancing mechanical properties of Monel 400 alloy and 316L dissimilar metal butt welded joints through optimized friction stir welding and post-weld heat treatment.Dr. M Prasad, Dr. P Ravi Chander, .SunithaMECHIndian journal of technical education0971-3034
3Design and analysis of steering bracket using ansys work benchDr A Rajasekhar, Dr P Prabhu Raj, Mohammed ZuhaibMECHIndo- American journal of Mechanical Engineering.2321-9416
4Wire EDM investigation on AL 7475 Alloy: Parameter variation, MRR, SR and microstructure compassion.Dr. Md Fakhruddin, Hasan Nizami, T.Rahul Shanker Goud.MECHJournal of electronics information technology science and management.0258-7982
5Design, modelling and static analysis of leaf springs using Composite materials.Dr. Md Fakhruddin, Hasan Nizami, Safa khaderMECHInternational journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis0886-9367
6Optimizing fiber laser welding parameters for mechanical property enhancement...A comparative study by homogenous and dissimilar material weldmentsDr M Prasad Dr A Rajsekhar, Y M M Reddy, D Navin KumarMECHTechnical security journal - Q414349728
7Comprehensive analysis of brake drum performance in trucks through integration of thin liners with diverse material composition - static , dynamic and thermal evaluationDr P Ravi Chander, Dr M Prasad, Y M M ReddyMECHTechnical security journal - Q414349728
8Comparative analysis of honey comb structure panels with different cell shapes and material for bus flooringDr A Rajasekhar, Ch Uday kumar, Dr M Prasad, Y M M ReddyMECHIndian journal of technical education0971-3034
9Fabrication of 3d printer and composing 3d printed carShazia Anwar, Dr A Rajasekhar, Mohd Raheemuddin, Abrar ali khan, Mohd ZubairMECHInternational journal of multidisciplinary research in science, engineering technology & management2395-7639
10British Airways Reviews AnalysisDr P LavanyaCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, IJSREMVolume 10, Issue 4, July-Aug-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X
11Data Analytics & Visualization Using Tableau for Adidas Sales from Year 2015-2022Dr P LavanyaCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1541-45, ISSN: 2394-2975
12Modeling and predicting Cyber Hackin g BreachesDr. Sharada VaralakshmiCSEInternation Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science , Engineering and Technology, IJMRSET2582-7219
13Design and Implementation of an AI Virtual Mouse Using Hand Gesture RecognitionDr. M Sharada VaralakshmiCSEScope Journal, SCOPUSISSN: 202317941
14Data Visualization in Financial Crime Detection: Applications in Credit Card FraudDr. M Sharada VaralakshmiCSEINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, IJSREMISSN: 2582-3930
15Comparative study of Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation with dufferent Deep Learning Models using Magnetic Resonance ImagesDr. Diana MosesCSEInternation Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science , Engineering and Technology, IJMRSETVolume 7, Issue 6, June 2024, pp 11028-35, ISSN:2582-7219
16Instant Skin Disease Prediction BotDr. Diana MosesCSEInternation Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science , Engineering and Technology, IJMRSETVolume 7, Issue 6, June 2024, pp 11013 – 9, ISSN;2582-7219
17Automated Face Recognition and Clustering for Efficient Event Photo Management and DeliveryDr. Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Research of Sciencen Engineering and Technology, IJIRSETVolume 13, Issue 6 e-ISSN:2319-8753 P;2347-6710
18Food Price Outlook: Forecasting Food Prices with Enhanced MethodologiesDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1509-18, ISSN: 2394-2975
19Data Visualization on used Car’s Dataset using TableauDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1556-65, ISSN: 2394-2975
20The IPL 2017 Story: Insights through Data VisualizationDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1466-73, ISSN: 2394-2975
21Data Analytics and Visualization Using Tableau Utilitarian for IMDB Movies & ShowsDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science (IJPREMS), IJPREMSVolume 04, Issue 07, July 2024, pp: 1003-1024, e-ISSN: 2583-1062
22Data Visualization on Netflix User Base Dataset Using TableauDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science (IJPREMS), IJPREMSVolume 04, Issue 07, July 2024, pp: 962-974, e-ISSN: 2583-1062
23Indian Premier League 2022Dr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering TrendsVolume 10, Issue 4, July-Aug-2024, pp 1147 – 53, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X
24Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau on Weather DatasetDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1403-12, ISSN: 2394-2975
25The Anatomy of Amazon Sales: Insights and Trends UnveiledDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication EngineVolume 12, Issue 7, July 2024, pp 9497-510, e-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798
26Data Analysis for Global Superstore in TableauDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1375-82, ISSN: 2394-2975
27Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau for COVID-19(Coronavirus)Dr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1430-4, ISSN: 2394-2975
28A Comparative Study of Automated Machine Learning Systems Against Manual ApproachesDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), IRJETVolume: 11 Issue: 06 | Jun 2024, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072, 421-4
29A Novel Hybrid Based Method in COVID 19 Health System for Data Extraction with Blockchain TechnologyDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, SCOPUSVolume: 11 Issue: 3s, ISSN: 2321-8169, pp 81-94, 2023.
30Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau for customer analysisDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1430-4, ISSN: 2394-2975
31Crop Production in IndiaDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1430-4, ISSN: 2394-2975
32Secure Internet of Thing based data communication in blockchain model using novel teaching-learning optimized fuzzy approachDr Diana MosesCSETransactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, SCOPUSVol 34 : e4793, pp 1-16
34Investigating privacy-preserving machine learning for healthcare data sharing through federated learningDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEThe Scientific Temper, UGC CARE-II Vol. 14 No. 04 (2023), ISSN:0976-8653,
35An efcient cyber threat prediction using a novel artifcial intelligence techniqueDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEMultimedia Tools and Applications, SpringerVolume 83, pages 66757–66773, (2024),
36A Secure Framework based on Hybrid Cryptographic Scheme and Trusted Routing to Enhance the QoS of a WSN Dr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ETASR, Scopus1792-8036
37Medinsight: Unveiling Health PatternsDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and TechnologY, IJARETYISSN: 2394-2975
38 ALGINTE: Empowering Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through Machine LearningDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)ISSN: 2349-5162
39Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau for Churn in the E-Commerce SectorDr T Praveen KumarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1448-55, ISSN: 2394-2975
40Role of EV Vehicles in Combating CO2 EmissionsDr T Praveen KumarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1413-20, ISSN: 2394-2975
41Auto Care Booking SystemDr. U.MoulaliCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology, IJARETYISSN: 2394-2975
42Lung cancer Detection using CNN with Transfer LearningDr. U.MoulaliCSEInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), IJARESMISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 12, Issue 7, July-2024
43A Genetic Algorithm based Hyperparameter Tuning of Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer DetectionDeva RajashekarCSEInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJMRSET), UGCVolume 7, Issue 7,ISSN: 2582-7219 |
44Efficient Data Hiding System Using Image SteganographyUnnati KhanapurkarCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, UGCVolume: 08 Issue: 06 | June - 2024 SJIF Rating: 8.448 ISSN: 2582-3930
45RSA ENCRYPTION WITH LSB STEGANOGRAPHY FOR EMBEDDING DATA INTO IMAGESUnnati KhanapurkarCSEInternational Journal of Research and Analytical reviews, IJRARVolume 11, Issue 3
47IMAGE CAPTIONING FOR VISUALLY IMPAIREDUnnati KhanapurkarCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, UGCVolume: 08 Issue: 06 | June - 2024 SJIF Rating: 8.448 ISSN: 2582-3930
48An Effective Intrusion Detection System for Edge Computing Using ConvNext and ResNet152V2Vasavi Sravanthi BalusaCSEInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, SCOPUSISSN (online): 1757-5885
49BERT-BASED CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN AND AI GENERATED TEXTVasavi Sravanthi BalusaCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)ISSN: 2349-5162
51INTELICON: The Smart Conference of TomorrowShaik RasoolCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)ISSN: 2349-5162
52Smart Fitness Training System using Computer Visio Shaik RasoolCSEInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, UGC Approved Journal no 49023(18) ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.12, Issue 7, pp.i772-i777
53Abnormal Activity Detection by Leveraging AIShaik RasoolCSEInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), IJARESMISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 12, Issue 7 July 2024
54Enhancing Predictions of Global Temperature Trends: A Dynamic Systems Mathematical Modelling Approach with LSTM Algorithm and Machine Learning AAR.SENTHIL KUMAARCSEJournal of Biological Sciences, Journal of Biological SciencesVolume 6, Issue 6, July 2024 Received: 31 May 2024 Accepted: 28 June 2024 Publish
56Evaluate and Compare the Sentiment Analysis using SVM, Random Forest and Logistic RegressionMujtaba G. MCSEJOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, UGCVolume 11, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
58Video Forensics: A Comprehensive StudyMujtaba G. MCSEInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, UGCVolume 11 Issue 07 July 2024 ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
59Text-Based Stress Detection And Classification Using Machine LearningJuluri HarikaCSEINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS, UGC Approved Journal no 49023(18)ISSN: 2320-2882 Volume 12, Issue 7 July 2024
60Emotion Based Music Recommendation SystemJuluri HarikaCSEInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), IJARESMISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 12, Issue 7 July 2024
61British Airways Reviews AnalysisDr P LavanyaCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, IJSREMVolume 10, Issue 4, July-Aug-2024, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X
62Data Analytics & Visualization Using Tableau for Adidas Sales from Year 2015-2022Dr P LavanyaCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1541-45, ISSN: 2394-2975
63Modeling and predicting Cyber Hackin g BreachesDr. Sharada VaralakshmiCSEInternation Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science , Engineering and Technology, IJMRSET2582-7219
64Design and Implementation of an AI Virtual Mouse Using Hand Gesture RecognitionDr. M Sharada VaralakshmiCSEScope Journal, SCOPUSISSN: 202317941
65Data Visualization in Financial Crime Detection: Applications in Credit Card FraudDr. M Sharada VaralakshmiCSEINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, IJSREMISSN: 2582-3930
66Comparative study of Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation with dufferent Deep Learning Models using Magnetic Resonance ImagesDr. Diana MosesCSEInternation Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science , Engineering and Technology, IJMRSETVolume 7, Issue 6, June 2024, pp 11028-35, ISSN:2582-7219
67Instant Skin Disease Prediction BotDr. Diana MosesCSEInternation Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science , Engineering and Technology, IJMRSETVolume 7, Issue 6, June 2024, pp 11013 – 9, ISSN;2582-7219
68Automated Face Recognition and Clustering for Efficient Event Photo Management and DeliveryDr. Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Research of Sciencen Engineering and Technology, IJIRSETVolume 13, Issue 6 e-ISSN:2319-8753 P;2347-6710
69Food Price Outlook: Forecasting Food Prices with Enhanced MethodologiesDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1509-18, ISSN: 2394-2975
70Data Visualization on used Car’s Dataset using TableauDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1556-65, ISSN: 2394-2975
71The IPL 2017 Story: Insights through Data VisualizationDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1466-73, ISSN: 2394-2975
72Data Analytics and Visualization Using Tableau Utilitarian for IMDB Movies & ShowsDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science (IJPREMS), IJPREMSVolume 04, Issue 07, July 2024, pp: 1003-1024, e-ISSN: 2583-1062
73Data Visualization on Netflix User Base Dataset Using TableauDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science (IJPREMS), IJPREMSVolume 04, Issue 07, July 2024, pp: 962-974, e-ISSN: 2583-1062
74Indian Premier League 2022Dr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering TrendsVolume 10, Issue 4, July-Aug-2024, pp 1147 – 53, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X
75Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau on Weather DatasetDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1403-12, ISSN: 2394-2975
76The Anatomy of Amazon Sales: Insights and Trends UnveiledDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication EngineVolume 12, Issue 7, July 2024, pp 9497-510, e-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798
77Data Analysis for Global Superstore in TableauDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1375-82, ISSN: 2394-2975
78Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau for COVID-19(Coronavirus)Dr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1430-4, ISSN: 2394-2975
79A Comparative Study of Automated Machine Learning Systems Against Manual ApproachesDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), IRJETVolume: 11 Issue: 06 | Jun 2024, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072, 421-4
80A Novel Hybrid Based Method in COVID 19 Health System for Data Extraction with Blockchain TechnologyDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, SCOPUSVolume: 11 Issue: 3s, ISSN: 2321-8169, pp 81-94, 2023.
81Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau for customer analysisDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1430-4, ISSN: 2394-2975
82Crop Production in IndiaDr Diana MosesCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1430-4, ISSN: 2394-2975
83Secure Internet of Thing based data communication in blockchain model using novel teaching-learning optimized fuzzy approachDr Diana MosesCSETransactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, SCOPUSVol 34 : e4793, pp 1-16
85Investigating privacy-preserving machine learning for healthcare data sharing through federated learningDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEThe Scientific Temper, UGC CARE-II Vol. 14 No. 04 (2023), ISSN:0976-8653,
86An efcient cyber threat prediction using a novel artifcial intelligence techniqueDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEMultimedia Tools and Applications, SpringerVolume 83, pages 66757–66773, (2024),
87A Secure Framework based on Hybrid Cryptographic Scheme and Trusted Routing to Enhance the QoS of a WSN Dr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ETASR, Scopus1792-8036
88Medinsight: Unveiling Health PatternsDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and TechnologY, IJARETYISSN: 2394-2975
89 ALGINTE: Empowering Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through Machine LearningDr. Shaik Khaleel AhamedCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)ISSN: 2349-5162
90Data Analytics and Visualization using Tableau for Churn in the E-Commerce SectorDr T Praveen KumarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1448-55, ISSN: 2394-2975
91Role of EV Vehicles in Combating CO2 EmissionsDr T Praveen KumarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology (IJARETY), IJARETYVolume 11, Issue 4, July-August 2024, pp 1413-20, ISSN: 2394-2975
92Auto Care Booking SystemDr. U.MoulaliCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Technology, IJARETYISSN: 2394-2975
93Lung cancer Detection using CNN with Transfer LearningDr. U.MoulaliCSEInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), IJARESMISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 12, Issue 7, July-2024
94A Genetic Algorithm based Hyperparameter Tuning of Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer DetectionDeva RajashekarCSEInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJMRSET), UGCVolume 7, Issue 7,ISSN: 2582-7219 |
95Efficient Data Hiding System Using Image SteganographyUnnati KhanapurkarCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, UGCVolume: 08 Issue: 06 | June - 2024 SJIF Rating: 8.448 ISSN: 2582-3930
96RSA ENCRYPTION WITH LSB STEGANOGRAPHY FOR EMBEDDING DATA INTO IMAGESUnnati KhanapurkarCSEInternational Journal of Research and Analytical reviews, IJRARVolume 11, Issue 3
98IMAGE CAPTIONING FOR VISUALLY IMPAIREDUnnati KhanapurkarCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, UGCVolume: 08 Issue: 06 | June - 2024 SJIF Rating: 8.448 ISSN: 2582-3930
99An Effective Intrusion Detection System for Edge Computing Using ConvNext and ResNet152V2Vasavi Sravanthi BalusaCSEInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, SCOPUSISSN (online): 1757-5885
100BERT-BASED CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN AND AI GENERATED TEXTVasavi Sravanthi BalusaCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)ISSN: 2349-5162
102INTELICON: The Smart Conference of TomorrowShaik RasoolCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19)ISSN: 2349-5162
103Smart Fitness Training System using Computer Visio Shaik RasoolCSEInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, UGC Approved Journal no 49023(18) ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.12, Issue 7, pp.i772-i777
104Abnormal Activity Detection by Leveraging AIShaik RasoolCSEInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), IJARESMISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 12, Issue 7 July 2024
105Enhancing Predictions of Global Temperature Trends: A Dynamic Systems Mathematical Modelling Approach with LSTM Algorithm and Machine Learning AAR.SENTHIL KUMAARCSEJournal of Biological Sciences, Journal of Biological SciencesVolume 6, Issue 6, July 2024 Received: 31 May 2024 Accepted: 28 June 2024 Publish
107Evaluate and Compare the Sentiment Analysis using SVM, Random Forest and Logistic RegressionMujtaba G. MCSEJOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, UGCVolume 11, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
109Video Forensics: A Comprehensive StudyMujtaba G. MCSEInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, UGCVolume 11 Issue 07 July 2024 ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
110Text-Based Stress Detection And Classification Using Machine LearningJuluri HarikaCSEINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS, UGC Approved Journal no 49023(18)ISSN: 2320-2882 Volume 12, Issue 7 July 2024
111Emotion Based Music Recommendation SystemJuluri HarikaCSEInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), IJARESMISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 12, Issue 7 July 2024
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Hydrological modeling with respect to impact of landuse and land-cover change on the runoff dynamics in Budhabalanga river basing using ArcGIS and SWAT model by Remote Sensing ApplicationsManisha Bal , Asit Kumar Dandpat , Bandita NaikCEDSociety and Environment, ElsevierISSN0346-251X.
2Water surface profile in converging compound channel using gene expression programmingBandita Naik, Vijay Kaushik, Munendra Kumar CEDWater Supply IWA Publishing ISSN 1606-9749
3Groundwater Contaminant Transport Analysis and Numerical Solution of Diffusion in Saturated AquiferShiphali Preeti Aind CEDInternational Journal of Special EducationISSN:?0827-3383
5Access to carrier-based outreach service in the transportation system for latency tolerance in the environmentSrikanth Renikunta,CEDWeb of Science group - IJBPASISSN: 2277?4998
6Study of security issues and solutions in Internet of Things (IoT)?Srikanth Renikunta,CEDElsevier group ? Materials Today: Proceedings, Publication 2214-7853
7Influence of Demographic variables on consumer buying behaviour of luxury cars in HyderabadK.V.PAVAN KUMARMBAGIS Science journal1869-9391
8An Exploratory study to analyse the gender perception in selection of Luxury cars- A Study with special reference to twin cities of Hyderabad & SecunderabadK.V.PAVAN KUMARMBAJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research0022-1945
9Factors contributing cognitive dissonance behaviour among customers of luxury carsK.V.PAVAN KUMARMBAInternational Journal of creative research thoughts2320-2882
10Studies on 4 - dimethylaminopyridinium salicylate monohydrate's optical, mechanical, and laser damage thresholdDr.A. Arun kumarHUMSolid State Communications?0038-1098
11?Insights into Weak and Covalent interactions, Reactivity sites and Pharmacokinetic Studies of 4-Dimethylaminopyridinium Salicylate Monohydrate using Quantum Chemical Computation MethodDr.A. Arun kumarHUMComputational and Theoretical Chemistry2210-271X.
12 Study of photo catalytical, antimicrobial activity, dielectric and ac impedance properties of Zn doped Mg nanoferrites synthesized from citrate gel auto combustion methodDr. D. Ravi KumarHUM Materials Chemistry and Physics0254-0584
13Structure, growth, characterization and anti-microbial activities of L-Isoleucinium-4-methylbenzenesulfonate monohydrate single crystalsDr. A. ArunkumarHUMSolid State Communications?0038-1098
14Radiation Shielding, EPR, and TL Mechanism in Cr3+: Ba(La)2SiO6?Glass CeramicsDr.Kodumuri Veerabhadra RaoHUMSilicon1876-990X
15Synthesis, structural, photocatalytic and anti-cancer activity of Zn doped Ni nano chromites by citrate gel auto combustion methodDr. D. Ravi KumarHUMInorganic Chemistry Communications1387-7003
16Computational Insights On Charge Transfer and Non-covalent Interactions of Antibacterial Compound 4-dimethylaminopyridinium pyridine-2-carboxylate pentahydrateDr. A. Arunkumar HUMJournal of Molecular Structure0022-2860
17Multifunctional CrxCa(10-x)Al30Si60 Glasses, Electrical Conductivity And ThermoluminescenceDr.Kodumuri Veerabhadra RaoHUMRAS?YAN Journal of Chemistry?0974-1496
18Mechanical and Spectroscopic Investigations of Cr2O3 doped Calcium Aluminium Silicate GlassesDr.Kodumuri Veerabhadra RaoHUMCompliance Engineering Journal0898-3577
19Preparation and Characterization of melt derived CaO-Sb2O3-Li2O containing borate glass for multiple applicationDr. D. Ravi KumarHUMJournal of non- Crystalline solids 2049-3630
20Impact of Protonation and Hydrogen Bonding Interactions on the Biological Properties of Antibacterial Compound4-Dimethylaminopyridinium Salicylate Monohydrate: Correlation with Its Precursor MoleculesDr.A. Arun kumarHUMPolycyclic Aromatic compounds1563-5333
21Designing an efficient forecasting routing protocol to secure the mobile ad hoc network communicationT.V. Suresh Kumar and Dr. Prabhu G BenakopEEEBulletin Monumentale-ISSN 0007-473X
22Low Power Ultra Wideband Low Noise Amplifier Employing Forward Body Bias and Current - Reuse for Wireless Sensor Networks Applications,Dr.Prabhu G. Benakop Chandrasekhar Kandagatla EEEInternational Journal for Research Trends and InnovationISSN 2456-3315
23Usage of VCO?s to Scale the Power of Wireless ReceiversDr.Prabhu G. Benakop Chandrasekhar Kandagatla EEEJournal of Applied Science and ComputationsISSN 1076-5131
24Wireless Sensor Network Radio System Structure and RF Implementation of Transceiver CircuitDr.Prabhu G. Benakop Chandrasekhar Kandagatla EEETurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquirye-ISSN?1309-6591?
25Progress in Biomedical Field with an Advancement of CMOS RF Transceiver Using Wireless Sensor NetworkDr.Prabhu G. Benakop Chandrasekhar Kandagatla EEEDesign EngineeringISSN:119343
26CMOS Applications and Implementation Procedure of Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworkDr.Prabhu G. Benakop Chandrasekhar Kandagatla EEEDesign EngineeringISSN:119342
28A NEW INNOVATED FACTS CONTROLLER (SVC) FOR REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATIONNumburi NireekshanaEEEInternational Journal of Current Research0975-833X
31A Peer Survey on Load Frequency Contol in Isolated Power System with Novel Topologies Numburi NireekshanaEEEInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)2249-8958
32Frequency Regulation in Two Area System with PSO Driven PID TechniqueNumburi NireekshanaEEEJournal of Power Electronics & Power Systems2321-4244
33ENERGY EFFICIENT OTBFA PROTOCOL WITH WAKE UP RADIO FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSD.Sailaja & Dr. Prabhu. G. BenakopEEEHarbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of TechnologyISSN: 0367-6234
34Design Modelling And Analysis Of Knee Implant Using Different BiomaterialsDr.M.Prasad, Dr.P.Ravi chander, Dr.M.Udaya kumar, Y.Madhu maheswara ReddyMECHThe Journal Of Oriental Research MadrasISSN : 0022-3301
35Design And Analysis Of Rotovator And Cultivator Blades By Various Materials Using FEADr.P.Ravi chander, Dr.M.Prasad, Dr.M.Udaya kumar, Y.Madhu maheswara ReddyMECHThe Journal Of Oriental Research MadrasISSN : 0022-3301
36Experimentation and study of abrasive water jet cuttingon AAA 6061I.Sowjanya, Sai gayatrilahari.P, Dr.M.Udaya kumarMECHThe Journal Of maharaja sayajirao university of barodaISSN : 0025-0422
37Design and Analysis of Fan Blade with Dual Natural Fibers and Al 7075Medichalam Srivinayak, Dr. Md. Fakhruddin H.NMECHInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)2278-0181
38Computational Fluid Dynamics in Coronary and Intra-Cardiac Flow SimulationMohammed Abdul Mannan, Dr. Md Fakhruddin H.N.MECHInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)2321-9653
39DESIGN AND FLOW ANALYSIS OF AIR-CONDITIONED SPACEDr. Md. Fakhruddin H.N., Mohammed Adeel Ahmed, Salman KhanMECHInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science2582-5208
40An Efficient Approach for Bigdata Security based on Hadoop system using Cryptographic techniquesG.SarithaCSEInternational journal of computer science and Engineering(IJCSE)e-ISSN : 0976-5166
41An Adaptive Wolf Bsaed Dansing System for Securing HAdoop at the Data Cleaning Stage G.SarithaCSEInternational journal of Engineering Trends and technology(IJETT)ISSN:2231-5381
42Role of Machine Learning Algorithms for supply chain tracking the products to the university hostel with the utilization of IOT Dr. Syed AzahadCSEJournal of Optoelectronics LaserISSN:1005-0086
43Development and Analysis of improvised AOMDV Routing Protocol based on Machine Learning Model for improvised Network Performance in MANETsMVDS KrishnamurtyCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchISSN NO: 0022-1945
45Secure Data Transmission and Deletion between Two Clouds without Overhead Er Sandeep RavikantiCSEJETIRISSN : 2349-5162
46A Review on Multi-model Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning for Text, Speech, & Emoji ReorganizationT Praveen KumarCSEJournal of Harbin Institute of Technology (Scopus)ISSN No: 0367-6234 Vol-54 Issue:4 March-2022, p.56-66
47Multimodal Sentiment Prediction based on the integration of Text and EmojisT Praveen KumarCSEJournal of Optoelectronics Laser (Scopus)ISSN No: 1005-0086 Vol:44 Issue:4 April:2022, p.489-499
48A Pragmatic Approach to Emoji based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis using Deep Neural NetworksT Praveen KumarCSEJournal of Algebraic Statistics (WoS)ISSN: 1309-3452 Volume 13, No. 1, May:2022, p.473-482
49A Soft Hyper Tuned Voting Ensemble Classifier integrated with One Versus All Approach to Identify the Erythemato-Squamous Disease.Deva RajashekarCSEJournal of Optoelectronics Laser (Scopus)ISSN No: 1005-0086 Vol:41 Issue:5 April:2022, p.106-114
50TRLU: A CUSTOMIZED ACTIVATION FUNCTION TO DETECT ERYTHEMATO-SQUAMOUS SKIN CANCER AT EARLY STAGEDeva RajashekarCSEJournal of Algebraic Statistics (WoS)ISSN: 1309-3452 Volume 13, No. 1, May:2022, p.511-516
51A Survey Paper on Design and Implementation of Multipliers for Digital System ApplicationsSrikanth ImmareddyECEArtificial Intelligence Review101007/s10462-021-10113-0
52Design & modelling analysis of knee implant using differential biomaterials.V.Akhil, Dr M.Prasad, Dr. P. Ravi Chander, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, Y.M.M. Reddy.MECHThe journal of oriental research. Madras.0022-3301
53Design & analysis of rotovator & cultivator blades by various materials using FEA.B.Dinakar Raj, Dr. P. Ravi Chander, Dr M.Prasad, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, Y.M.M. Reddy.MECHThe journal of oriental research. Madras.0022-3301
54Experimentation & study on metal spinning of pure copper by using taguchi methodology & regression analysis.P. Sai. Gayathri Lahari, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, I.Sowjanya, G.Anil Kumar.MECHThe journal of oriental research. Madras.0022-3301
55Experimentation & study of abrasive water jet cutting on AA6061.P. Sai.Gayathri Lahari, Dr. M. Udaya Kumar, I.Sowjanya, G.Anil KumarMECHJournal of The Maharaja Sayajirao, University of Baroda.0025- 0422
56Finite element analysis of bullet impact on Kevlar fibre reinforced composite using autodyne.Ch Srinath, Kamal Kumar Ojha.MECHInternational journal of Engineering research & technology.2278-0181
57Design& analysis of fan blade with dual natural fibres & A1 7075.M. Sri Vinayak, Dr. Fakhruddin H.NMECHInternational journal of Engineering research & technology.2278-0181
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Thermal Performance of Engine Cylinder with Dissimilar MaterialsDr. M Udaya KumarMECHInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Commerce, Management and TechnologyISSN (Online) 2582-9327
2Experimental investigation on corrosion behaviour of Friction stir welded AA-T651 aluminium alloy under 3.5%WTNACL environmentDr.P.Prabhu RajMECHMaterials today2214-7853
3Stir zone stress corrosion cracking behaviour of friction stir welded AA7075-t651 aluminium alloy joints-Dr.P.Prabhu RajMECHCorrosion review journal- De Gruyter2191-0316
4Differential Gear Box to reduce vibration using different materials for vehicles -A Review Prasad Matam, Dr.A.RajasekharMECHTURCOMAT1309-4653
5Design and development of servo stabilization system for airborne radar applicationsPrasad MatamMECHAcademia Journal of scientific research, USA2315-7712
6Modelling and analysis of differential gearbox in vehiclesPrasad Matam,Dr.A.RajasekharMECHInternational journal of Future generation communication and networking2233-7857
7Increasing Performance of Thermal Processes in Healthcare units under HVAC system: A Critical ReviewDr. M Udaya KumarMECHIJARSCMTISSN (ONLINE 2582-9327 PP 12-15 IF-5.731
9Security Implementation to Cyber Physical System by an Innovative Inverse FlipCryp AlgorithmDr. M. Sharada VaralakshmiCSEJSSTISSN 0038-111X Vol. 63 No. 2s (2020)
10Security Implementation to Cyber Physical System by an Innovative Inverse FlipCryp AlgorithmDr. P.LavanyaCSEJSSTISSN 0038-111X Vol. 63 No. 2s (2020)
11Methods and developments in Machine Learning Approach ? A ReviewMr. D RajashekarCSEJOICSISSN 1548-7741
12An Experimental Study On The Bond Strength Of Triple Blended Steel Fibre Self Compacting ConcreteDr.B.L.P.SwamiCIVILHigh technological lettersISSN NO : 1006-6748
13Effect of Metakaolin and Condensed Silica Fume on the Rheological and Structural Properties of Self-Compacting ConcreteDr.B.L.P.SwamiCIVILCivil Engineering and Architecture Volume 8, Issue 5ISSN :1057-1062
14Properties of High Strength Concrete With ballast fiber and Fly ash-An experimental studyDr.B.L.P.SwamiCIVILHigh technological lettersISSN NO : 1006-6748
15Hydrological modeling with respect to impact of land-use and land-cover change on the runoff dynamics in Budhabalanga river basing using ArcGIS and SWAT modelDr.Bandita NaikCIVILELSEVIERISSN: 2352-9385
16A Novel Proficient Secure Routing Strategy In Mobile Ad Hoc Frame Using Heuristic-Based Load Balancing ProtocolT.V. Suresh Kumar, Dr. Prabhu G BenakopEEESolid State Technology0038-111X
17Direct-driven PMSG based wind energy conversion system with a neutral point clamped grid-side converterY Mastanamma, Dr. D SubbarayuduEEEThe international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis0886-93672
18A Secure Routing Protocol for MANET using Neighbor Node Discovery and Multi Detection Routing ProtocolT.V. Suresh Kumar and Dr. Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) ? Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020ISSN: 2231-5381
19Designing an efficient forecasting routing protocol to secure the mobile ad hoc network communicationT.V. Suresh Kumar and Dr. Prabhu G BenakopEEEBulletin Monumentale-ISSN 0007-473X
20CmosRf Transceiver For Wireless Sensor Networks In Medical FieldChandrasekhar Kandagatla , Dr.Prabhu G. BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and NetworkingISSN:2233-7857
21CMOS Applications and Implementation Procedure of Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworkChandrasekhar Kandagatla, Dr. Prabhu G. BenakopEEEDesign EngineeringISSN:119342
22Progress in Biomedical Field with an Advancement of CMOS RF Transceiver Using Wireless Sensor NetworkChandrasekhar Kandagatla, Dr. Prabhu G. BenakopEEEDesign EngineeringISSN:119343
23Studies on 4 - dimethylaminopyridinium salicylate monohydrate's optical, mechanical, and laser damage thresholdA. Arun kumar,HUMSolid state communications?0038-1098
24?Synthesis, Growth, Structural, Spectral and Optical studies on 2-amino-4-picolinium 4-hydroxybenzoate single crystals Volume 47, Part 14, 2021, Pages 4772-4777.Dr.A.Arun kumarHUMMaterials Today Proceedings2214-7853
25?Organic piperazine p-nitrophenol (PPN) single crystal growth and characterization?, , Volume 47, Part 14, 2021, Pages 4741-4745.Dr.A.Arun kumarHUMMaterials Today Proceedings2214-7853
26?Nucleation, Dielectric, And Ferro Electric Studies of Potassium Succinate- Succinic Acid (KSSA) Crystals, , Volume 47, Part 14, 2021, Pages 4852-4860.Dr.A.Arun kumarHUMMaterials Today Proceedings2214-7853
27Estimation of Number of Levels of Scaling the principal Components in Denoising EEG SignalsDr.B.Krishna kumarECEBiomedical and Pharmacology JournalISSN:0974-6242 e-ISSN:2456-2610
28Risk Factor Analysis of COVID-19Dr.John William Carey MECEInternational Journal of Current Research and ReviewISSN:2231-2196,ISSN:0975-5241
29Effect of Sampling Frequency on SNR in the Removal of Ocular Artifacts in EEG Signals using WaveletsDr.B.Krishna kumarECEi-manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing(JDP)2322-0368
30Effect of Bright Light on EEG Ocular ArtifactsDr.John William Carey MECEInternational Journal of Control and Automation2005-4297
31Framework Design and Simulation of VANET Vehicle Positioning using Two Stage Sigma Point Kalman Filter (TSSPKF)Dr. Ravi M YadahalliECEInternational Journal of Grid and Distributed ComputingISSN: 2005-4262IJGDC
32Parametric Study of Ring Coupled and Strip Connected Ring Coupled With Different Orientations for Wireless Multiband Applications Dr. Ravi M YadahalliECEDesign EngineeringISSN: 0011-9342
33Thermal performance of engine cylinder with dissimilar materials.Dr. M Udaya KumarMECHInternational journal of advanced research in science, commerce, management &technology.ISSN(online) 2582-9327
34Experimental investigations on corrosion behaviour of friction stir welded AA 7075-T651aliminium alloy under 3.5% WT NACL environment.Dr. P. Prabhu RajMECHMaterials today2214-7853
35Stir zone stress corrosion cracking behaviour of friction stir welded AA7075-T651 aluminium alloy joints.Dr. P. Prabhu RajMECHCorrosion review journal ? De Gruyter.2191-0316
36Differential gear box to reduce vibration using different materials for vehicle- A review.Prasad Matam, Dr. A RajasekharMECHTurcomat(Scopus)1309-4653
37Design & development of servo stabilization system for airborne radar applications.Prasad MatamMECHAcademia journal of scientific research,USA2315-7712
38Modelling & analysis of differential gear box in vehicles.Prasad Matam, Dr. A RajasekharMECHInternational journal of future generation communication & networking(Web of science)2233-7857
39Increasing performance of thermal process in health care units under HVAC system: A critical review.Dr. M Udaya KumarMECHIJARSCMTISSN(online)2582-9327 PP 12-15 IF-5.731
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Influence of Piezoelectric Parameters on Admittance Diagnostic Signals for Structural Health Monitoring: A Numerical StudyAkshay S. K. Naidu and Vinay PittalaCIVILMaterials Today: International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity Inderscience Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pg.316-338ISSN: 17450055
2Analytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityCH.SURESHECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295
3ElectroMech. Admittance Signature Analysis of Piezoceramic Transducers for NDEAkshay S. K. NaiduCIVILMaterials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 9, Part 3, pg. 19933-19943 (Elsevier PublicationsISSN: 2214-7853
4Implementationof Stegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.I.SrikanthECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technologye-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287)
5Implementationof Stegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.T. Sravan KumarECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology(e-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN2395-5287)
6Lateral distribution of depth average velocity & boundary shear stress in a gravel bed open channel flowPrateek Kumar Singh, Sumit Banerjee, Bandita Naik, Arun Kumar & Kishanjit Kumar KhatuaCIVILISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis JournalsPrint ISSN: 0971-5010 Online ISSN: 2164-3040
7?Methods for the Elimination of Ocular Artifacts in EEG? (Scopus Cited)John William Carey MECEInternational Journal of Biomedical Engineering and TechnologyPrint ISSN: 1752-6418 Online ISSN: 1752-6426
8A Simplified Compressive Sampling Approach based on Weights for efficient Spectrum usage in Wide band DSA NetworksN.RAJ KUMARECEJournal: Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) Paper ID: ECE-2018-1918,ICPET-28-20 December-2018-19..ICPET-28-29 December-2018-19
9Flow Prediction of Boundary shear stress and Depth average velocity of a Compound channel with Narrowing floodplainB. Naik, E.Padhi , K.K.KhatuaCIVILIranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering (Springer)Online ISSN2364-1843
10Analytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityM.MAHESH BABUECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special Issuee-ISSN: 2395 5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287
11To study the influence of nano silica on the strength and durability of self-compacting concreteD. BharathnaikCIVILIndianJ.Sci.Res.17(2):142- 147,2018-19ISSN: 0976-2876 (Print) ISSN: 2250-0138(Online
12Performance analysis of Enhanced Blowfish over Advanced Encryption Standard for Secure Integrated CircuitsV. Kumara Swamy, Dr Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Page No.288-294 ,Vol.8, Issue No.3ISSN: 2250-2459
13Mech. Properties of M30 Grade Concrete sing Blast Furnace Aggregate- An Experimental StudyShaista Begum , Mohd.ShahedAliCIVILGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295(Online); 2395-5287(Print)
14Research on Energy Saving MAC Protocol Based on Reporting Service in Wireless Sensor NetworksD.Sailaja, Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJERECE) Vol 5, Issue 2ISSN:2394-6849.
15An approach to tap electrical energy from ground vibrationsGarimella Raghu Chandra and Vedala Rama SastryEEEAmerican Institute of Physics0094-243X (print), 1551-7616 (web)
16VLSI Design flow for Secure Integrated Circuits based on DES, TDES, AES and Blowfish Algorithms and their performanceKumara Swamy Varkuti, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE), Vol.7, No.2.16, Issue.16, April 2018-19, Page No.94-97, DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.16.11424 (SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALISSN: 2227-524X
17Simulation Studies on Multilayer Coatings for Solar AbsorptanceM. Muralidhar Singh, K.V. Nagesha, and G. Raghu ChandraEEEAmerican Institute of Physics0094-243X (print), 1551-7616 (web)
18Energy Efficient and Delay Aware P-Mac Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworkD.Sailaja, Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEJournal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 08, Issue 3 (March2018-19)||V2|| PP 37-45
19Development of Empirical Model to Predict Particulate MatterK.V. Nagesha, M. Muralidhar Singh, and G. Raghu ChandraEEEAmerican Institute of Physics0094-243X (print), 1551-7616 (web)
20Implementation of Low Power Sigma Delta ADC for Broadband CommunicationsSatish, Dr Prabhu BenakopEEECVR Journal of Science and Technology Vol 15 (2018-19): 2018-19-01-15ISSN:22773916(E)
21A Resonant DC- DC Converter for Induction Motor Drive ApplicationSitaram Appari, G. Raghu Chandra, Subbi Naidu Bora, S.S. Chandra PrakashEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyISSN: 2395-5287, eISSN: 2395-5295
22New concerns and survival strategies of a woman in GithaHariharan?s The Thousand Faces of Night?M.LingaMurthyHUMIJELLH International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities)2321-7065
23Comparative Analysis of Responses of a Plane Building, with Outriggers and Water Tank as Tuned Liquid DamperShaista Begum, Abrar AhmedCIVILGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295(Online); 2395-5287(Print)
24Review on Low power wireless sensor network for various innovative applicationsChandrasekhar Kandagatla and Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEIndian J.Sci.Res. 17(2): 26-28, 2018-19ISSN: 0976-2876 (Print) ISSN: 2250-0138(Online)
25A Novel Approach for Reactive Power Compensation in Wind Farms Using GSC & RSC Control AlgorithmsG. Raghu Chandra, Ch.S. Ganga Bhavani, Sitaram AppariEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyISSN: 2395-5287, eISSN: 2395-5295
26Design and Structural Analysis of Mast Member of Hydraulic RIG?, 25(1), , pp. 01-05,V. Venkata Srichandan, A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences(IJETCAS)ISSN (Print): 2279-0047, ISSN (Online): 2279-0055,
27Expression of feelings and emotions of children in Johanna Spyri?s Novel, Heidi-A Sociological study of Children?s LiteratureM.LingaMurthyHUMVeda?s publication, JOELL Journal of English Language, Literature2349-9753
28Contributory Broadcast Encryption with efficient Encryption and short chiphertextsVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology (IJRDST)2581-4575
29Application of TLBO Algorithm Optimized PID controller to Analyse Small Hydropower PlantHira Singh and Raghu Chandra GarimellaEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyISSN: 2395-5287, eISSN: 2395-5295
30Design and Analysis of Mech. Gripper for High Temperature Applications?, 25(1), pp. 11-15,K.Sindhuja, Dr.A.Rajasekhar, Matam PrasadMECHInternational Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications (IJEBEA),ISSN (Print): 2279-0020 ISSN (Online): 2279-0039.
31Improving Software Quality & Software Measurements Statistical AnalysisVuppu PadmakarCSEIJRDST2581-4575
32Assessment of MPPT based photovoltaic system: A Critical ReviewHira Singh and Raghu Chandra GarimellaEEEInternational Journals of Power Electronics Controllers and ConverterseISSN: 2456-1614
33A Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Analysis of Automobile Camshaft Made of different Materials?, , Volume 5, Issue 7, PP 465-469, www.jetir.orgB.Priyanka, A.Rajasekhar, Manish Kumar NayakMECHJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research JETIR(ISSN-2349-5162)
34Aspect Oriented Refactoring for Software MaintenanceVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Research (IJR)2581-4575
35Improving the Voltage Profile at Load End using DVRRajinikanth, Bhumaiah Jula, N NireekshanEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and TechnologyISSN: 2395-5295, p-ISSN: 2395-5287
36?Buckling analysis and life estimation of attachment bracket used in aircraft structure?, Volume 5 ? No.3, PP. 1-4B.Anusha, A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Aerospace and Mech. Engineering (IJAME)ISSN (O): 2393-8609
37Analysis of Matrix Converter using Direct Transfer Function ApprochB. Pavankumar, Jarapala Ramesh Babu and V. SakethaEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295, p-ISSN: 2395-5287
38Economizing of Machining Process by Heating the Work Piece in the Furnace to Increase Tool Life, Surface Finish and to Reduce the Power Consumption1.Prabhakar. K ,2. Dr. A. Rajasekhar ,3. Dr. P. Shailesh ,4. Y. Madhu Maheswara Reddy 5. A kumar.MECHGrenze international journal of engineering and technologySPECIAL ISSUE
39Improvement of Power Quality in Grid Connected Non Coventional Energy Sources at Distribution LoadsRamesh Jatoth and N. NireekshanaEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295, p-ISSN: 2395-5287
40Design and Implementation of Single PHASERV Topology Five Level InverterNamburi NireekshanaEEEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295, p-ISSN: 2395-5287
41Analysis of PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System using MATLAB/SimulinkY. Mastanamma, Dr D. SubbarayuduEEEInternational Journal of Electrical Communication Engineering
42Two swarm intelligence based approaches for the p-center problem.B. Jayalakshmi and A. SinghCSEInternational Journal of Swarm Intelligence2049-405X
43COPQ: Continuous Optimization of the Parallel Queries of the Distributed Triple StoresK.Shailaja, Dr P.V.Kumar, Dr S.Durga BhavaniCSEJourna l of Advanced Research in Dynamical an Control Systems1943-023x
44Design And Development Of Fabrication Drawings For Twin Seater Wheel ChairDr. P. Ravi chander,Madhu Maheswara Reddy Kashif Mohiuddin ShahyMECHInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)ISSN (Online):2349?9745 ; ISSN (Print):2393-8161
45An IoT & AWS Based Smart Door Authentication System for Securing Hospital Maternity WardsR Sandeep N ChinmayCSEInternational Journal of Computer Trends and Technology ( IJCTT )E-ISSN:2231-3803 P-ISSN:2349-0829
46Experimental Research Into The Exhaust Gas Recirculation On Combustion Characteristics Of Di Diesel Engine Adopting Different Air FilterDr. P. Ravi chander, Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)ISSN: 2320-2882
47Smart Farming: A Techno Agriculture Advancement Powered by Machine LearningSandeep Ravikanti, Dheeraj GaneshCSEInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)E-ISSN:2231-5381 P-ISSN:2349-0918
48Fatigue Analysis Of Chain Sprocket Using Finite Element AnalysisY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr. P Ravi ChanderMECHInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406.
49Internet of Everything (IoE): A New Technology Era will have Impact on Every Facet of our LifeSandeep RavikantiCSEGRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET)2395-5295(Online); 2395-5287(Print)
50The Effect Of Different Intake Air Filters On Di Diesel Engine PerformanceDr. P. Ravi chander, Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Developmente-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406.
51An Algorithmic Approach for Deadlock Detection in HypervisorSandeep Ravikanti, Madham NarenCSEGRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET)2395-5295
52The Effect Of Different Intake Air Filters On Di Diesel Engine Combustion And Its Exhaust CharacteristicsDr.P. Ravi Chander , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy , Dr. B. Sudheer Prem KumarMECHInternational Journal of Engineering Science and ComputingISSN 2321 3361
53Design And Thermal Analysis Of Tractor BootDr. P. Ravi chander, Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, R Manish, G SaiRamMECHGrenze international journal of engineering and technology2395-5295
54Performance Evaluation of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Neem Caster Bio-dieselMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Umar UZ Zama, Dr. M. Yousuf Ali & Dr. M. Manzoor HussainMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
55Commercial Modular Kitchen Ventilation System DesignMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Syed Azam Pasha Quadri, sohaib Bin Suhail, Syed Absar Ahmed and Abdur RahmanMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
56Experimental determination and optimizing the process parameters of AISI304 using GTAWPrasad. Matam,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
57Implementation and testing of turbo charger on a diesel enginePrasad. Matam,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
58Optimization of design parameter of constant blank thickness by varying friction coefficient using explicit FEA on deep drawing process of a cylindrical platePrasad. Matam,Md.Sameer numanuddin,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, JETIR, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349-5162
59CFD analysis of an economizer for 25mm design bend radius in a fire tube boilerPrasad. Matam,Thakur Angraj singh,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349 ? 9745
60CFD analysis of solar absorber platePrasad. Matam,P,Bhagavan rao,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, IJRASET, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2321 ? 9653
61Fatigue Analysis of Chain Sprocket Using Finite Element AnalysisY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr. P Ravi ChanderMECHInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, IJAERD Volume 5, Issue 04.ISSN: 2345 - 4470
62Design And Analysis of Excavator Bucket ToothY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr P ShaileshMECHInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4.ISSN: 2349-5162
63Design And Development of Fabrication Drawings For Twin Seater Wheel ChairY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, P Ravi ChanderMECHInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4.ISSN: 2349-5162
64Design and analysis of a tata ace differential gear and drive shaftPrasad. Matam,S,Srinivasa reddy,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN2279-0039
65Design And Thermal Analysis Of Tractor BootDr. P. Ravi chander, Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, R Manish, G SaiRamMECHGrenze international journal of engineering and technology2395-5295
66Implementation And Testing Of Turbo Charger on A Diesel EngineY Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
67Experimental Determination And Optimizing The Process Parameters of AISI 304 Using GTAWY Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT/Vol 6 / Issue 2/ 123ISSN : 2320 - 2882
68Investigations on performance of diesel engine by varying injection timings with design modification on piston crown. Page No:562Vijaya K., Shailesh Palaparty, Raghavan Srinivasa, Ravi Kumar Puli,MECHEmerald Inside World Journal of Engineering[ISSN 1708-5284]
69Investigation of diesel engine performance with design modifications in piston : Inducing turbulance by swirl page no ; 495K Vijaya Kumar,Damera Babitha, K Srinivasa Raghavan and P Shailesh, Sunchu Abhishekaran, Sunchu AnusthithaMECHInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering and Robotics ResearchISSN : 2278-0149
70Performance and emission analysis of diesel engine with design modifications on piston crownK. Vijaya Kumar, P. Shailesh, K. Srinivasa Raghavan, J. A. Ranga Babu & P. Ravi KumarMECHInternational Journal of Ambient Energy, Tayler & FrancisISSN: 0143-0750
71Design of Cultivator using a Motor and the Analysis on Tiller BladeK. Srinivasa Raghavan , K. Ramani and J SaikrishnaMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
72CFD Analysis of Solar Absorber PlateY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Prasad. Matam,P,Bhagavan raoMECHInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, IJRASET, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2321 ? 9653
73Modeling and Analysis of Kaplan Turbine Blade Using CFD , Pg.1086-1089K. Rama Chandra Manohar1*, Somagani upendar2, V. Durgesh3, B.Sandeep4,ksk mallik5, Gurram Narendra Santosh Kumar6, Sk.Hasane Ahammad7MECHInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology0975-4024
74CFD Analysis of An Economizer For 25mm Design Bend Radius In A Fire Tube BoilerY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Prasad. Matam,Thakur Angraj singh,MECHInternational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, IJMTER, Volume 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349 ? 9745
75Optimization of Design Parameter of Constant Blank Thickness by Varying Friction Coefficient Using Explicit Fea on Deep Drawing Process of A Cylindrical PlateY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Prasad. Matam,Md.Sameer numanuddinMECHInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, IJETIR, Vol 5, Issue 4ISSN: 2349-5162
76Design and analysis of a tata ace differential gear and drive shaftPrasad. Matam,S,Srinivasa reddy,Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN2279-0039
77Design And Analyis Of Mech. Gripper For High Temperature,Prasad. Matam,Dr.A. Rajasekhar,K.SindhujaMECHInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN2279-0039
78Novel Approach of Determine the Simplest Disk Programming Algorithms with Machine Learning IdeasPUPPALA MANGALA TULASICSEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special Issue Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.4.3.65ISSN 2395-5295
79The Balanced Scorecard-An Enduring Management Key for SuccessMrs.Rani RajanMBAimanager?s Journal on Management(JMGT)ISSN:2230-715x(Online), 0973-5054(Print)
80Denoising of EEG Signals using Wavelets and Various Thresholding TechniquesDr.B.Krishna KumarECEInternational Journal of Electronics Engineering (ISSN: 0973-7383)(ISSN: 0973-7383)
81Numerical Modelling Based Impact of Ground VibrationsG. Raghu Chandra, Vedala Rama Sastry, ParvathyEEEi-manager?s Journal on Civil EngineeringISSN: 2247-0779 (Online), 2231-1068 (Print)
82Fracture Analysis to determine strength of Metal ?Composite Joints Vol.4 (2017-18), Issue 6 (June), pp 427 ? 433,Thakur Sachin Singh, A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and ResearchISSN No: 2348-4845
83Recent Innovations in Banking Sector in IndiaMr. K.V.Pavan kumarMBAInnovations and challenges in BankingISBN 9789353674137
84Implementation of Radix-16 and Binary 64 Division VLSI Realizations for Energy Efficiency and Low Power DissipationI.SrikanthECEInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technologye-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN 2395-0072)
85Numerical Modelling Based Assessment of Ground VibrationsGarimella Raghu Chandra and S. ParvathyEEEElectrical Engineering e-Journal, Elsevier BVISSN: 0306-9050
86Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient SAR Analog to Digital ConverterB. Satish, Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1, May 2018-19
87Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator fed Wind Energy Conversion System with Boost converter and PI controllerY. Mastanamma, Dr. D. SubbarayuduEEEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative ResearchISSN-2349-5162
88Performance Analysis Of Sliding Mode Controller Fed PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion SystemY. Mastanamma, Dr. D. SubbarayuduEEEInternational Journal of Research and Analytical ReviewsE-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138
89Performance Comparison of Stand Alone Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator And Squirrel Cage Induction Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion SystemsY. Mastanamma, Dr. D. SubbarayuduEEEInternational Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES)e-ISSN: 2455-2585
90Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Energy Conversion Systems(WECS)Y. Mastanamma , Dr D. SubbarayuduEEEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)ISSN: 2277-3878
91Mech. Behaviour of Anisotropic Composite Materials as Micropolar continuaSnehit Dharasura,NFrontiers in materials
92Investigation Of Electrical Properties of Pure and Thallium Chloride Doped Poly Vinyl Alcohol Polymer Electrolyte FilmsC.Anuradha, K. Veerabadrarao, G.AravindHUMInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Applications2248-9622
93Development of Dust Concentration Model using Artificial Neural NetworksK.V. Nagesha, Garimella Raghu ChandraEEEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2278-3075
94Review of Contemporary Literature on Distributed-RDF Query Optimization TechniquesK.Shailaja, Dr P.V.Kumar, Dr S.Durga BhavaniCSEInternational Journal of Research2236-6124
95Performance analysis of Enhanced Blowfish over Advanced Encryption Standard for Secure Integrated CircuitsV. Kumara Swamy, Dr Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Page No.288-294 ,Vol.8, Issue No.3ISSN: 2250-2459
96Research on Energy Saving MAC Protocol Based on Reporting Service in Wireless Sensor NetworksD.Sailaja, Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJERECE) Vol 5, Issue 2ISSN:2394-6849.
97VLSI Design flow for Secure Integrated Circuits based on DES, TDES, AES and Blowfish Algorithms and their performanceKumara Swamy Varkuti, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE), Vol.7, No.2.16, Issue.16, April 2018-19, Page No.94-97, DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.16.11424 (SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALISSN: 2227-524X
98Energy Efficient and Delay Aware P-Mac Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworkD.Sailaja, Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEJournal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 08, Issue 3 (March2018-19)||V2|| PP 37-4
99Implementation of Low Power Sigma Delta ADC for Broadband CommunicationsB.Satish, Dr Prabhu BenakopEEECVR Journal of Science and Technology Vol 15 (2018-19): 2018-19-01-15ISSN:22773916(E)
100Review on Low power wireless sensor network for various innovative applicationsChandrasekhar Kandagatla and Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEIndian J.Sci.Res. 17(2): 26-28, 2018-19ISSN: 0976-2876 (Print) ISSN: 2250-0138(Online)
101Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient SAR Analog to Digital ConverterB. Satish, Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1, May 2018-19
102Teaching Learning Based Optimization in Semantic Web of Distributed RDFK.Shailaja, Dr P.V.Kumar, Dr S.Durga BhavaniCSEInternational Journal of Research2236-6125
103An Intelligent Way to generate and Track traffic Challans with the Power of ML and IOTUnnati Khanapurkar, B Sowjanya, Sandeep RavikantiCSEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special Issue Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.4.3.65ISSN 2395-5295
104A Compherensive study on online Product Quantization with Budget ConstraintsK.ShailajaCSEInternational Journal of Research2236-6125
105Automated Rain water harvesting systemVuppu PadmakarCSEICCES 2019978-1-5386-4765-3
106Effect of Osmotic Stress on the Organic Acid Production Profile and Tricalcium Phosphate Solubilization by Osmotolerant Bacteria.Hema bindhu, Selvakumar,Kaushal, Sunil Kumar, Duraisamy kalaivananHUMInternational Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Vol.7 (12), 2018.2319-7706
107Osmotolerant Plant Growth Promoting Bacterial Inoculation Enhances the Antioxidant Enzyme Levels of Tomato Plants Under Water Stress ConditionsHema bindhu, Selvakumar, Sunil Kumar, ShivashankaraHUMInt. J. Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci(2018) 7(1): 2824-28332319-7706
108Design and Structural Analysis of Mast Member of Hydraulic RIGV. Venkata Srichandan, A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences, 25(1), , pp. 01-05,ISSN (Print): 2279-0047, ISSN (Online): 2279-0055,
109Design and Analysis of Mech. Gripper for High Temperature ApplicationsK.Sindhuja, Dr.A.Rajasekhar, Matam PrasadMECHInternational Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 25(1), pp. 11-15,ISSN (Print): 2279-0020 ISSN (Online): 2279-0039.
110A Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Analysis of Automobile Camshaft Made of different MaterialsB.Priyanka, A.Rajasekhar, Manish Kumar NayakMECHJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, PP 465-469,??(ISSN-2349-5162)
111?Buckling analysis and life estimation of attachment bracket used in aircraft structure?, Volume 5 ? No.3, PP. 1-4B.Anusha, A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Aerospace and Mech. Engineering (IJAME)ISSN (O): 2393-8609
112Performance Evaluation of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Neem Caster Bio-dieselMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Umar UZ Zama, Dr. M. Yousuf Ali & Dr. M. Manzoor HussainMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
113Commercial Modular Kitchen Ventilation System DesignMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Syed Azam Pasha Quadri, sohaib Bin Suhail, Syed Absar Ahmed and Abdur RahmanMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
114Design and analysis of a Tata ace differential gear and drive shaftS,Srinivasa reddy, Prasad. Matam Y Madhu Maheswara ReddyMECHInternational Association of Scientific Innovation and Research,U.S.A? Volume 1 issue 25ISSN: 2279-0039
115Design of Cultivator using a Motor and the Analysis on Tiller BladeK. Srinivasa Raghavan , K. Ramani and J SaikrishnaMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
116DESIGN & OPTIMIZATION OF PASSENGER CAR CENTER PILLAR REINFORCEMENTMITALI V SALUNKE, Prasad.MatamMECHInternational journal of research, IJR? Volume 8 issue VI? page no 4989-4995 June 2019ISSN NO 2236-6124
117Thermal analysis of TBC coated super alloy for industrial gas turbine.MdAsadullah, Md. Yunus, Shobab A, Swetha GMECHGrenze International JournalISSN NO 2395-5287
118Fracture Analysis to determine strength of Metal ?Composite Joints Vol.4 (2017-18), Issue 6 (June), pp 427 ? 433,Thakur Sachin Singh, A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and ResearchISSN No: 2348-4845
119Design and Thermal Analysis of Tractor BootDr. P Ravi Chander, Mr. Y Madhu Maheswara Reddy, R Manish and G SaiRamMECHGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
120Analytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityCH.SureshECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special IssueISSN: 2395-5295
121ImplementationofStegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.I.SrikanthECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technologye-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287)
122ImplementationofStegnography on Images using loss less and reversible encryption methodology.T. Sravan KumarECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology(e-ISSN: 2395-5295 p-ISSN2395-5287)
123?Methods for the Elimination of Ocular Artifacts in EEG? (Scopus Cited)John William Carey MECEInternational Journal of Biomedical Engineering and TechnologyPrint ISSN: 1752-6418 Online ISSN: 1752-6426
124A Simplified Compressive Sampling Approach based on Weights for efficient Spectrum usage in Wide band DSA NetworksN.Raj KumarECEJournal: Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) Paper ID: ECE-2018-1918,ICPET-28-20 December-2018-19..ICPET-28-29 December-2018-19
125Analytical Approach of Trivium FPGA Implementations against Information Security VulnerabilityM.MaheshBabuECEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Special Issuee-ISSN: 2395 5295 p-ISSN 2395-5287
126Denoising of EEG Signals using Wavelets and Various Thresholding TechniquesDr.B.Krishna KumarECEInternational Journal of Electronics Engineering (ISSN: 0973-7383)(ISSN: 0973-7383)
127Implementation of Radix-16 and Binary 64 Division VLSI Realizations for Energy Efficiency and Low Power DissipationI.SrikanthECEInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Water Surface profile Computation for Compound channel with Narrow Flood PlainsB. Naik, K.K.KhatuaCIVILArabian Journal for Science and Engineering, SpringerISSN: 2193-567X (Print) 2191-4281 (Online)
2Implementation of the Contrast Enhancement and Weighted Guided Image Filtering Algorithm for Edge Preservation for Better PerceptionCH.SURESHECEInternational Journal of Advance in Science and Engineering2319-8354
3Loss of Energy in the Converging Compound Open ChannelsB. Naik, K.K.Khatua, E.Padhi,P.singhCIVILArabian Journal for Science and Engineering, SpringerISSN: 2193-567X (Print) 2191-4281 (Online)
4?Study on the Impact of Light on Human Physiology and Electroencephalogram,? (Scopus Cited)John William Carey MECEJournal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 36-43, 2016-17.ISSN: 2296-9845
5Stage Discharge Prediction for Converging Compound Channels with Narrow FloodplainsB. Naik, K.K.Khatua , N. G. Wright , A. SleighCIVILJournal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering ASCEISSN (online): 1943-4774
6Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Brand LoyaltyMs. Sumaiya ShoukathMBARole of Technology in Banking and Financial ServicesISBN 9789385640995
7Impact of light through optical glasses on Electroencephalogram. Influence of light Through Optical Glasses on Electroencephalogram. (SCI Cited)John William Carey MECEIndian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and ResearchISSN-0019-5464
8Numerical modeling of converging compound channel flowB.Naik, K. K. Khatua, Nigel Wright , A. Sleigh& P. SinghCIVILISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis JournalsPrint ISSN: 0971-5010 Online ISSN: 2164-3040
9Digitalization of Financial ServicesMrs. G.MadhaviMBARole of Technology in Banking and Financial ServicesISBN 9789385640995
10Flow resistance in gravel bed open channel flows case: intense transport conditionS. Banerjee, B. Naik, P. Singh & K. K. KhatuaCIVILISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis JournalsPrint ISSN: 0971-5010 Online ISSN: 2164-3040
11Demonetization - Challenges and opportunities for transforming India into cashless EconomyMr. K.V.Pavan kumarMBAManagement of Demonetization : Challenges and opportunities aheadISBN9789385101540
12Depressed Power Utilization on 3T Gain Cell EDRAMB.Sateesh,Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Ethics in Engineering & Management EducationISSN: 2348-4748, Volume 4, Issue 3
13Impact of Demonetization - Short run Vs Long run effectsMrs. G.MadhaviMBAManagement of Demonetization : Challenges and opportunities aheadISBN9789385101540
14Composition of 4:2 Compressor using XOR-XNOR Sections for Gassed-Up Computation BoundB. Sateesh,Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Advanced Research FoundationISSN: 2394-3394, Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2017-18
15Admittance Response of PZT Transducers bonded to a Structural Member Subjected to External LoadingAkshay S.K. Naidu and Karthik Reddy AwalaCIVILInternational journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 4, No. 12, Pg. 542-551ISSN ? 2349 ? 5162
16Design and Examination of 6T SRAM Operation and Its ArchitectureB. Satheesh,Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced EngineeringISSN 2250-2459
17A Hybrid Neural Network ? Genetic Algorithm for Prediction of Mech. Properties of ASS-304 at Elevated TemperaturesK. Lakshmi, D.V. Pushpalatha, A.S.K. Naidu and S. K. SinghCIVILMaterials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier Publications, Volume 4, Issue 2, Part A, pgs 746-751.2214-7853
18Optimized SNR For Intersymbol Interference Reduction Over Modified DFZF Equalizer For Packet Erasure NetworkArjun Ghule,Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]ISSN: 2454,-7875
19Predominance Of Blowfish Over Triple Data Encryption Standard Symmetric Key Algorithm for Secure Integrated Circuits Using Verilog HDLV. Kumara Swamy, Dr Prabhu BenakopECEInternational Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.9, No.6, November 2017-18DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2017-18.9603, ISSN: 0975-8307
20Study on ductility behaviour of different types of shear connectors in composite structural elementsP.Sai shradda,C.Sudha,Dr.M.LakshmipathyCIVILInternational journal of civil engineering and technologyISSN:0976-6316
21Empirical Analysis of McCall?s Quality Factors using Analytic Hierarchy Process Agile PerceptionVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)2321-9653
22Mark Twain?s the Adventures of Huckleberry Fin: A study of expressions, feelings and emotions of children?M.LingaMurthyHUMRET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research2321-2853)
23?The Hairy Ape- Search for IdentityM.LingaMurthyHUMIJELLH International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities)2321-7065
24LAND USE LAND COVER CHANGE DETECTION USING GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES-A CASE STUDY FROM RAMAGUNDAMA. Nihaarika,Dr. K.Santosh Kumar,Dr. M. Anji Reddy,HUMInternational Journal Of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management (IJAREM)2456-2033 || PP. 01-06
25Simulation of Flow and Structural Analysis of Industrial Blower ?,Vol. 7, Issue 8, ( Part -1), pp.82-89Rakesh Mididoddi, A. Raja SekharMECHInt. Journal of Engineering Research and ApplicationISSN : 2248-9622,
26Optimization of Process Parameters in Abrasive Jet Drilling Of Hastelloy Using Taguchi Method? Volume 6 Issue 11 PP. 50-55Prerna Ramagiri, Rajasekhar Adula , D.V.SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Engineering Science InventionISSN (Online): 2319 ? 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 ? 6726
27Multifunctional Shunt Hybrid Power Filter and Thyristor Controlled Reactor for Distributed Generation Integration and Power Quality ImprovementSandeepthi Nandhyala, Rajagopal A.N.V.J., Raghu Chandra GarimellaEEEInternational Journals of Power Electronics Controllers and ConverterseISSN: 2456-1614
28Application of High Speed Videography and Digital Image Processing Software to Assess Performance of Blasts In Opencast Mines: A Case StudyT. Murali Naik, V.R. Sastry, G. Raghu Chandra, S. KuiliEEEInternational Journal of Geological and Geotechnical EngineeringeISSN: 2581-5598
29Investigations on performance of diesel engine by varying injection timings with design modification on piston crownVijaya K., Shailesh Palaparty, Raghavan Srinivasa, Ravi Kumar Puli,MECHEmerald Inside World Journal of Engineering[ISSN 1708-5284]
30Generation of electrical energy from blast induced vibrationsG. Raghu Chandra and V.R. SastryEEEInternational Journal of Analysis of Electrical Machines2289-3596
31A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the cooperative maximum covering location problemB. Jayalakshmi and A. SinghCSEInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics1868-808X
32Implementation of Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM with Energy StorageRamesh JatothEEEImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)ISSN: 2454-1362
33A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the p-median problem with positive/negative weightsB. Jayalakshmi and A. SinghCSEOPSEARCH0975-0320
34Control and Design of a Single-Phase Active Device for Power Quality Improvement of Electrified TransportationRamesh JatothEEEImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)ISSN: 2454-1362
35Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm based approaches for two ring loading problemsA. Singh and B. JayalakshmiCSEApplied Intelligence1573-7497
36STATCOM using A Control Scheme for Power Quality ImprovementJarapala Ramesh Babu & Jatoth RameshEEEImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)ISSN: 2454-1362
37Dr-Qpo: Discrete Rank Based Query Pattern Optimization Towards Parallel Query Planning And Execution For Distribute Triple StoresK.Shailaja, Dr P.V.Kumar, Dr S.Durga BhavaniCSEJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyISSN: 1992-8645
38Micro Genetic Algorithm based Overload minimization approach for Transmission Expansion PlanningJarapala Ramesh BabuEEEImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)ISSN: 2454-1362
39Social media: To deal crisis circumstancesSandeep Ravikanti L Thirupati reddyCSEIJIACSISSN 2347 ? 8616
40Control of a Bidirectional Converter to Interface Electrochemical double layer capacitors with Renewable Energy SourcesNamburi NireekshanaEEEImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)ISSN: 2454-1362
41Reactive Power Compensation in High Power Applications by Bidirectionalcasceded H-Bridge Based StatcomNamburi NireekshanaEEEImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)ISSN: 2454-1362
42Electric Vehicle Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Using MATLAB-SimulinkY. Mastanamma, Dr. M. Aruna BharathiEEEIOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE)e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331
43LSBSM: A Novel Method for Identification of Near Duplicates in Web Documents 1. Lavanya Pamulaparty 2 Dr. C. V. Guru Rao 3. Dr. M. Sreenivasa Rao CSEJournal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS)ISSN 1947 5500
44Critical Review of Various Near-Duplicate Detection Methods in Web Crawl and their Prospective Application in Drug Discovery1. Lavanya Pamulaparty 2 Dr. C. V. Guru Rao 3. Dr. M. Sreenivasa Rao CSEInternational Journal of Biomedical Engineering and TechnologyPRINT-ISSN- 17526418, e-ISSN- 17526426, DOI: 10.1504/ IJBET.2017-18.087723
45Experimental Investigation on CI Engine for Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Dual Biodiesel Blended in DieselMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr. M.Yousuf Ali & Dr. M.Manzoor HussainMECHInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)ISSN: 2321-9653
46Hydrogen Enrich Treble Biofuel Blended With Diesel for Performance and Emissions Characteristics on CI EngineMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr. M.Yousuf Ali & Dr. M. Manzoor HussainMECHInternational Journal of Automotive & Mech. Engineering (IJAME)ISSN: 2229-8649(print); 2180-1606(online)
47Evaluation of Strain and Strain rates at different stages of Super plastic Cone Forming?, at 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization Page No: 835-841 Volume 4 Issue 2 Part AP Shailesh , J .babu, K. Vijay Kumar , k.SrinivasaRaghavan,MECH(ICMPC ) (Scopus index journals).2214-7853 (2017-18) 835?841
48Design and analysis of gas turbine bladePrasad. Matam,K.SrinivasMECHInternational journal of research in advanced engineering technologies.Volume 6 Issue 2-4,Page no 16-252455-0876
49Flow analysis of positive displacement pump lobe rotor using ansys workbenchPrasad. Matam,Md.Salman ahmed siddiquiMECHInternational journal of professional engineering studies ,Volume 8 Issue 5-45,Page no 301-311
50Two phase flow simulation in ?Y? joint duct used in pipeline applicationsPrasad. Matam,Jala HarikaMECHInternational journal of professional engineering studies ,Volume 8 Issue 5-45,Page no 301-311
51Predominance of blowfish over triple data encryption standard symmetric key algorithm for secure integrated circuits using Verilog HDLKumara Swamy Varkuti, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC),AIRCC PUBLISHING CORPORATIONISSN????:?0975 ? 2293 e-ISSN :?0974 ? 9322 doi???????:?10.5121/ijcnc
52An evolutionary programming approach for securing medical images using watermarking scheme in invariant discrete wavelet transformationY. Gangadhar a,?, V.S. Giridhar Akula b, P. Chenna ReddycCSEBiomedical Signal Processing and Control1746-8094
53Understanding the Influence of Ransomware: An Investigation on its Development, Mitigation and Avoidance TechniquesMr. L. ThirupathiCSEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
54Practical Authentication Mechanism using PassText and OTPMr. L. ThirupathiCSEGrenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology2395-5295
55Active Directory and Related Aspects of SecurityMr. L. ThirupathiCSEInternational Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJIACSISSN 2347 ? 8616
56Social Media: To Deal Crisis CircumstancesMr. L. ThirupathiCSEInternational Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, IJIACSISSN 2347 ? 8616
57A Comparison of Scheduling Algorithm for Best Utilization of MemoryDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEJournal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT) (Scopus Indexed JournalISSN 1675-414X
58Illumination Invariant Face recognition by using Discrete Cosine TransformDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEJournal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT) (Scopus Indexed JournalISSN 1675-414X
59Secure Storage of health report in cloud using Identity Based EncryptionDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEJournal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT) (Scopus Indexed)ISSN 1675-414X
60A Proficient File Level ABE Technique In Cloud ManagementDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
61Fake intimidationFindingusing Semantic-Implemented RelegatedDynamic EncoderDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
62Fake Rebounding Device for Offline Micro-RemittanceDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
63Inevitable features identification by studying partial Resemblance Matrices from Unstable Labeled ImagesDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
64Protected And Proficient Data Statement Protocol In WbansDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Research (IJR)ISSN 2348 ?6848
65A Mechanism For Data Extraction In Spiteful SituationsDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
66Accumulation of high descriptive data classification using feature selectionDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
67Discovery of Node Collide in Mobile WNS A Possible ApproachDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)e-ISSN 2348 ?4470, p-ISSN 2348-6406
68A Persistent Scheme for Mapping Route Querying On Shapeless Peer NetworksDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
69Email Chat Detection Using Semantic Implemented Relegated Auto ConverterDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
70Working with High Dimensional Data Arrangement Using Feature SelectionDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
71Protected Transfer Steering Using Explanation Pre-Division For Reserve Optimization EmergeDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
72Travel De Association Procedure For Contradict A Inclusive Eavesdropper In WSNSDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
73Distinctiveness-Based Key-Legitimate And Key Exchange ProtocolsDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEIJITRISSN 2320 ?5547
74Proficient License Less Entrance Organize For Wireless Body Area NetworksDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEIJITRISSN 2320 ?5547
75Encounter Of Classification Deception For Mobile AppsDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
76Determining Evolving Focuses In Social Torrents Via Link-Difference ExposureDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
77In vitro Evaluation of the Antagonistic Traits and Potential of Osmotolerant Rhizobacteria against Fungal Plant PathogensHema bindhu, Selvakumar, Sunil KumarHUMTrends in Biosciences 10 (22), 4414-4417, 2017,0974-8431
78Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Brand LoyalityMs. SumaiyaShoukathMBARole of Technology in Banking and Financial ServicesISBN 9789385640995
79Digitalization of Financial ServicesMrs. G.MadhaviMBARole of Technology in Banking and Financial ServicesISBN 9789385640995
80Implementation of the Contrast Enhancement and Weighted Guided Image Filtering Algorithm for Edge Preservation for Better PerceptionCH.SureshECEInternational Journal of Advance in Science and Engineering2319-8354
81?Study on the Impact of Light on Human Physiology and Electroencephalogram,? (Scopus Cited)John William Carey MECEJournal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 36-43, 2016-17.ISSN: 2296-9845
82Predominance Of Blowfish Over Triple Data Encryption Standard Symmetric Key Algorithm for Secure Integrated Circuits Using Verilog HDLV. Kumara Swamy, Dr PrabhuBenakopECEInternational Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.9, No.6, November 2017-18DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2017-18.9603, ISSN: 0975-8307
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Boundary shear stress distribution for a converging compound channelB. Naik, K.K.KhatuaCIVILISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis JournalsPrint ISSN: 0971-5010 Online ISSN: 2164-3040
2Adaptive Contrast Enhancement and White Balancing Integration For Image Enhancement Based on Non-Linear Generalized Equalization ModelCH.SURESHECEInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)2319-7064
3New VLSI Architecture for Exploiting Carry Save Arithmetic Using Verilog HDLCH.SURESHECEInternational Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies2455-0876
4Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Co doped nano crystalline Li ferrites by auto combustion method G. Aravind, M. Raghasudha, D. Ravinder, R. Vijaya KumarHUMJ of Mag and Mag Materials0304-8853
5Optimization Technique of Digital FIR Filter Coefficients using Genetic AlgorithmT. Sravan KumarECEInternational Conference on Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2016-17)International ISBN:978-93-5258-110-8
6Significance of Software Testing Methods - Case DrivenVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)2349-6495
7Empirical Analysis of Function Point Analysis - Research ViewVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS2321-8169
8Influence of velocity slip on the peristaltic pumping of a Jeffrey fluid in a non uniform annulusV.NaveenHUMInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering2347-6710
9Empirical Analysis of Software Projects - Research ViewVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineerin (IJIRCCE)2320-9801
10?Friction stir welding of stainless steels ? review?,. 4(9), 977-985A. RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Advance d ResearchISSN: 2320-5407
11A Web GIS Based Decision Support System for Agriculture CropMonitoring System-A Case Study from Part of Medak DistrictSantosh Kumar K and Suresh Babu DBHUMJournal of Remote Sensing & GIS2469-4134
12Mango juice clarification with polygalacturonase produced by Aspergillus awamori MTCC 9166-Optimization of conditionsK. Anuradha ? P. Naga Padma ? S. Venkateshwar ? Gopal ReddyHUMInternational Food Research Journal2231 7546
13?Evaluation of Strain and Strain rates at different stages of Super plastic Cone Forming?, at 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and CharacterizationP Shailesh , J .babu, K. Vijay Kumar , k.SrinivasaRaghavan,MECH(ICMPC ) (Scopus index journals).(2017-18) 835?841
14A swarm intelligence approach for the p-median problem.B. Jayalakshmi and A. SinghCSEInternational Journal of Metaheuristics1755-2184
15A Review on Current Trends in PM-ECM using Commercial Kerosene as Di- Electric FluidBSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoMECHInternational Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Vol 5, Issue 6,ISSN: 2278 - 7798
16?Performance and Emission Studies of a SI engine using Distilled Plastic Pyrolysis Oil-Petrol blends?, at 3rd International Conference on Mech., Electronics and Computer EngineeringKareddula Vijaya Kumar, Puli Ravi Kumar, A SwarnaKumari and P Shailesh,MECH(CMECE 2016-17) New York,(Scopus index journals).DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/ 2016-174503002
17Determination of Best Concentration of Powder to Be Mixed in Di- Electric Fluid of PMEDM (Volume-5, Issue-6)BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoMECHInternational Journal of Emerging Research in Management &TechnologyISSN: 2278-9359
18Obtaining the output parameters for different powder concentration in PMEDM?. Volume 3, Issue 6,BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoMECHInternational Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Developmente-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406
19Investigation Into The Effect Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (Egr) Adopting Different Air Filters On Performance And Emissions Of Di Diesel EngineP. Ravi chander , Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyMECHJournal of Mech. and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)ISSN(P):2320-334X
20Simulation Of Critical Crack Length Propagation Using Fracture MechanicsMr.DEGALA RAJENDRA , Mr. P RAVICHANDER ,Prof. R V PRASADMECHInternational Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER)ISSN(e): 2250-3005
21Performance Analysis of Grid Connected Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Using Various Renewable Energy SourcesBalaji Kodanda Ram and Raghu Chandra GarimellaEEEInternational Journal of Electrical Machines & Drives2381-4596
22Ground vibrations & Water Borne Shock Waves caused due to Underwater Blasting in Ports ? A Case StudyV. Rama Sastry, G. Raghu Chandra, and C. KarthikEEEInternational Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS)ISSN 2320-4079 (Printed Version) ISSN 2320-4087 (Online Version)
23Under Water Blasting for Rock Dredging and Protection of Structures: A Case StudyV. Rama Sastry, G. Raghu Chandra, and C. KarthikEEEInternational Journal of Geological and Geotechnical EngineeringISSN 1878-5220
24Genetic Algorithm Approach for the Position Control of Permanent Magnetic Synchronous MachineGarimella Raghu Chandra and Garimella AtchyutEEEInternational Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converterse-ISSN: 2456-1614
25Generation and Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Model Using Digital Photogrammetry and Differential Global Positioning System TechniquesV.R. Sastry, D.V. Reddy, and G. Raghu Chandra, N. Adithya, and S.A. SaiprasadEEEInternational Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (IJEE)ISSN 0974-5904
26Comprehensive study of design and flexible control of a DSTATCOM operating in voltage control modeChandra Rakhee B. and Pulla Reddy K.EEEAnveshana's International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied SciencesISSN:2455-6602
27High Gain Zero Voltage Switching Bidirectional Converter with Reduced Number of SwitchesK. Krishnaiah, Nireekshan, S. RajeshEEEInternational Jounal of INNOVATIVE TechnologyISSN 2321-8665
28A Higher Voltage Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switches for Industrial DriveC.S. Pavan Prasad, N.NireekshanEEEInternational Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)ISSN: 2278?7798
29Cluster Analysis of Medical Research Data Using R1. Lavanya Pamulaparty 2 Dr. C. V. Guru Rao 3. Dr. M. Sreenivasa Rao CSEGlobal Journal of Science and Technology(GJCST). Online ISSN : 0975-4172 Print ISSN : 0975-4350
30Investigation of UPQC for power quality distortions in DFIG based wind farms? in The Journal of CPRIY. MastanammaEEEPower Research, A Journal of CPRIPrint ISSN : 0973-0338
31Exhaust Gas Emission Analysis for Variable Injection Pressure 1-Cylender Engine for 2 Different Feedstock Biodiesel Blended in DieselMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Manzoor Hussain, Mohammed Adnan AhmedMECHInternational Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET)e-ISSN: 2278-621X p-ISSN: 2319-3778
32Experimental Investigations on Single Cylinder CI Engine for Variable Compression Ratio & Variable Injection Pressure Using Treble FuelMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Dr Manzoor Hussain and Md. Samiuddin SiddiquiMECHInternational Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET)ISSN: 2319 ? 1058
33TEXT STEGANOGRAPHY: REVIEW1. Nitesh Rao 2. Lavanya Pamulaparty CSEIRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS),ISSN: 2249-9555
34Simulation of critical crack length propegation using Fracture MechanicsRv Prasad & P RavichanderMECHInternational Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER)ISSN2250-3005
35Economical and technical way of ladle preheating by the use of flameless oxyfuel gas in steel industry.Dr. Mohammad S. Alsoufi1, Dr. Mohammed Yunus1 and Mr. Mohammed AsadullahMECHelixirISSN-229-712X
36Natural Convective Heat Transfer for Inclined Narrow Plate , Pages:3005-3011V. DURGESH,C SUDHAKARMECHInternational Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research (IJATIR)ISSN 2348?2370
37Analysis of Thermal Effects on Valve by Conventional and Blended Fuels, Volume 03 Issue 11Bollapally Suman Goud, Rangdal SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
38Design and Analysis of Different Material to Increase the Performance of Ac CondenserDachepally Raghu Babu, Rangdal SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
39Design and Thermal Analysis by Finite Element Methods of Cylinder Head of SI EngineAerukonda sandeep kumar, Rangdal SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
40Design and Thermal Analysis of Combustion Outer Case for Turbo EngineDhondi Sindhuja, Rangdal SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
41Design and Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Head in Diesel EngineMd Shabuddin, Rangdal SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
42Investigation of Thermal Field in Friction Surfacing Different Tool Pin Profiles Square and CircularSyed Basith Ahmed, Rangdal SrikanthMECHInternational Journal of Researchp-I SSN: 2348-6848 e-I SSN: 2348-795X
43Tensile strength of galvanized iron glass fiber sandwich panel, PP 26-30, Volume 13, Issue 4 Ver. IGurustal Somnath Swamy, Srikanth Rangdal, Mohammed Ghufran Uddin, Mahantesh KatagiMECHIOSR Journal of Mech. and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X,
44Reduction in loss of data packets and performance comparison of improvised DSR protocolMVDS KrishnamurtyCSEIJSIET978-81904760-9-6
45Duplicate Detection of Record Linkage in Real-World DataT.Praveen KumarCSEIJSETRISSN 2310-8885
46Texture Segmentation by a New Variant of Local Binary PatternDr. M.JOSEPH PRAKASHCSEInternational Journal of Computer Vision, International Journal of Advanced Information Science & TechnologyISSN 2194-5357
47Physical-Stretch Recognition Of Circulation From Peep Torrent AnalysisDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Research (IJITR)ISSN 2320 ?5547
48Right Key Conversation Protocols For Similar Network Categorizer SystemsDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEIJITRISSN 2320 ?5547
49A Novel Approach to Identify the Facial parts using Local Binary Pattern and Combined LVQ ClassifiersDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEAdvances in Computational Sciences and TechnologyISSN 0973-6107
50A Distrition-Resistant Routing frame work for video traffic in wireless multihop networksDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEIJCST 0976-8491 (Online) | 2229-4333 (Print)
51A game-therotical method of the interactions among the nodes violating the timing channel to obtain relisence jamming attacksDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Computer Science & Technology (IJCST) 0976-8491 (Online) | 2229-4333 (Print)
52Differential expression of carotenoid biosynthetic pathway genes in two contrasting tomato genotypes for lycopene contentShilpa, Ravishankar, Shivakumar, Sadashiva, Kavitha, SunilkumarHUMJ Biosci. 41(2):257-64. (2016) JunISSN 0250-5991 (print) eISSN 0973-7138 (online)
53WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS USING RS AND GIS- A CASE STUDY FROM HYD1A.Nihaarika, 2Dr.K.Santosh Kumar, 3Dr.M.Anji Reddy,HUMInternational Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES)2455-2584
54Adaptive Contrast Enhancement and White Balancing Integration For Image Enhancement Based on Non-Linear Generalized Equalization ModelCH.SureshECEInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)2319-7064
55New VLSI Architecture for Exploiting Carry Save Arithmetic Using Verilog HDLCH.SureshECEInternational Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies2455-0876
56Optimization Technique of Digital FIR Filter Coefficients using Genetic AlgorithmT. Sravan KumarECEInternational Conference on Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2016-17)ISBN:978-93-5258-110-8
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Water Surface Profile Computation In Non-prismatic Compound Channels?B. Naik, K.K.KhatuaCIVILScience Direct (Elsevier) Aquatic ProcediaISSN: 2214-241x
2Effectiveness of Time-expansion of Consonants for the benefit of Hearing-impaired listenersN.H SHOBHAECEInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
3Enhancement of speech intelligibility in the context of Hearing-impairmentN.H SHOBHAECEInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
4Influence of Microstructure on Mech. Properties of Martensitic Stainless Steel Welds (Accepted for publication) pp. 05-10, vol 12, issue 2,A. RajasekharMECHInternational Organization of Scientific Research-Journal of Mech. and civil engineering (IOSR-JMCE)ISSN 2278-1684
5Error Detection and Correction Using STI in Cache MemoryCH.SURESHECEInternational Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication SystemsIJVDCSV03IS06P6079-2)
6?Corrosion Behavior of Martensitic Stainless Steels ? Role of Composition and Heat Treatment Procedures?, pp. 2795-2798, vol 04, issue 4,A. RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015-16, PP 2795-2798ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
7Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Modulation Scheme for 4G/5G Cellular NetworkSantosh M Nejakar, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEEuropean Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2015-16, 2(3): 46-50ISSN: 2394 - 658X,
8?Heat Treatment Methods Applied To AISI 431 Martensitic Stainless Steels?, pp. 547-553, Volume 6, Issue 4,A. RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, (IJSER)(ISSN 2229-5518).
9LPC models and different speech enhancement techniques-A ReviewArjun Ghule,Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational journal of innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, paper id-1440005885-July,2015-16,volume -2,issueISSN 2394-3696, INPACT FACTOR-2.776(2015-16-16)
10Effect of Welding Processes and Post Weld Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mech. Properties of AISI 431 Martensitic Stainless Steel e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 3, Issue 3, PP. 280-285A. RajasekharMECHInt.Journal of Technical Research and Applications (IJTRA) ?e-ISSN 2320 ? 8163 p-ISSN 2321 - 7332
11Electrical transport properties of nano crystalline Li-Ni ferritesG. Aravind , M.Raghasudha, D.Ravinder , HUMJ Materiomics2352-8478
12Synthesis, characterization and FC-ZFC magnetization studies of cobalt substituted lithium nano ferritesG.Aravind, M.Raghasudha, D.RavinderHUMJ of Mag and Mag Materials0304-8853
13Hadoop Architecture and its FunctionalityVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS)1947-5500
14Impact of transition metal ion doping on electrical properties of Lithium ferrite nano materials prepared by auto combustion methodG.Aravind, D.Ravinder,V.NathanialHUMAdvanced Material Letters-(VBRI Press)0976-3961
15Smart phone based authentication system using gesturesD Rajashekar & R sandeepCSEIJSRDISSN:23210613
16?Future?s Smart Objects in IOT, Based on Big-data and Cloud Computing TechnologiesSandeep Ravikanti, Gadasu PreetiCSEIJIRCCEISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
17An Incremental Framework for Internet of Things (Iot) and Big Data - A business Intelligence (BI) ProspectiveSandeep Ravikanti, Gadasu PreetiCSEIJARCMSISSN: 2321-7782 (Online)
18?Evaluating The Performance Of Reactive Unicast Routing Protocols With OPNET Simulator In MANETS Under VOIPSandeep Ravikanti, Gadasu PreetiCSEIJIRSETISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
19Various Research Trends of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)? ,BSV Ramarao, P. Shailesh and M. Sreenivasa raoMECHInternational Journal of Emerging Research in Mangement and Technology, (Vol 4, Issue 12).ISSN: 2278-9359
20Effect Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation On Combustion Characteristics And Emissions Of Di Diesel Engine Adopting Different Air FilterP. Ravi chander , Dr. B. Sudheer Prem Kumar , Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar ReddyMECHISST Journal of Mech. EngineeringISSN: 0976-7371
21Modified CI Engine Performance by Varying Injection TimingMd. Fakhruddin H.N., Srinivas Ragahavan, Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Ali and Dr.Manzoor HussainMECHInternational Journal for Trends in Engineering & Technology (IJTET)ISSN: 2349-9303
224 Stroke Engine with 2 Power StrokesMd. Fakhruddin H.N.,Mohammed Yousuf Ali and A.P.V. Prasad RaoMECHJournal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER)p-ISSN: 2350 ? 0077, e-ISSN: 2350 ? 0255
23Modelling and Control of Higher Rating DC Motor with GA Based Optimized PID ControllerGarimella Raghu Chandra and Garimella AtchyutEEEInternational Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated CircuitseISSN : 2456-3988
24Application of High-Speed Videography in Assessing the Performance of BlastsVedala Rama Sastry, G. Raghu Chandra, N. Adithya, and S.A. SaiprasadEEEInternational Journal of Geological and Geotechnical EngineeringeISSN: 2581-5598
25Piezo-Gen - An Approach to Generate Electricity from VibrationsRaghu Chandra Garimella, Dr. V.R. Sastry, and Mohammed Shoeb MohiuddinEEEInternational Journal Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, ElsevierISSN: 1878-5220
26Three Phase H6 Transformer less PVA Grid Connected InverterShashi Kumar K., S. Rajesh, N. NireekshanEEEInternational Jounal of INNOVATIVE TechnologyISSN 2321-8665
27A high step up resonant boost converter using ZCS with push-pull topologyMaheswar Reddy K., Suresh K.EEEInternational Journal of Engineering Research and General ScienceISSN 2091-2730
28Harmonic Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Energy Conversion System Using MATLAB/SimulinkY. Mastanamma, S. DeepthiEEEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation EngineeringISSN (Print) : 2320 ? 3765 ISSN (Online): 2278 ? 8875
29Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Modulation Scheme for 4G/5G Cellular NetworkSantosh M Nejakar, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEEuropean Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2015-16, 2(3): 46-50ISSN: 2394 - 658X,
30LPC models and different speech enhancement techniques-A ReviewArjun Ghule,Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational journal of innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, paper id-1440005885-July,2015-16,volume -2,issueISSN 2394-3696, INPACT FACTOR-2.776(2015-16-16)
31A review of LPC methods for enhancement of speech signalsArjun Ghule, Dr.Prabhu G BenakopEEEInternational Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, IJIERT,-July,2015,volume-2,issue-7,
32Gps and RFID based school children tracking SystemDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEIJARCETISSN: 2278 ? 1323
33Cloud based Video Streaming Techniques based on real world ExperimentsDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of innovative research in Computer and communication Engineering,ISSN (online) :2320-9801
34A Survey on Social Internet of Things (SIoT) Revolutionize in Business and MultimediaDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of innovative research in Computer and communication EngineeringISSN (online) :2320-9801
35Reserving Space for Embedding Data in Encrypted ImagesDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of innovative research in Computer and communication EngineeringISSN (online) :2320-9801
36Combined Transfer Routing and Circulation of Protection Services in Elevated Rapidity NetworkDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering Technology, Management and ResearchISSN:2348-4845
37A Descriptive Study on Mobile Applications for user interactionDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & TechnologyISSN:2348-7968
38Decentralized Access Control with policy hiding to store data in cloudsDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of software and Hardware Research in EngineeringISSN:2347-4890
39a new Methodology to avoid dead lock with dining philosophers problem in Rust and Go System Programming LanguagesDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication EngineeringISSN (online) :2278-1021
40New Approach of Scheduling Algorithms in Linux operating system with goodness functionDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information TechnologiesISSN:0975-9646
41A Novel Methodology to identify the intruders and Attackers in the Network with snortDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of innovative research in Computer and communication EngineeringISSN (online) :2278-1021
42Securing Sensitive Data in Distributed Cloud Storage Using Identity Based EncryptionDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Innovative TechnologiesISSN: 2321-8665
43Secure Location-Based Routing Based on Homomorphic Encryption SchemeDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal For Technological Research In EngineeringISSN: 2347-4718
44Monitoring and Centering a Remote Discrete Using Rfid Through Sim ModuleDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Engineering Science InventionISSN(online); 2319-6734, ISSN(Print): 2319-6726
45Authorize Trustworthy Service Estimation Service and Security in Mobile Social NetworksDr R.Ch.A.NaiduCSEInternational Journal of Engineering & Science ResearchISSN: 2277-2685
46Polyhydroxyalkanoate Producing Novel Bacillus sp., SKM11 isolated from Polluted Pond WaterChaitanya Mahmood, nagamani, Sunil KumarHUMInternational Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, (2015), Volume 4 (6) pp.1159-1165,2319-7706
47Effectiveness of Time-expansion of Consonants for the benefit of Hearing-impaired listenersN.H ShobhaECEInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
48Enhancement of speech intelligibility in the context of Hearing-impairmentN.H ShobhaECEInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM)2319-4847
49Error Detection and Correction Using STI in Cache MemoryCH.SureshECEInternational Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication SystemsIJVDCSV03IS06P6079-2)
Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISBN/ISSN number
1Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow in Prismatic and Non-prismatic Section of a Converging Compound ChannelAbinash Mohanta, Bandita Naik, K.C. Patra and K.K. KhatuaCIVILInternational Journal of Civil Engineering ResearchISSN 2278-3652
2Empirical Analysis for web based projects - Software Components Reuse Techniques Vol. 5 (3) , 2014-15, P.No.4398-4404Vuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies? (IJCSIT?)0975-9646
3Performance of Cryptographic Instructions in RISC Based ArchitectureD.VARA PRASADA RAOECEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and ResearchVolume No.2, Issue No. 2, February ? March 2014-15, 868 - 871
4Effect of physical factors on pellet morphology of Aspergillus awamori MTCC 9166 and polygalacturonase productionK. Anuradha ? P. Naga Padma ? S. Venkateshwar ? Gopal ReddyHUMBiocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology1878-8181
5Flow analysis for a converging compound channelB. Naik, K.K.Khatua, Rahul Sahoo and Shiba Shankar SatapathyCIVILInternational Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchISSN 0973-4562
6An Approach to Automatic Generation of Test Cases from Use-CasesVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST)2347-8446
7Selection of nutrients for polygalacturonase production byAspergillus awamori MTCC 9166 using Plackett-Burman designK. Anuradha ? P. Naga Padma ? S. Venkateshwar ? Gopal ReddyHUMIndian Journal of Biotechnology0975-0967 (Online)
8Software Reuse - Changes in Process and OrganizationsVuppu PadmakarCSEINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE & Technology (IJARCST)0976-5697
9Energy reduction under different cache configurations by using Way Tag ArchitectureD.VARA PRASADA RAOECEInternational Journal of Engineering and Management Research ag ArchitectureVolume 4 Issue 6, December 2014-15, ISSN No: 2250-0758, Page Number: 151-157 e
10Significance of IPV6 in real time approachVuppu PadmakarCSEnternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)2278-1021
11.Combined logic 32-bit Carry Select Adder by using Dominos CMOS LogicD.VARA PRASADA RAOECEInternational Journal of Engineering and Management ResearchVolume 4 Issue 6, December 2014-15, ISSN No: 2250-0758, Page Number: 120-124
12Comparative Analysis of Software Development Process ModelsVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE)2277-128X
13Significances and issues of network securityVuppu PadmakarCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)2278-1021
14High Throughput and High Speed Blowfish Algorithm for Secure Integrated Circuits?Kumara Swamy Varkuti, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEAnnals. Computer Science Series Tome 11, Fasc. 2, "Tibiscus"University of Timi?oara, Rom?nia, Mirton PublishingHouse of Timi?oara, Rom?nia,ISSN: 1583-7165 (printed journal) ISSN: 2065-7471 (e-journal)
15?Determination of effect of die radius on deep drawing process using FEA technique? pp. 437-443, vol 03, issue 1,Vishal admane,Dr.A.Raja sekharMECHInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2370
16?Optimization of high speed turning parameters of super alloy inconel 718 material using taguchi technique? pp. 431-436, vol 03, issue 1,R. Sai syam, Dr. A. Raja sekharMECHInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2371
17?Comparative analysis of Mech. properties of jute fiber reinforced with e-glass using epoxy and semi-rigid epoxy material? pp. 427-430, vol 03, issue 1,L.RajaMohan; G.Jagan Naik, Dr.A.RajasekharMECHInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2372
18?Influence of cutting fluids on the carbide tool life in milling operation? pp. 423-426, vol 03, issue 1,V. Madhusudhan Reddy, K. M. Abraham, Dr. A. Raja sekharMECHInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering & Advanced Automotive Technology ResearchISSN 2348-2373
19Structural and Optical Studies of Pure and TICI doped Poly Polymer Electrolyte filmsC.Anuradha,G.Akumar, M.V.Ramanareddy, K.NarasimhareddyHUMInternational Journal of Engineering Research &technology (IJERT)2278-0181
20SSO- A New authentication mechanism for security Analysis for Distributed Computer NetworkUNNATI KHANAPURKARCSEInternational Journal of Technology and Engineering Science [IJTES] VOLUME-2ISSN 2320-8007
21Determination of the Solidification Time of Al-7%Si Alloy during Centrifugal CastingP.Shaliesh, B. Praveen Kumar, K Vijaya Kumarc and A Nagendra?MECHInternational Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Inpressco international press corporationP-ISSN 2347 - 5161
22A Near Duplicate Detection Algorithm to facilitate Document Clustering 1. Lavanya Pamulaparty 2 Dr. C. V. Guru Rao 3. Dr. M. Sreenivasa Rao CSEInternational Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Management Process ISSN:2230-9608[Online] ISSN: 2231-007X[Print]
23An Approach to Identify Dishonest nodes using MAC Protocol in Multihop Cellular NetworksMr. P.Vijaya Babu Varma || Mrs. Lavanya Pamulaparty || Mr. T. Praveen KumarCSEIOSR Computer Journal of Engineering2278-0661
24Modelling&Experimental Validation of Combustion Diesel Engine thru CFDRv Prasad & Dr SLV PrasadMECHIJTESISSN2320-8007
25Micro Genetic Algorithm Based on Pricing of Reactive Power Service in Deregulated Electricity MarketsRamesh Babu Jarapala, Bhumaiah Jula, Ramesh JatothEEEInternational Journal of Ethics in Engineering & Management EducationISSN: 2348-4748
26Lagrangianmodel for Simulating Turbulent Dispersion &Agglomeration of Droplets in a sprayRv Prasad & PrakashBabuMECHInternational Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and ScienceISSN2324-7550
27Heat Transfer Analysis Of Automotive Disc BrakesY Madhu Maheswara Reddy, Dr P Usha SriMECHInternational Journal of Advance Research In Science And Engineering, IJARSE, Vol. No.3, Issue NoISSN-2319-8354(E)
28Effect of Induced Turbulence in a C.I. Engine by varying compression ratio and injection timing on the performance of the engineK Srinivasa Raghavan, Dr. V. PandurangaduMECHInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181
29Energy Based Analysis of a Thermal Power Station for Energy Efficiency ImprovementDr. Mohammed Yunus1 , Mohammed Asadullah2 , Dr. Hamza A. Ghulman3 , Dr. J. Fazlur Rahman4 , Mohammed Irfan5MECHInternational journal of modern engineering research| ISSN: 2249?6645 | | Vol. 4 | Iss. 2
30Optimization and Analysis (Failure Mode Effect and Finite Element) of a Common DTH Dish Antenna Bracket AssemblyDr. Mohammed Yunus1, Dr. Hamza A.Ghulman2, Dr. Shadi M. Munshi3, Sufyan Azam4,Dr. J. Fazlur Rahman5, Mohammed Irfan6, Mohammed Asadulla7MECHInternational Journal of Mech. Engineering & Technology (IJMET)ISSN 0976 ? 6340 (Print)
31Integration of Web GIS and Remote Sensing for Trees management outside forestPUPPALA MANGALA TULASICSEInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3 , No.1, Pages : 210 ? 215 (2014-15)ISSN 2278-3091
32Using Checkpoint For Implementing FaultTolerant On Desktop GridsPUPPALA MANGALA TULASICSEInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3 , No.1, Pages : 235 ? 238 (2014-15)ISSN 2278-3091
33High Throughput and High Speed Blowfish Algorithm for Secure Integrated Circuits?Kumara Swamy Varkuti, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEAnnals. Computer Science Series Tome 11, Fasc. 2, "Tibiscus"University of Timi?oara, Rom?nia, Mirton PublishingHouse of Timi?oara, Rom?nia,ISSN: 1583-7165 (printed journal) ISSN: 2065-7471 (e-journal)
34Performance Analysis of Secure Integrated Circuits using Blowfish AlgorithmKumara Swamy Varkuti, Dr.Prabhu BenakopEEEGlobal Journal of Computer Science and Technology, network, web securityVolume XIII Issue XVII Version I1( D ) Year E 2013USA Incorporation No.: 0423089 | Online-ISSN:0975-4172 PRINT:0975-4350
35An Enhancement System for Efficient DrivingDr. M.JOSEPH PRAKASHCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative ResearchISSN 2348?2370
36Improving The Scalability And Efficiency Of K-Medoids By Map Reduce V.S. Giridhar AkulaCSEIJEASISSN: 2394-3661
37A Novel Approach to Encrypt and Decrypt Color ImagesV.S. Giridhar AkulaCSEAsian Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyISSN: 2055-530X
38Characterization of silicate solubilising bacteria isolated from different habitats for plant growth promoting activitiesC.Chandrakala,prasad babu, Aparna Kumari, Sunil Kumar, Voleti, LathaHUMJournal of Progressive Research, (2014) 9(2): 765-767ISSN2454- 1672
39Biotechnological Production of Polyhydroxyalkonates by Various Isolates: A Review, Chaitanya Mahmood, rana Kausar, Sunil KumarHUMInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014, PP.01-112319-6718
40Polymer producing bacteria showing siderophore with chrome azurol S (CAS) agar plate assay, Chaitanya Mahmood, rana Kausar, Sunil KumarHUMInternational Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 12, p 1-3, December 2014;2250-3153
41Extracellular Lignocellulolytic Enzymes by Phanerochaete chrysosporium (MTCC 787) Under Solid-State Fermentation of Agro WastesSai Prashanthi Govumoni1, Jahnavi Gentela1, Sravanthi Koti1, V. Haragopal3, S.Venkateshwar2 and L.Venkateswar Rao1HUMInt.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(10): 700-7102319-7706
42Performance of Cryptographic Instructions in RISC Based ArchitectureD.VARA PRASADA RAOECEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and ResearchVolume No.2, Issue No. 2, February ? March 2014-15, 868 - 871