Home / Examinations / Exam Rules
The scheme of instruction and examination is followed as per the norms laid down by the affiliating Osmania University, which are released in the academic regulations. The following are as per the Academic Regulations for B.E. courses from A.Y.2018-19.
Course |
Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE) |
Semester End Examination (SEE) |
Each theory Course |
30* |
70+ |
Each practical or drawing Course |
25** |
50 |
Each practical or drawing course |
50** |
50 |
Project |
50# |
100## |
Note: Semester End Examination (SEE) means University Examination.
Based on combined marks (i.e. CIE + SEE) obtained by the candidate Letter Grades areawarded and the corresponding Grade Points are shown in the Tablebelow:
Academic Performance |
Letter Grade |
Grade Points |
90% and above |
S |
10 |
80% and above but less than 90% |
A |
09 |
70% and above but less than 80% |
B |
08 |
60 % and above but less than 70% |
C |
07 |
50 % and above but less than 60% |
D |
06 |
40 % and above but less than 50% |
E |
05 |
Below40% |
F |
0 |
* Out of 30 marks forContinuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) for Theory Course, 10 marks are allotted for Assignments /Quizzes etc. At least two Assignments and one Quiz are to be conducted.The rest of the 20 marks are allotted for internal test. Two Internal Tests will be conducted in each semester. Each test will carry 20 marks, out of which 6 marks are for Part-A consisting of objective and short answer questions and14marks are for Part-B consisting of subjective questions. Average of two tests plus marks obtained in assignments/quizzes etc., will constitute the marks obtained by individual candidate underCIE.
** Out of 25 or 50 CIE marks for Practical or Drawing course, respectively, 10 or 20 areallotted for viva-voce examination and 15 or 30 marks are awarded for class performance, record andobservations, respectively.
+ The question paper for SEE, which carries 70 marks, will be in two parts, viz., Part-A and Part-B. Part-A (20 marks) is compulsory and it consist of 8 to 10 questions (short answer) covering the entire syllabus. Part- B (50 marks) consist of five questions (long answer) covering all the units ofsyllabus.
#Out of 50 marks under CIE for project, 25 marks are awarded by the Guide/Supervisor and remaining 25 are awarded by the subject expert committee constituted by the concerned Head of the Department at the respectiveCollege.
##The evaluation of BE project for maximum of 100 marks will be done as per guidelines given below:
Note: A course which is evaluated based on CIE with no University Examination as per the scheme is treated as Pass when the candidate obtains 50% inCIE.
Important Note: The candidate has to appear at the Semester EndExamination (SEE) inallthePractical/Laboratory/Drawing Courses compulsorily irrespective of marks secured underCIE.
As per the Academic Regulations laid down by the affiliating Osmania University, the Rules of Promotion are as shown in the below table:
If the number of credits permitted as backlogs is not a whole number, the credits are rounded to next higher digit/whole number.
The following are adopted under the
(A) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Regulation - for the students admitted into the B.E. programs in the Academic Years 2016-17 and 2017-18, and
(B) AICTE Model Curriculum (AMC) Regulation – for the students admitted into the B.E. programs in the Academic Years 2018-19 and later.
ThedegreeofBachelorof Engineeringwillbeconferredoncandidatewhohaspursuedaregular program ofstudyoffouracademicyearsashereinafterprescribedintheSchemeofInstruction and has passed all the examinations as prescribed in theScheme of Examinations.
A student securing highestCGPAinsingleattemptiseligibleforaward ofGoldMedal.
1. Acandidatewhowishestoimprovehis/herOverallscoremaydosowithinoneacademicyear immediatelyafterhavingpassedalltheexaminationsoftheBE.degreeprogram,byreappearing atnot morethantwosemesters(allsubjectspertainingtothesemestertakentogether) examinations.Fortheawardof theOverallscore,he/shewillhavethebenefitof thehigherof the two aggregatesof marks / grades secured inthe correspondingsemester(s).
2. IncaseofcandidateswhohavesecuredCGPAlessthan5mayappearforimprovementin individualsubjectstobecomeeligiblefor the award of Degree withinone year from the date ofcompletion ofVIII-Semester.
1. Applicationforpermissionto appearateveryexaminationshallbemadeontheprescribed form,accompaniedbythreepassportsizefullfacephotographs(notprofile)whichalongwith the necessary certificates regarding attendance, practical work etc., and the prescribed fee, shouldbesenttotheControllerof Examination;(COE)O.UthroughthePrincipalof theCollege where candidate is enrolledas a regularstudent.
2. When a candidate's application isfoundin order and he/she is eligibletoappear at an Examination, theCOE, O.U.shallfurnishhim withaHallTicket,enablingthecandidatetoappear inthe Examination, andthisHall-Ticketshallhavetobeproducedby theCandidatebeforehe/sheis admitted tothe premiseswhere the Examination is conducted.
3. ACandidatewhodoesnotpresenthimself/herselffortheexaminationforanyreasonwhatsoever, exceptingshortageofattendance,shallnotbeentitledtoclaimrefundofthewholeorpartof the examination fee forsubsequentExamination(s).
4. A candidate afterhe/shehas been declaredsuccessful inthe whole examination, shallbe givena ProvisionalCertificateindicatingtheyearof examination,theprograminwhichhe/shewas examinedand,theoverallGrade(CGPA)secured.However,thecandidateshave toobtaindegree certificate from the University Examination branch asperthe notification issuedby it.
5. No candidate shall be allowedtoput inattendance formultiple programandappearat examinationsforthe samesimultaneously.
6. Studentswhohaveappearedonceatanyexaminationofthe programneednotputinfresh attendance,iftheywishtoreappearatthecorrespondingexamination,notwithstandingthefact thattheUniversitymayhaveintroducednewcourses.Theywill,however,have toappearatthe examinations according to the scheme ofexamination and syllabi inforce.
WheneveraCourseor Schemeof Instructionisrevised/modifiedinaparticularsemester/year, twomoreexaminationsimmediatelyfollowing thereaftershallbeconductedaccordingtotheold syllabus/regulations.Candidatesnotappearingattheexaminationsorfailinginthemshalltake the examinationsubsequently accordingto the revisedsyllabus andregulations.
A student should get160Credits to be eligible to get Under-graduate degree, Bachelor of Engineering.
Astudentwillbeeligible togetUnder-graduatedegreewithHonoursoradditionalMinor Engineering, ifhe/shecompletesanadditional20credits.Thesecouldbeacquiredthrough MOOCs.
[AMassiveOpenOnlineCourse(MOOC)is a free Web-baseddistance learning programthat is designed forthe participation of large numbers of geographically dispersedstudents. AMOOCmay be patternedon a college or university course or may be less structured].
Internal Examinations:If a student is not satisfied with marks awarded in the internal assessment, he/she may reach to the concerned faculty member to sort out discrepancies. If it does not get solved with the concerned faculty, the studentcan appeal to the concerned Head of the department (HOD) for remediation. The HOD shall discuss with the concerned faculty to evaluate the correctness of the matter, and if required can set-up a committee to evaluate the issue and give a solution.