Transition from Campus to Corporate: Insights from Sumaiya Ganesh, Tax Manager at Deloitte. Methodist College of Engineering a& Technology | Top Engineering College in Hyderabad| Best Engineering College in Telangana


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Transition from Campus to Corporate: Insights from Sumaiya Ganesh, Tax Manager at Deloitte. Gallery


The seminar titled "Transition from Campus to Corporate" was conducted on December 1, 2022, at our college. The event featured Sumaiya Ganesh, a tax manager at Deloitte with four years of industry experience. Ms. Ganesh shared valuable insights on various aspects of corporate life, including the importance of corporate ethics, professional conduct, setting goals, and interview tips. This report aims to summarize the key takeaways from the seminar and their relevance for MBA students entering the corporate world.

The seminar began with an introduction by Ms. Ganesh, highlighting her own journey from campus to corporate life. She emphasized the significance of a smooth transition and provided valuable guidance to the MBA students attending the seminar. The session primarily focused on the following topics.

Corporate Ethics

One of the crucial aspects of entering the corporate world is adhering to ethical standards. Ms. Ganesh emphasized the importance of professional conduct, highlighting practices such as addressing colleagues respectfully and avoiding the use of sir/madam titles. She encouraged students to embrace a collaborative and inclusive work culture and treat everyone as equals.

Ms. Ganesh stressed the significance of setting clear and achievable goals for personal and professional growth. She discussed the benefits of setting short-term and long-term goals, and how they help in focusing efforts, measuring progress, and staying motivated. She advised students to identify their strengths and align their goals accordingly

To succeed in the corporate world, Ms. Ganesh emphasized the need for effective organization skills. She shared practical strategies for managing time, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a balanced work-life schedule. Students were encouraged to develop habits like creating to-do lists, using calendars, and leveraging digital tools to enhance productivity

Ms. Ganesh provided valuable insights into the interview process, sharing tips on how to make a positive impression on potential employersshe discussed the significance of effective communication, body language, and confidence during interviews.


Sumaiya Ganesh's seminar on the transition from campus to corporate provided MBA students with valuable insights and guidance. The session covered various aspects including the significance of MNCs, corporate ethics, goal setting, organizational skills, and interview tips. By imparting practical knowledge and sharing her own experiences, Ms. Ganesh motivated students to approach their careers with confidence and a strong sense of professionalism. The seminar proved to be an enriching experience for the attendees and will undoubtedly aid them in their journey from campus to corporate life.

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