Methodist College of Engineering and Technology made a MoU with Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) on 28th November 2024. The scope of this MoU is to develop Joint initiatives and perform outreach employement for students
\r\nMethodist college of Engineering and Technology made a MoU with Earthbox ventures pvt.Ltd, an authorised agent of ITC on 12th November 2024. This MoU is for a synergic alliance for the social cause of recycling dry waste and environmental protection through recycling.
\r\nDepartment of Civil Engineering made a MoU with S.R.Civil Academy on 14th November 2024. This MoU is valid for three years. The main Scope of this MoU is to benefit students with Job oriented training programs, Guest lectures, Certificate Courses, Internships on Structural design, modelling software and latest industrial trends
\r\nDepartment of Civil Engineering made an MoU with National Academy of Construction (NAC) in the month of March 2024. This MoU helps both faculty and students of the department for training programs on latets industrial activities, workshops, seminars, FDPs, internship opprtunities, academic & research collaborations.
\r\nThis MoU creates a non -binding framework for furthering discussions under which parties can
\r\nexplore the setting up of a joint Training, Research & Technology Development Centre herein
\r\ntermed as "CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE" to provide a platform for exploiting state of the art
\r\ntechnology, providing Technical Training, Development of Intellectual Property and providing
\r\nfacilities forthe developmentof products and solutions in specified domainsherein mentioned.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made between Methodist College of Engineering and Technology(A) located in Hyderabad, India and Broadrange AI, LLC an IT company in Northbrook, IL USA. Methodist College of Engineering and Technology(A) and Broadrange Al LLC are each a "Party" and together are referred to as the "Parties".
\r\n1. Create projects from customers, in-house R&D product engineering, training, project guidance, and product development to the MCET(A) students assigned by the MCET(A).
\r\n2. Ensure that all intellectual property (IP) generated is 100% owned by the Company.
\r\n3. Allocation of student headcount and provide infrastructure support, will be owned by Methodist College of Engineering and Technology(A). MCET(A) should Identify Single Point of
\r\nContact to work with Broadrange Al.
\r\n4. When required Broadrange Al will help MCET(A) to design curriculum for Generative Al and RPA as needed, with the cost being covered by Methodist College of Engineering and
\r\n5. Broadrange Al will Support Government funded projects on Generative Al and RPA with mutual agreement on funding between parties.
\r\nTypes of Cooperative Activities:
\r\nThe scope of partnership to be pursued includes but is not limited to the following:
\r\n1. Access to Broadrange Al: Generative Al Projects for MCET(A) students both for their Projects Internship opportunity (non-paid), those students assigned from MCET(A). Interns will be involved
\r\n(but not limited) in user behavior and Broadrange Al usage patterns analytics including research studies, product testing, etc.
\r\n2. MCE(A) to assign a responsible faculty member to coordinate the partnership at its end
\r\n3. Both parties can use the name of the other Party in any advertisement, press release, or publicity.
\r\n4. The internship program is to last 1-3 months with possible extension.
\r\n5. Broadrange Al Generative AI, RPA training and Projects free of charge for ALL MCET(A) students at least for the period of internship.
Workshops EDP's
\r\n\r\nReal time projects Industry visits
\r\n\r\nCore job-oriented training
\r\nThe budding graduates from the institutions could play a key role in technological upgradation. innovation and competitiveness of an industry. Both parties Mwe that close co-operation between the two would be of major benefit to the student commur enhance their skills and knowledge.
\r\nTo provide training to the students, staff and faculty of college
• To conduct paid and free workshops and seminars
\r\n\r\n• To provide internship oriented long term courses to students
\r\n\r\n• Guidance and assistance on mini and major project developments
\r\n\r\n• Training on Soft Skills and Personality Development
\r\n\r\n• Resume Building and Assistance on Placement
\r\nIndustiial Training & Visits: Industry and Institution interaction will provide an insight into the latest dcvelopments/requirements of the industries in the field of Electrical Industries, the First Party to permit the Faculty and Students of the Second Party to visit its group companies and also involve in Industrial Training Programs for the Second Party. This will provide confidence & a smooth transition for students’ work. Also, the Second party may register on the AICTE Internship Portal for the benefit of students.
Industiial Training & Visits: Industry and Institution interaction will provide an insight into the latest dcvelopments/requirements of the industries in the field of Electrical Industries, the First Party to permit the Faculty and Students of the Second Party to visit its group companies and also involve in Industrial Training Programs for the Second Party. This will provide confidence & a smooth transition for students’ work. Also, the Second party may register on the AICTE Internship Portal for the benefit of students.
MoU with Sri Venkateswara Industries on 11-06-2018 for a period of 5 Years
\r\nMoU with Arcotherm Pvt .Ltd on 28-08-2022 for a period of 5 years
\r\nMoU with Paramount Auto Bay Services on 04-01-2019 for a period of 5 years
\r\nan MoU with LeatPlate Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on 30 Aug 2022
\r\nMoU Signed with Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers, Noida on 20-09-2018
\r\nMemorandum of Understanding Between "PRAGYATMIKA, The Power of Intelligence" and Methodist College of Engineering and Technology on April 25th, 2023 (Tuesday)
\r\nMoU with HIEE Empowering Engineers on 29/Apr/2023 for Skill Development, Certified Courses, Outcome based Trainings and Placement Services
MoU with Virtual Design Engineering Institution on 19/Apr/2023 to offer Building Information Modelling Course for faculty and students
\r\nMoU with Reliable Engineering Services on 3/Nov/2022 for the purpose of conducting Educational Tours for Major & Minor Irrigation works and Workshops related to Water and Waste management