Alumni - Methodist College of Engineering a& Technology | Top Engineering College in Hyderabad| Best Engineering College in Telangana


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Alumni Cell, the single point of contact between Alumni & Institute, offers our alumni a host of services that helps them keep in touch with their batch mates and also keep them updated on campus happenings.

Facilities provided by Alumni Coordination Cell

  1. Alumni Coordination Cell room with high speed internet connection.
  2. Conference hall for conducting alumni meets.
  3. Registered body for Alumni Association.
  4. Online registrations available for alumni to join the MCET Alumni network.
  5. Data Base of students having contact numbers and email addresses.

Functions of the alumni cell

FO1: Provide a platform for the alumni to connect with each other for the exchange of information, ideas, communicate their accomplishments, interests, and concerns, etc.

FO2: Foster alumni pride and enhance the reputation of the College.

FO3: Take opinions from the Alumni for the betterment of student’s career.

FO4: Enrich the emotional bondage amongst the Students, Alumni and Faculty.

FO5: Extend maximum help to the College in the placements and internships of students in reputed organizations.

FO6: Recognize Alumni for their significant contributions to education.

FO7: Propose and execute special projects: Infrastructure, technical projects, seminars, conferences, etc.

FO8: Institute awards for meritorious students.

FO9: Institute awards for the Alumni for their contribution to the College and the Society.

FO10: To strengthen ties between the Institute and alumni and encourage them to participate in the various cultural and social activities